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Everything posted by severanced

  1. I've been having issues with my Unraid server for a while now. Every couple of weeks or so it'll suddenly become unresponsive and I'll have to do a hard shutdown. I tried doing some syslog checking and created another issue for that here: Unfortunately it looks like the syslogs didn't have anything useful. I randomly checked the monitor on my server and while my server is still responsive I noticed a "metadata corruption" error on the screen. I've included it in the attachments. Any idea what this might be about, if it might be causing the hard stops and how I might fix it?
  2. Thanks, I've been buying parts to build a new server, motherboard, memory Etc. My concern with these crashes was that I was going to be taking a piece of hardware that was causing the crash to the new server.
  3. Hi, My server had a hard crash again and I had to do a hard shutdown. I was able to pull some syslogs and some diagnostics, I hope these will point to something that might be causing the crash. syslog- crusherjoe-diagnostics-20231010-2357.zip
  4. Hi, I'm trying to diagnose a crash that seems to happen every 10-14 days on my server that just locks it up completely forcing me to do a hard reboot. I'm trying to set up a syslog on one of the shares on my server using these settings: However this seems to produce no files, is there something I'm doing wrong or something I need to set up differently?
  5. Looks like it started up again, is something up with some of JDownloader's licenses or certs?
  6. I just tried launching it again and an update went through from Jdownloader which appears to have fixed the issue.
  7. Is anyone seeing this when they start Jdownloader? I've been getting this and Jdownloader shut down right away. Here's the log output: text error warn system array login [xvnc ] VNCSConnST: Client pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian bgr888 [supervisor ] service 'app' exited (with status 0). [supervisor ] service 'app' exited, shutting down... [supervisor ] stopping service 'openbox'... [supervisor ] service 'openbox' exited (with status 0). [supervisor ] stopping service 'nginx'... [xvnc ] Wed Sep 20 15:53:47 2023 [xvnc ] VNCSConnST: closing /tmp/vnc.sock: Clean disconnection [xvnc ] EncodeManager: Framebuffer updates: 3 [xvnc ] EncodeManager: Tight: [xvnc ] EncodeManager: Solid: 4 rects, 3.34592 Mpixels [xvnc ] EncodeManager: 64 B (1:209121 ratio) [xvnc ] EncodeManager: Bitmap RLE: 1 rects, 150 pixels [xvnc ] EncodeManager: 66 B (1:9.27273 ratio) [xvnc ] EncodeManager: Total: 5 rects, 3.34607 Mpixels [xvnc ] EncodeManager: 130 B (1:102956 ratio) [xvnc ] Connections: closed: /tmp/vnc.sock [xvnc ] ComparingUpdateTracker: 0 pixels in / 0 pixels out [xvnc ] ComparingUpdateTracker: (1:-nan ratio) [supervisor ] service 'nginx' exited (with status 0). [supervisor ] stopping service 'xvnc'... [xvnc ] ComparingUpdateTracker: 0 pixels in / 0 pixels out [xvnc ] ComparingUpdateTracker: (1:-nan ratio) [supervisor ] service 'xvnc' exited (with status 0). [finish ] executing container finish scripts... [finish ] all container finish scripts executed. [init ] container is starting... [cont-env ] loading container environment variables... [cont-env ] APP_NAME: loading... [cont-env ] DISPLAY: executing... [cont-env ] DISPLAY: terminated successfully. [cont-env ] DISPLAY: loading... [cont-env ] DOCKER_IMAGE_PLATFORM: loading... [cont-env ] DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION: loading... [cont-env ] GTK2_RC_FILES: executing... [cont-env ] GTK2_RC_FILES: terminated successfully. [cont-env ] GTK2_RC_FILES: loading... [cont-env ] GTK_THEME: executing... [cont-env ] GTK_THEME: terminated successfully. [cont-env ] GTK_THEME: loading... [cont-env ] HOME: loading... [cont-env ] INSTALL_PACKAGES_INTERNAL: executing... [cont-env ] INSTALL_PACKAGES_INTERNAL: terminated successfully. [cont-env ] INSTALL_PACKAGES_INTERNAL: loading... [cont-env ] QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE: executing... [cont-env ] QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE: terminated successfully. [cont-env ] QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE: loading... and another error in the program: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/appwork/swing/trayicon/TrayMouseListener at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:757) at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:142) at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:473) at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:74) at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:369) at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:363) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:362) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:419) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:352) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:352) at jd.gui.swing.jdgui.JDGui.<init>(JDGui.java:237) at jd.gui.swing.jdgui.JDGui.<init>(JDGui.java:154) at jd.gui.swing.jdgui.JDGui$35.edtRun(JDGui.java:1700) at jd.gui.swing.jdgui.JDGui$35.edtRun(JDGui.java:1696) at org.appwork.utils.swing.EDTHelper.run(EDTHelper.java:119) at org.appwork.utils.swing.EDTHelper.start(EDTHelper.java:154) at org.appwork.utils.swing.EDTHelper.waitForEDT(EDTHelper.java:168) at org.appwork.utils.swing.EDTHelper.getReturnValue(EDTHelper.java:100) at jd.gui.swing.jdgui.JDGui.init(JDGui.java:1704) at jd.SecondLevelLaunch$11.edtRun(SecondLevelLaunch.java:962) at jd.SecondLevelLaunch$11.edtRun(SecondLevelLaunch.java:955) at org.appwork.utils.swing.EDTHelper.run(EDTHelper.java:119) at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:311) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:758) at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97) at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709) at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:74) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:728) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:205) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:116) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:105) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.appwork.swing.trayicon.TrayMouseListener at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:387) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:419) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:352) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:352) ... 