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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Rcon from another console than the ingame rcon console? Rcon works for me in the container, just as usual enter the rcon address then the password and you can manage your server (from within the CSGO console).
  2. Thank you very much, give me a few day's to change it and test it, and wow no mono needed that will reduce the size of the container drastically...
  3. Are you sure that you've installed every mod for Linux, i've remember a few pages bevor someone had a similar issue just installing the windows mods. Also the latest revision that i've found is 1.04 r473 Please look from the docker side of things at it the server filese are in /serverdata/serverfiles and then whatever it should be the path /mnt/user/appdata/dods is just the same as inside the docker /serverdata/serverfiles or am i getting something wrong? The link is broken.
  4. Don't enter a server ip in server.properties and it will work. Just leave it blank after the =
  5. Can you please post your server.properties and the allocated ports from your dockers within unraid? Also please post your configuration for this docker from unraid.
  6. Sorry that it take ages to look at my thread and the your questions, but in the summer time i've got really not much spare time for almost everything... Also i'm sorry that this is a longer answer but i've tried to anser every question that you've all asked... Please feel free to wite me a PM but the answer could also take some time since i'm really out of time atm. This isn't really an error, just as it say's it's a WARNING, i didn't set up the locales since it saves space in the docker and keep it small. Everything should just work fine with this warning. Yes, something with the port's inside the docker is misconfigured, check your server.properties against your already allocated ports. Have you a second Minecraft server on your Unraid server? This is an issue with minecraft itself i can not really explane it but it in my case with two Minecraft server running it goes away after a day and everything works as expected. Yes i will look into it and report back. Where did you get that? How did you install it? In the normal Unraid log or in the log from the Docker? I think that there is a general problem with the Dockers on your server. Have you other Containers running? Did you change something from the CSGO template? The first line say's that the game couldn't find a running instance of Steam but that's only a warning. The second line means that the game is running and waiting for connectins. Please search the topic for 'ARK' you will find that you MUST open the ports on your router so that the ARK main server can communicate with your server that you can see the server. This means that you server has to be right configured to show up in the online list! What do i have to do or what is the exact error? They have changed the executable? I will look into this as i said one answer above... Yes, my dockers are 'safe' (nothing is safe these days but as this runs in a container not as root everything should be alright) and you can configure your router/firewall that it point's to the internal port of your server and ip, you don't have to reverse proxy anything since there is running only that 'service' inside the container. Yes, i will also look into that. Download the Terraria-TShock version. Oh, doesn't it load the last savegame? Maybe @mikeydk can help? Is your problem now solved? Yes, will look into that. You don't have to buy that, it's just the app id for the dedicated server. Have you entered a steamusername or password? You don't have to... In my case the download works just fine. I have similar hardware Dual Xeons 2670 64GB RAM... and have the exact same 'problems' #1 This should dissapear after a certain amount of time (in my case it is); #2 I think that's a Minecraft problem (also did you use the vanilla minecraft jar or bukkit?); #3 Have you installed the AutoBackup plugin from the community apps? Can it be that this stops the docker and this is the error? You can also try to install a new java version to the docker eventually it wil solve the issues. I've run minecraft servers for a long time on this hardware (not only on unraid) and the errors are everytime the same, look at the logs is it possible that you get the 'Can't keep up is the server...' error?
  7. If you don't pin cores to the docker it should use all available cores. At least in my case it uses all of my 32 cores at startup.
  8. That's not the problem, the problem is that they added a Captcha bevor you download the server tar.xz file and that's why the docker wouldn't start, bevor the added the Captcha everything works just fine. So i need to host it on my own or another way would be that you download the docker once on your unraid server place the manually downloaded server tar.xz in your serverfolder, restart the unraid docker and let it's magic (but that's only a possible solution since now it's configured to download the server from the provided URL without Captcha). Also this is not the same release as you download from their server. Edit: Wrote a mail to the dev's hope the answer soon.
  9. Sorry for the late answer but in the summer time months i have really little spare time for the dockers. Eventually @TeeNoodle can help? I will look into this as soon as possible please give me a few days. No, i've never made a DayZ docker. I will also look into this, as said above give me a few days. This was also posted a week bevore, this is because they put a Captcha on the site and the docker can't solve it, i will make something different. Can you please tell me where to contact the devs? I would like to host a version on my github.
  10. Since this is not my docker (i only made the template for unraid) i can't really answer that question but you can open a github issue... *click* (There is also a discription how to use the config files) Btw the server configuration should work because i got also a server running and there is no problem with the admins... Edit: sorry i've overlooked that you want the ingame console... Look at the control settings (key bindings or mapping) inside the game in the options menu.
  11. Eventually i've misconfigured something, i will look into it, can you tell me where the config is stored on a normal linux dedicated server?
  12. Click on the Minecraft Docker icon and then on Console. I think you clicked on the main unraid console.
  13. 1. Delete the docker. 2. Go to your appdata folder and delete the corresponding 'minecraft' folder.
  14. No problem here, Screenshot of first start: Screenshot after accepting EULA: Screenshot from Docker page: Please post a screenshot, this error means that the server can't find the java executable. Change you something else? Without more info troubleshooting is really difficult. Did you use a Mac and copied something to the server directory from a zip file or somithing like that?
  15. This would be possible but i don't add it for security reasons. If you run anything inside the docker as root you can get easily acces to the host files and and more. This is because root inside the docker runs as the same UID as the host machine.
  16. This is a fully windows written game without linux in mind, i did already a test on linux with wine but there is too much overhead and the gameplay is sub acceptable. Please give me a little bit more info? I think the docker couldn't download the runtime or can't find it... What did you change? Did you try and restart the container allready?
  17. There is already such a variable it's named 'Extra Game Parameters'.
  18. Go into the template and enable the 'Advanced View' and delete '--restart unless-stopped' at the 'Extra Parameters' at the top so the docjer will not longer restart if there is an error or it is stopped externally. You can also change it to '--restart on-failure' but i'm not sure if it does restart if there is a failure and if it stops if you stop it through RCON but it's worth a try...
  19. No problem here: Wich filesystem do you use for the cache and the array drives?
  20. Thank you for the info, i will look into this after the weekend and contact the dev's if i can host a copy of the latest version on my github. Or can you do me a favour if you've got discord (please contact me per PM)? Will look into that after the weekend (but this should not have happened since the map is locatedin the rust folder). I need a little bit more information to test it on my server, wich version are you using (latest, stabel,...) have you installed a cache drive in your unraid server, where is you factorio folder located on the array or the cache?
  21. Can you provide a little bit more information, eventually a screenshot of the docker configuration page? Have you changed anything (port number,...)
  22. ColonySurvival Docker is now done, should be available in a few hours.
  23. Nice, good to know that it now works. Thank you. Please try also to download the modpack feom your provided link and unzip it to the serverdirectory from a windows machine.
  24. This was ment to be done later but that's no problem, can you even try to extract the files with something other than the standard zip app in osx or maybe osx i don't know since i only hava a pc? Eventually something messes something up... I also uploaded my latest log: latest.log Also i've uploaded my whole RAD folder try to delete everything inside your gamefolder (stop the docker first) and extract my archive (it's a rar archive) *Click*.
  25. Yep... Colony Survival should be no problem (i will contact you if i finished the server, i need someone to test if everything is working) Empyrion was discused earlier in this thread. I've tried it but you must run it with WINE and there is much overhead, the dev's postet on the forum that a nativ linux server is planned but will come not out until 2020.
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