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Everything posted by ich777

  1. No, otherwise it would be not hidden away under Show more settings… and would be markt with a red asterisk.
  2. Please give me a bit more details on what hardware are you using, can you maybe upload your Diagnostics?
  3. It usually takes a few minutes so that the server is listed and then you have to go to the community servers in the game, then type in your server name, if nothing is found click again on community servers to update the list, wait a bit, search again for your server name, if still nothing pops up repeat the process a few times. But please keep in mind that after the server start you have to at least wait 1-3 minutes so that it registers in the server list.
  4. You can also stop the container, delete the file, start the container and it will pull the specific configuration file that I use by default for the container if it's not found. The quotation marks are definitely in there.
  5. This is a thing you have to manually configure, I always recommend using the real path and not the FUSE path (/mnt/user/...). Glad that everything is working.
  6. No you don't have the same issue: It says that it was load fine. Your server is up and running.
  7. About what container are we talking? If we are talking for Palworld then the answer is yes since it is by default also the case that all texts are wrapped in double quotation marks. You‘ll find a DefaultPalWorldConfig.ini in the main directory for the container. Please also keep in mind that you first have to stop the container, then edit the configuration file and then finally start the container again.
  8. @Stinkywar the issue that you are experincing is most likely caused because you didn‘t stop the container in the first place and edit the config. You have to first stop the container, then edit the config and finally start the container again.
  9. Can you please give me the full log output? Where did you check if it was empty? The container copies over the steamclient.so from the main server directorys linux64 folder on each server start. It is very strange that this is not working for you since it works for everyone else.
  10. No, thats caused because direct connections can‘t have a password and the password is still in place. Please read that post, last paragraph:
  11. Already answered that three times, this can be safely ignored. However in your case it seems there is something else wrong since it can't load the file from /serverdata/.steam/sdk64/steamclient.so and that's the path where it should belong. Are you running the container on Unraid or on a different system? If Unraid on what version are you?
  12. Your server is not reachable from outside, that's why it's restarting. Please double check that you forwarded all ports in your router so that it is reachable from outside.
  13. Sorry, this was a oversight from me in GitHub... For all users on Unraid it was working fine since it pointed to the correct image. Thanks for the PR already merged.
  14. This is a thing that you have to ask the developers, this could be maybe be possible with a startup parameter. Again a question for the developers. To restart, stop the container, delete the folder 0 from the path that you‘ve mentioned and finally start the container again.
  15. Also don‘t forget if you hve connected to a server once then you won‘t see it anymore in the Community Servers list you then have to go to the Recent Servers. …at least this was the case for me.
  16. You have to access the game console from within the game, the container is not designed to access the console.
  17. This is not true at all! Please ignore that l, that won‘t prevent the container from running properly (btw I‘ve answered this question already twice). Validation will not fix it, this is just a display thing that you don‘t see it, trust me it will appear again. 😂 Please unset validation again, this will only slow down the start from the dedicated server since it validates the files on every container restart.
  18. Please check your port forwarding )including the protocol) and everything else. The container is working for me and for others too. Nope, just a few minutes.
  19. The admin password is for the in game console so that youn issue admin commands. You have to use the password not the admin password to log in.
  20. You know that they announced that and that is even mentioned in their Steam Community hub.
  21. In the config (please read the description where to find it). What is broken? You have to wait until your server is listed in the server browser, currently you can‘t direct connect to a server that is password connected, but that should be fixed soon. You can also remove the password by leaving it empty, then it‘s possible to direct connect.
  22. Can you please tell me what issue? 🤣 The container is working fine in it‘s base configuration as long as you‘ve properly forwarded the port in your router and waited for the server to show up in the server list. As said above that can take a few minutes. The warning/errors that you see in the log are nothing to worry about and won‘t prevent the server from running properly.
  23. Nothing to worry about. Please also update you Unraid version. Seems like you are using an outdated version.
  24. Please keep in mind that currently you have to wait around 5 minutes so that you find the server in the server list... This is crazy what's going on there, almost like it was back when Valheim was released... Also don't forget if you edit the config to first stop the container, otherwise the dedicated server will overwrite your settings with the old ones if you simply restart the container.
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