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Posts posted by ich777

  1. 1 hour ago, lionel.pereira85 said:

    Steam Manager Started.
    GameServer init success. Port: 27015
    Set a Logon
    Failed to connect to Steam

    I will take a look into that when i got home.

    But it should work fine if you forward all the ports from the container TCP/UDP in your router/firewall.

    Please note that this container is BETA since it's running WINE it's a little buggy but should work fine.

  2. @charlespick can you try to install the minecraft docker to your cache drive i think i've got a similar problem a few post bevore (i think it had something to do with the filesystem).

    Before that you can try to download this .jar *click* and place it in your main directory of the server.

    Have you tried to delete the docker and the folder of the docker on your server completely and install it again?

  3. 1 hour ago, BR0KK said:

    Hi there..... first post and bigtime linux noob.... 


    just installed the factorio docker and now if i try to connect to it, it wants a username and password. Tried every combination but i can't figure out what said username and password i am supposed to put in there .... 


    The docker install page doesn't mention this. I looked here but can't find it here ? 



    Is there an easy (windows) way to reset this password and username?

    He want's your factorio username and password. Please create one and you can connect. You also can configure the server that it is LAN only. Please see the 20th page of this thread.

  4. Dockers Available so far:


    • DirSyncPro: very strong synchronization tool that's highly customizable and schedulable (Docker comes with WebGUI, SMB, FTP & WebDAV support and with encryption by CryFS - backup your files securely to any SMB, FTP & WebDAV offsite server)
    • Rapid Photo Downloader: a tool to improve the workflow of your photo and video import. Customize the import by setting filters and rules to rename, sort, backup and more all within the Docker including a WebGUI.
    • DNS over HTTPS - DoH-Server: You easily can hide your DNS querys from your ISP on your mobile devices with this docker on Firefox or Chrome and even on Android with the Intra App (by default it is set to use the Cloudflare and Google DNS servers). As a special bonus you can hide all Ad's on your Android Device on the go without the need of a VPN (for Android Devices only the Intra app is needed https://getintra.org/)! Very usefull if you have kids and they should not visit certain sites or if you simply don't like Ad's on your Android Device.
      Also works for iOS (search for 'DNS Cloak' on the AppStore and create a custom server)!
    • DNS over HTTPS - DoH-Client: Easily hide your DNS querys from your ISP on your home network and in combination with PiHole you can block also Ad's and also protect your mobile devices and encrypt even your mobile devices DNS querys with the DoH-Server.
    • jDownloader2: A free and very powerful download manager with WebGUI.
    • Jenkins: A software tool that's used to automate the non-human part of the software development process.
    • Zabbix-Server: A enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution.
    • Zabbix-Webinterface: Zabbix web interface is a part of Zabbix software. It is used to manage resources under monitoring and view monitoring statistics.
    • Online Check Your Server: - A really simple ping container with Pushover notification if the pinged host is not reachable.
    • TeamSpeak3 Server: A free (for 32 slots) VoIP client with file transfare capabilitys.
    • STUN-TURN Server: A simple STUN and TURN Server mainly created for Nextcloud Talk.
    • Remmina: Remmina is a remote desktop client for POSIX-based computer operating systems. It supports the Remote Desktop Protocol, VNC, NX, XDMCP, SPICE and SSH protocols.
    • XLink-Kai-Evolution: lets you connect with other console users around the world, and play online games for free. XLink Kai: Evo VII tricks your console into thinking that the other users it is connecting to over the Internet, are actually part of a Local Area Network. This is the basis of system-link gaming, where friends would gather around in the same house and play over 2 or more consoles. With XLink Kai: Evo VII, you now have the option to test your skills out with anybody in the world. As for the technical aspects of tunnelling network packets, we won't bore you with that...
    • MagicMirror²: Make your own Smart Mirror - this container is the Server version of MagicMirror² and is also capable of installing most modules automatically.
    • MEGASync: MEGAsync is an intuitive application that enables you to effortlessly synchronize folders on several computers.
    • PhotoPrism: is a server-based application for browsing, organizing and sharing your personal photo collection.
    • InspIRCd: is a modular Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server.
    • TheLounge: is the self-hosted web IRC client.
    • Anope: is a set of IRC Services designed for flexibility and ease of use.
    • Electrum: A Bitcoin wallet focused on speed and simplicity, with low resource usage.
    • Enpass: is a cross-platform password management app to securely store passwords and other credentials in a virtual vault locked with a master password.
    • FlutterCoin-Wallet: FlutterCoin is a community driven triple hybrid coin and the very first to offer a highly secure network through: Proof of Work (Mining), Proof of Stake (Investing), and it's own highly innovative Proof of Transaction (Using).
    • Firefox: is a free web browser backed by Mozilla, a non-profit dedicated to internet health and privacy.
    • SABnzbd: is a program to download binary files from Usenet servers.
    • Radarr: Radarr A fork of Sonarr to work with movies à la Couchpotato.
    • Sonarr: Sonarr is a PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users.
    • Lidarr: Lidarr is a music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users.
    • luckyBackup: is a very user-friendly GUI backup program that uses rsync as a backend.
    • Thunderbird: is a free email application.
    • Chrome: is a web browser developed by Google.
    • NZBGet: is an Usenet-client written in C++ and designed with performance in mind to achieve maximum download speed by using very little system resources.
    • Ferdi-Client: is based on Franz - a software already used by thousands of people - with the difference that Ferdi gives you many additional features and doesn't restrict its usage!
    • NZBHydra2: is a meta search for newznab indexers and torznab trackers.
    • OpenVPN-Client: is a container that was designed to be started first to provide a VPN Tunnel connection to other containers.
    • Debian Bullseye: Fully working Debian Bullseye container with a noVNC WebGUI and all basic tools installed.
    • Krusader: is an advanced orthodox file manager for KDE and other desktops in the Unix world.
    • Restreamer: allows smart free video streaming in real time.
    • Owncast: is a self-hosted live video and web chat server for use with existing popular broadcasting software.
    • Checkmk-RAW: is the official container of checkmk. Checkmk is a leading tool for Infrastructure & Application Monitoring. Simple configuration, scalable, flexible. Open Source and Enterprise.
    • Checkmk-Agent: monitors local services and reports any issues to the Checkmk server.
    • Ungoogled-Chrome: is a lightweight approach to removing Google web service dependency from the Chromium project web browser.
    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  5. 13 hours ago, MrLinford said:

