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Everything posted by NewDisplayName

  1. yea, edit steamcache dns -> bridge to -> br0 -> and change your dns settings to the new ip.
  2. Thanks, i know that, my router actually even supports it. BUT i cant use it because i dont have fixed internet. I have 2 LTE wans load balanced.
  3. Hey, i have another question i would like to limit downloading while X,X IP is reachable. (I want to limit it, when my PC, or a other PC is startet) I know the inbuild sheduler, which is working, lets say, okay. But i guess, someone with some small coding expierince could write a fast script which checks ping 192.168... OR 192.168. and if its there, limit download to X. Could be easy implemented via every 5 min schedule, and set limit or remove it. I would pay for it. Thanks for any help.
  4. Edit: finally i got it working with origin, i changed standard ip from unraid for 80 and 443 (settings identifiication). So i could run both dockers on same ip (bridge). 1Gbits Origin
  5. Hey? Did you got my messages? Could you please combine sip proxy with Steamcache? Atleast only this 2 dockers. (i wrote on picture combine with steamcachedns, which is wrong). It need to be combined snip proxy + steamcache.
  6. LANCACHE_IP = Steamcache Docker IP ORIGINCACHE_IP = SNiPPROXY Docker IP -> i guess SNIPPROXY then redirects to his own IP, which ofc, is not working bc Steamcache is another IP UPSTREAM_DNS = very important, i use google dns, but i guess any work, if there is no upstream DNS the docker uses your own, which may or may not your own local DNS (loop). How hard is it to bundle Steamcache, Steamcache DNS and Snipproxy into one docker?
  7. Okay, no response so far, i guess they wont add it. Simple solution: bundle ATLEAST steamcache (not dns) and snipproxy into one docker (best would be all together i guess). I guess Snipproxy redirects at local docker ip. I add screenshots of all my settings, if u have any questions, feel free to ask:
  8. Thanks for this. Is it possible to make it automatic search like every month or so?
  9. Okay, too early. Its working, but its not caching. So ORIGINCACHE_IP Does work in SteamCacheDNS. But neither STEAMCACHE_IP nor LANCACHE_IP does work in Sniproxy. I need a way to tell sniproxy where the steamcache is. maybe they can help: https://github.com/steamcache/sniproxy/issues/2 So Windows Update works (atleast as far as i can test with windows 10 np) Steam, no problem Elite dangerous (Frontier), no problem Riot no problem Battle.net no problem. Only uplay and origin (both ssl i guess is not working atm)
  10. Ive GOT IT! ALL WORKING. When i come home from work, i make pcitures of all settings i did.. Would be great if u could add that all into on docker..
  11. Okay i can set ORIGINCACHE_IP at the steamcache DNS, but still, how do i tell siproxy where the steamcache is
  12. The problem now is simply: The creators of steamcache have all set on one machine, so the origin would work bc it would be the same ip as the steamcache server. But we cant do that, bc unraid uses this ports. So we have to set Steamcache to a different IP and therefore also origin cache (but it seems like unraid/docker dont allow 2 br0 host with the same ip).... hmm how to fix that. I already switched unraid port 80 to 81, but still, i cant change 443...
  13. I guess its not possible to run 2 dockers on the same br0 host?! If we get this all working you should really pack this all together in one docker, only thing ppl need to do then is to add the correct DNS Server in their router and set cache options i posted above and they have an extremly powerfull cache solution for 90% of traffic.. root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="SteamCacheSnipproxy" --net="br0" --ip="" -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "TCP_PORT_443"="443" steamcache/sniproxy:latest 5f16e1cbf1e9fc6cc020266f9b2cfb0db47383a0cfab817fb34c509582319ab0 /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: Address already in use.
  14. "same" machine? As Steamcache or as Steamcache DNS? And with machine, u mean IP?
  15. Hmm how do i tell steacmache dns that origin has another ip? How do i tell sipproxy which ip the steamcache has?
  16. incase anyone is looking for the same thing, get nzbhydra, its also in the community apps.
  17. What do you mean with "only on a docker run". You mean only when i restart the docker?
  18. I would also add an option: Remember me [X] (dont log out)
  19. Hi, could you please disable mail if i disable mail? I disabled it and still i get: Dec 20 00:20:01 1e39b5376f82 /USR/SBIN/CRON[3010]: (smmsp) CMD (test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp)Dec 20 00:40:01 1e39b5376f82 /USR/SBIN/CRON[3026]: (smmsp) CMD (test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp)Dec 20 01:00:01 1e39b5376f82 /USR/SBIN/CRON[3042]: (smmsp) CMD (test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp)
  20. Yeah, its cheap, bc it wont has a encoder. I really wonder for what u want it? It can just use CPU to encode, so you dont need that card. Except u want to use a different CPU to process.
  21. Might i ask for what u need that? U know it wont speed up processing? (i also wanted to buy)
  22. Not working. If this is your first time running the WebUI you need to set a password via the command line by running `flexget web passwd <new_password>` -> docker exec -ti activ-flexget /bin/bash [root@978034ffbd5b /]# flexget web passwd flexget 2017-12-17 19:56 CRITICAL manager Failed to find configuration file config.yml 2017-12-17 19:56 INFO manager Tried to read from: /, /home/nobody/.flexget, /home/nobody/.config/flexget Could not instantiate manager: No configuration file found.
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