38 more And another Jdownloader error just before it existed. org.jdownloader.update.launcher.JDLauncherFailedException: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jdownloader.update.launcher.SecondLevelLauncher.launchJDownloader(SecondLevelLauncher.java:679) at org.jdownloader.update.launcher.SecondLevelLauncher.init(SecondLevelLauncher.java:465) at org.jdownloader.update.launcher.SecondLevelLauncher.runMain(SecondLevelLauncher.java:233) at org.jdownloader.update.launcher.JDLauncherViaClassLoader.main(JDLauncherViaClassLoader.java:10) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at org.jdownloader.updatev2.JDClassLoaderLauncher.main(JDClassLoaderLauncher.java:152) at org.jdownloader.update.launcher.JDLauncher.main(JDLauncher.java:8) Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at jd.SecondLevelLaunch.go(SecondLevelLaunch.java:982) at jd.SecondLevelLaunch.start(SecondLevelLaunch.java:515) at jd.SecondLevelLaunch.mainStart(SecondLevelLaunch.java:481) at org.jdownloader.startup.Main.main(Main.java:247) at org.jdownloader.launcher.StandaloneLauncher.launchJDownloader(StandaloneLauncher.java:137) at org.jdownloader.update.launcher.SecondLevelLauncher.launchJDownloader(SecondLevelLauncher.java:641) ... 9 more
  8. Thanks, I've got one set up so I'll see what happens with the next crash.
  9. Hello, I've been having an issue for the past several months and I'm hoping that I can get some direction on it, I've had an issue where, without warning, my Unraid server looses all connectivity and basically freezes, I can't get anything to show up on screen on the machine itself, and, obviously I'm not able to connect to it. I'm using version 6.12.3. I have to force an unclean shutdown and, of course, a parity check has to ensue once it starts up, I I don't think it's a network issue or power issue and I thought it might be an issue with the USB drive so I replaced it entirely but the issue continued happening, is there anything I can look for, logs or whatever to possibly find out what the issue is?
  10. Thanks, I unchecked those, rebooted my system, then checked them and rebooted again and it seems to have cleared the red error.
  11. I'm not sure how to check that since none of my hardware has changed.
  12. To add to this, I was also curious because I'm in the middle of buying new hardware (motherboard, CPU, memory) to upgrade everything and I was worried about this error and being able to upgrade and start things up normally.
  13. Good point, I should have probably done that in the first post, this is what I've got. diagnostics-20230729-1655.zip
  14. After installing 6.12 I started getting these errors on boot up in the GUI. It will show a red alert error with: VM Autostart disabled vfio-pci-errors VM Autostart disabled due to vfio--bind error I have two VMs one of which auto starts and I bound a sound card and I believe a core or two to it in Tools --> System devices. I am able to start it once I get the system up and booted but seeing this errors makes me wonder if I should be handling this a different way?
  15. So something I'm finding is that after about a month of functioning the GUI will start to slow down, slowly start to stop displaying information and the system will require a reboot. This is starting to get annoying and I hope that we will be able to find a fix for this issue. It's been consistently around 30-35 days of operation and it starts again.
  16. So this started happening to me again, knowing that a reboot fixed it I did that and it did get fixed however this is annoying since it's seems to be happening around once a month or so when my GUI is messing up.
  17. So I shut down my system, took out my drive, ran a scandisk on it and restarted my server and it looks like my GUI is back to normal. It looks like it my have needed a reboot of some sort.
  18. So I shut my system down, took out the USB drive, ran a chkdsk on it and started it back up and it looks like things are working again, maybe it needed a good reboot?
  19. When I log on to my WebGUI I just get a page with these error messages Warning: session_write_close(): write failed: No space left on device (28) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/.login.php on line 218 Warning: session_write_close(): Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/var/lib/php) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/.login.php on line 218 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/.login.php:218) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/.login.php on line 222 Any idea on what I can possibly do?
  20. This is with MyServers uninstalled. Browser is Firefox latest version. This happens in both regular firefox and in incognito window with nothing enabled also Chrome and Edge which I have no addons/extensions installed I get the same results. Main is just a bunch of blank lines and Dashboard does not fully populate.
  21. Has anyone found anything more about this? My dashboard and Main page are still non-functional.
  22. My Servers seems to have something to do with it since I did uninstall it and some issues went away but not all.
  23. I just tried that and unfortunately that didn't work, those pages are still blank. I tried it in an incognito window too to see if it was a plugin and also didn't work. This seems to be a bigger problem.
  24. So I found a laptop that has not had their browsers updated and I was able to uninstall the My Server's app, this has fixed a few problems, the Docker and Plugins tab now appear to populate, but the Main tab is not populating at all still and the Dashboard is also not populating. This is total speculation on my part but maybe some update to Chronimum broke some of the elements of the GUI?
  25. Thanks, I will keep that in mind, I'm not sure if that is the issue and I'm waiting for someone to chime in with what might be the cause of all of this.
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