    Hello, I have setup the OpenTTD docker for myself and a group of friends.

    I can't find the OpenTTD.cfg to make server changer permanent. Where should I be creating it for the docker to read?

    Please put it in your serverfolder into /share/games/openttd.cfg (you must create it).

    (The full path inside the docker is /serverdata/serverfiles/share/games/openttd.cfg the full path in unraid is /mnt/user/appdata/openttd/share/games/openttd.cfg)

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Newtious said:

    any chance of an "unturned" docker? 

    Will look into that, but give me time, i don't got many spare time, i think in november or december i can make all the requested dockers


    2 hours ago, Newtious said:

    and could you possibly update your server list on the first place with the games that wont work well in a docker due to WINE ect? 

    What did you mean exactly, they are marked as beta in the Community Applications.

  7. 2 hours ago, nVitius said:

    Oh, you're right. I couldn't seem to connect to the serve, so I figured it just wasn't running.

    The connection doesn't seem to be working from either the local network or outside. I have port forwarding set up and I have tried with both Bridge and Host network modes on the container. Aside from trying that, I haven't changed anything in the Docker config. I can't connect to any of the ports with telnet.

    That sounds all in all like a port forwarding issue, did you changed any of the ports? Why would you connect with telnet and on wich port did you want to connect? There is no telnet port assigned in the default configuration. No need to give it a static ip or to put it in host mode.


    2 hours ago, nVitius said:

    EDIT - I also tried giving the container a static IP. Confirmed it is showing up as a client on my router with the correct status IP. Server seems to still not be listening on any of the ports.

    You will be only ablte to connect when the main server can reach your server so all ports must be properly forwarded and everything needs to be configured correctly otherwise it doesn't work.


    You can also try if you see it in the Steam Server Browser (in Steam click on 'View' - 'Server Browser' - 'Favourites' and then add server, enter the main ip of your server and the port eg: btw try all the ports i don't know exactly wich port will answer the browser).


    You can also join our Unraid Steam group and chat with the members about that problem.

  8. 3 hours ago, nVitius said:

    Has anyone had success running this for "The Forest"? I'm getting this error in the logs right now:

    Yes, tried it out and it runs, there is no error that prevents the server from running and it's running fine (except for the heavy cpu und ram usage wine just sucks for this kind of application).


    3 hours ago, nVitius said:

    Earlier in the logs, I am also seeing these errors:

    You got no display and audio output that's normal.


    3 hours ago, nVitius said:

    There's also a line near the top of the log that says: "it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it."

    Nope, it is installed in the docker itself, the gui is missing.

  9. 7 minutes ago, JDK said:


    Im certainly not an expert at the finer unraid/linux configurations, but storage-wise i think my setup is pretty typical. appdata lives on my cache drive which is a ssd. I dont have issues with any other docker images, but i also dont have anything else nearly that size.


    So now for the first time i thought to do a speedtest from the unraid terminal to see if that is fine...its not!

    Okay that's strange if the unraid terminal itself reported 2mbit/s and you reach your 800mbit/s within the vm's on unraid...


    11 minutes ago, JDK said:

    Ill spend some time to try and figure this out, and take it to another part of the forum if i need more help.

    Yes this would be the best solution and i think it is some kind of network problem.


    One more question, did you have more than one nic in your server and you are using one for the vm's and one for unraid?

    Try also to change the network cables, often there can be an issue with one cable (i've remember i got such kind of a problem with a unraid server with two nic's and a load balance setup in the past).

