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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please upgrade to 6.12.8 and then post new Diagnostics, before upgrading make sure to go to the Plugins in Unraid, look if you have a Plugins Error tab, if yes delete the plugin and upgrade (please also check your notifications if you got a message before rebooting to upgrade to the new version that the new version is downloaded. After the upgrade see if the Nvidia driver got installed, if not Reinstall it from the CA App. Please don't do anything manual, this will make troubleshooting much more complicated. Do the steps from above and see if it installs correctly after the upgrade.
  2. Sorry but then something is most likely wrong on your network, the server should show up in the in game server browser in your LAN if you've left the ports at default. I can connect fine from over here to your server as shown in the screenshot above...
  3. May I point you in that direction:
  4. No issue over here: Are you able to connect through the LAN tab to your server to work around that you can't join. I think your issue is NAT reflection. If you are on pfSense or OPNsense you have to configure it that it works properly.
  5. Not much documentation on that error code that is visible in your log. Seems that this is some kind of network issue. Maybe it tried to update the container and failed like it is now the case and that's why you see the segmentation fault.
  6. I will try to connect when I got home from work (in about 5 to 6 hours).
  7. Do you have the source somewhere? Since this is a xml you have to escape special characters. I would also recommend to not embed the rc file in the plg file since this can and will complicate things. BTW, you don't have to reboot to install a plugin, simply put the plg file somewhere on your server and then install it through the build int plugin installer: With that you will see what is happening, or in this case not. I suspect a formatting error or something similar. May I ask what plugin you are trying to create? You can use events for that, look for example here for the LXC plugin, these events will trigger when they are placed in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/<PLUGINNAME>/events/<EVENT> (so to speak disks_mounted is when the Array starts and umounting_disks is when the Array stops).
  8. Why not create an issue in his GitHub over here and request that he bundles the files with the container? There is even an issue open which requests that from what I can tell. @realies & @Fraddles TBH I haven't looked into self hosted AI stuff much (since this can get expensive quick over here in Europe) but I assume that since AI is currently hyped as hell that some Docker images might miss some dependencies to fully support all hardware configurations <- but I could be wrong about that. EDIT: It seems like CUDA isn't fully supported by the image you are using click.
  9. There is not much info about that error (0x602) out there and I really don't know what causes this. Are you using a LANCache and maybe this is the cause of the issue? As far as I can tell this is some kind of network error.
  10. Is the server still open and available in the server list with the default password? I'm assuming that you are trying to connect from inside your network correct? If you want me to I can try to connect, maybe it's a Hairpin NAT (NAT reflection) issue.
  11. Did you change anything in terms of hardware in your server? On what Unraid version are you? On what hardware do you run the container?
  12. Sorry but cuDNN is not part of the default Nvidia driver and is basically not supported by the plugin since it only supports CUDA and cuDNN is, at least to my knowledge a Deep Neural Network library. However you could install it yourself if I'm not mistaken but I'm not sure if it doesn't need to be installed in the container itself since as @Fraddles pointed out he had to mount it into the container. I would rather recommend to download the libraries from here as a tarball and install it either on the host or directly in the Docker container (as far as I can tell you don't have to compile anything). Please be aware that this is a pretty big download (about 900MB). However I think that cuDNN should be part of the container and not be installed on the host but I could be wrong about that, have both of you checked if there is maybe a version from the container available with the cuDNN library? Please always include which containers are you using and if there is a support thread here on the forums for the container ask first there.
  13. I assume we are talking about Palworld? I don't think that you are experiencing the same error since I only see a segmentation fault and not the message from above. Did you change your hardware or something like that? On what hardware do you try to run the container? On what Unraid version are you? Did you probably skip a update from Palworld? AFAIK this can happen if you skip an update where the developers changed something in the savegame and the changes are not backwards compatible with old savegames. Have you yet tried to load the savegame on your local PC? As said in my previous post, no issues over here and my server is still online with the first savegame. Also keep in mind this is a Early Access game and such things can happen.
  14. Exactly, the container should work fine right OOB, ports 27015, 27016 and 33540 UDP are needed for the game to work properly. After the first full startup stop the container, then edit the file server_config,cfg and change the name to whatever you like, start the container again and wait about two minutes and refresh the in game server list and see if you can spot your server on the server list. In general it should work right OOB but since someone put a server out there with the default name and a different password it's a bit confusing...
  15. No, wait, this is the server that I created on my server for you to try (I've now stopped the container and you won't be able to see it anymore in the server list). The container can't know what your username is... This was just to show you that the container is indeed working.
  16. @KluthR is this a container from the CA App? This subforum is reserved only for support threads from containers that are on the CA App. Maybe move it over to the Docker Engine subforum.
  17. Did you yet try what I recommended earlier? Uninstall the plugin Reboot Install it again from the CA App Reboot again After that everything should work fine. Thank you for the config, I now maybe know what the cause of the issue is but it will take me a few days to fix that, however if you do what I recommended above it will work again.
  18. From the Terminal: cat /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/settings.cfg
  19. I just tried it myself... I'm assuming that's not your server since this server is there all the time and the owner just changed the password. You can try to connect with the password: Docker No issues with the server over here...
  20. The first thing that I noticed is that you forwarded both ports TCP and UDP… Why? Please only forward only the port with the protocol in the template. Did you change other things too andything special in the config or in the template? Please try to start over. Delete the container, delete the folder for wreckfest in your appdata directory, pull a fresh copy from the CA App and try to connect. Please not that it can take a few minutes before it appears in the in game server list.
  21. Sorry I don‘t see a Nvidia GPU in your system. Are you sure that the card is plugged all the way in and/or not defective? Did you change anything in terms of hardware?
  22. Did you forward the ports in your Firewall? It needs to be available to the internet, at least from my experience, so that you actually can connect.
  23. Sorry I‘ve missed that. Are you sure thatbthe paths in the template are apropriate for the config that you are using? If you are using /mnt/cache/appdata/… then you have to male sure that the data for that share stays on the cache and not moved to the array, otherwise you have to use /mnt/user/appdata/… Really strange since the container on my system is still working fine with all zhe buildings intact. Is the archive empty too? If that‘s the case pleaee check the paths in the templated as described above.
  24. Entpackt Safari nicht standardmäßig zip dateien? Du kannst das soweit ich weiß in den Einstellungen von Safari deaktivieren.
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