  10. 1 hour ago, JDK said:

    Is there some sort of setting i'm missing that would make these dockers download extremely slowly? Pulling down 5-6GB for a new docker (7daystodie in this case) takes several hours. I initially thought that it was in part to the game getting set up and generating the map/etc, but setting up a fresh instance now i was looking at the logs and after nearly 2hrs it is only around 50% complete.


    Im on a gigabit connection and pulling down any game from steam is typically very fast. Not sure why these downloads take so long.

    Nope, no setting or something, should pull with full speed.

    7DtD finishes on my 90Mbit connection in about 15mins or so.

    Is it possible that there is another limitation, diskspeed or steam itself (please keep in mind that steamcmd works over steampipe).

    Did you got any cachingservice for steam running on your network?

  11. 2 hours ago, Malus said:

    any chance of a natural selection 2 server?

    Totaly doable but you need a separate account for the serverfiles to download or you disable your steam guard if you enabled it (steam recommends to create a dedicated account for all your dedicated servers).

    14 hours ago, johnodon said:



    I'll PM you with what I have done so far.  The real trick (whihc I probably would have never figured out) is to use 'expect' and 'spawn' to run the shell script as it asks to accept the EULA for both BF2 and PunkBuster. 


    Both BF2 server source files and BF2HUB installer are direct links (2nd is not required unless you want to host a ranked or unranked server on BF2HUB).  BF2CC would be nice also (for admin) but requires mono and modmanger installed (both direct DLs also) and I just haven't messed with it yet.



    I will look into that also.

  12. 13 minutes ago, johnodon said:

    Is Battlefield 2 an option?  The source files for a dedicated linux server are readily availble (I am running a server in a Docker container right now) but I wasn't sure of the legality.  The place where I downloaded the source from has these disclaimers:




    If this all looks good, I can certainly help with getting this stood up but I wold love @ich777 to officially own it.  :)



    I can make such a docker if the download link is provided as plain text, if it needs a captcha or is redirected to another site where further steps are required it's not possible since this is not in my mind, i want to make dockers that are easy to use and not require any steps for the installation (except for the FiveM server, at the beginning it all works fine but then they changed their server download site so that you must solve a captcha and you must palce it manually in the docker directory).

  13. 5 hours ago, Tergo247 said:

    New question, I'm getting an unexpected character error with line 62, the one where admins are listed. I just put my steam username in the brackets, is that not the syntax?

    This is a game specific question and it should be asked on the factorio forums but i attched a screenshot of my config (i've configured mine only for lan play but it should be mostly the same.



  14. 8 hours ago, Tergo247 said:

    I'm trying to spin up a Factorio server docker. I can't wait to get this going, but I've hit a snag. I anticipate this being a noob move, but I was trying to modify the settings.conf file with Notepad++ in Windows and am completely unable to save it. Even being an admin on my box, I can't change the permissions of that file or anything in the Factorio folder to allow my edits. It's how I typically adjust anything from NGINX to subdomains, this is the first time I've had a problem. Any help is appreciated. 

    As @Squid said try the CA Config Editor Link to support thread (you find it in the CA Apps) or you can like @Masterism said SSH to Unraid and edit the file with nano.


    This is technicaly not my docker, i've only created the template for it to be available on Unraid (personally i run also a Factorio Docker and i edited the file with nano).

  15. On 9/7/2019 at 9:29 AM, slayerbrk said:

    Sadly I had it running in windows before I dragged it over, guess I have to go learn how spigot works.

    Please note that some libraries or even a runtime change can destray a already running FTB server (i don't know if there are different libraries for windows and linux eventually that's the main problem i think) one little misconfiguration and the server won't start...


    If you change to spigot it's way easier, no need to put the mods on the clients, they need only to run on the server.

  16. On 9/7/2019 at 3:18 AM, slayerbrk said:

    Has anyone gotten mods working on the Java minecraft docker, i have no issues getting the vanille server up but im at my wits end trying to get anything to happen with mods installed.


    ---Checking for 'runtime' folder---
    ---runtime folder found---
    ---Checking if Runtime is installed---
    ---Runtime found---
    ---Checking for Minecraft Server executable ---
    ---Minecraft Server executable found---
    ---Preparing Server---
    ---Checking for 'server.properties'---
    ---'server.properties' found...
    ---Checking for old logs---
    ---Starting Server---
    ---Waiting for logs, please stand by...---
    [16:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
    [16:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
    [16:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
    [16:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
    [16:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
    [16:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
    [16:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Deep Dark
    [16:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/ExtraUtils2_Quarry_Dim
    [16:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/simplevoidworld
    [16:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/MiningWorld


    I found something i was doing wrong with the instructions but now i just get a longer log file ending in the same thing.

    Also I want to note I'm trying to install FTB 

    This is mostly a problem with FTB, i've given up running this kind of servers because they can also stop working randomly...

    I run 2 Spigot servers and never got a problem.


    The best thing you can do is you set the whole server up on windows and see if everything is working like you want it and then copy everything over to the unraid server.

    Also a few post bevore in this thread is a post with a similar problem.

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