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Posts posted by jbuszkie

  1. I'm trying to empty a drive using unbalance and it does warn me about file permissions..  I ran the extended test in FCP and I get a TON of these

    The following files / folders may not be accessible to the users allowed via each Share's SMB settings.  This is often caused by wrong permissions being used on new downloads / copies by CouchPotato, Sonarr, and the like:
    /mnt/user/Backup  nobody/users (99/100)  0770
    /mnt/user/Backup/acer_aspire  nobody/users (99/100)  0770
    /mnt/user/Backup/acer_aspire/post_factory.tib  nobody/users (99/100)  0660
    /mnt/user/Backup/acer_aspire/pre_install_image.tib  nobody/users (99/100)  0660
    /mnt/user/Backup/acer_aspire/Pre_office2.tib  nobody/users (99/100)  0660
    /mnt/user/Backup/acer_aspire/Pre_office.tib  nobody/users (99/100)  0660
    /mnt/user/Backup/Browser_bookmarks  nobody/users (99/100)  0770

    Wasn't there an "FIX" button for this?  What does it want me to change the permissions to?

  2. Ok.. I'll reply to my own message! 🙂

    I guess if I just click on the error thing I can acknowledge the error.   But I'm still guessing it will live in the smart report forever...


    Maybe I should open up the case and replace the cables in a couple of slots....



  3. I have 4 drives that have low UDMA CRC error counts.  They are not really increasing.  Do I have to live with 



    these errors forever?  Unfortunately, one of these drives is brand new.  It's installed from a drive cage so the connections inside haven't been touched in years.


    Is there no way to clear them out?  My guess is no...





  4. 5 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    This is probably the way to go if you want to remain parity protested throughout.


    You have got that backwards :(   If you only have parity1 present then you can reorder the disks without affecting parity.   This is not true if parity2 is present as the calculations for parity2 take disk position as one of the inputs.

    Crap..  That was a typo..  It should have said "I thought I read somewhere that with 2 parity drives you can't shuffle disk numbers around?"  I will correct the original post! 🙂

  5. I want to upgrade to 6.8.2 as I see some folks have some issues with some disk temps not showing up.  Not a big deal to me..  But I'd like to upgrade to 6.8.2 first.

    I'm currently on 6.7.2.  Is there a way to upgrade to 6.8.2 from the gui?  Or am I going to have to manually download and copy the files and reboot?  I like the fact that it keeps track of the previous revision and can restore that way. 

  6. Ok.  I had a drive die on my recently.  Bummer it was one of my newer 8T drives! (grrr...)  But I had a spare and I'm up and running again.

    But it got me motivated to  clean some things up and do some drive upgrades.


    Right now I have a single 8T parity drive.  I want to go with 2 parity drives.  That's the first upgrade.  I have a 10T precleared and ready to go.

    I also have 3x 2T drive I'd like to get rid of.  I have a precleared 8T drive ready for that!


    I'd like to remain as parity protected at possible.


    Should I add the second parity drive first?  This way when I can replace one of the 2T's with the 8T and it can re-build and I'm still protected if another drive dies while this is going on.  But then when I empty the other 2 2T drives and removed them from my system (shrink the array using dd), will it have to rebuild the second parity anyway?  Even if I do the dd and zero out the other drive and then do a trust parity?


    Or do I stay single parity and add the new 8T to the array and copy everything off the 2T's to the 8T and then zero out the 2Ts one at a time and remove and trust parity.


    I thought I read somewhere that with 2 parity drives you can't shuffle disk numbers around?


    Long term plan is to add another 10T to replace the first 8T.  I also want to add another NVME SSD cache drive.  But the NVME takes up two sata ports so I have to consolidate some drives to free up ports.  Right now I only have 2 free sata ports.  I like to keep on always free for a spare and then another to keep for a pre-clear spot? 


    I feel like such a noob!  I don't usually muck with my unraid as it just works! (Thanks limetech!)  So I have to relearn every time I have to do something with the system! 🙂





  7. It's been a while since I looked at it..  And I vaguely remember in the past it was a no-no..  But can I live hot plug my sata drives in my Norco 5bay enclosures?  I hate having to power down the server each time I want to swap some drives in a out.  It's not a big deal..  But if I can safely hot swap it would save me a little time...  Also I think I saw someone on  YouTube do it..


    The searches here all come up with USB hot plug topics...



  8. 2 hours ago, Djoss said:

    I'm not aware of a such functionality.

    But you can do it yourself with to command "du -sh <path to directory>".

    Yeah...  The cloudberry guys said that it wasn't available too..

    What I need is a way to total random directories.  I can do it the hard way...  But I was hoping for something easier...

  9. Hello..  Coming over from crashplan to test out..

    This is a gui question..  Since I'll have to pay per GB...   Is there a way to see how many GB there are selected in the 

    backup before it actually starts backing up?  I'm trying to gauge how much it will cost me..


    I did a test backup and it only told me the size after I started the backup...





  10. 2 hours ago, jbuszkie said:

    Man this is a real bummer...

    I can rename the extension and it seems like CP will back it up...

    So this will work for backups for computers that don't exist anymore. (Why do I need them??? stupid hoarder of backups! :-) )

    But for active backups, I'll have to do something  more creative...

    I'll have to try softlinked tib files to renamed extension files for active backups...

    Well the soft-linked files may work.   I just tried to validate an Acronis backup set using soft links.  Acronis validated the backup just fine.

    We'll see if it will add to the incremental backup...  I will have to keep up with it as every time it updates, the update file will have to be renamed and then linked back if I want to be completely protected..

    What a pain...


    Maybe I will move to backblaze...   I'll have to see what I really *need* to be backed up...


  11. Crap..  I may have to switch to something else.  I'm only backing up 210GB worth of data.

    One of the past updates must have canned all my Acronis backup files.

    I remember they said they were going to exclude some backup files and VM's but last time I checked it was still there.  Now it's not.


    I really want to keep my acronis files (all my PC backups) protected in the cloud.


    If I can't do that with crashplan, then I'm screwed.  Is there anyway around this?





  12. Not sure if this is the right thread...  But I figured this would get the most traction...

    Since my promotional period for crash plan ended,  I'm now paying about $10/mo.  This is like about 4x what the promotional

    price was.


    Is everyone still using crashplan?  Is there something better? Cheaper? with unlimited storage?



    Oh and kudos to folks that maintain this great docker! :-)


  13. 54 minutes ago, kingy444 said:

    Definitely clears that up, obviously a useful feature.

    Any recommendations on 'rebalancing'... sounds like that might be another enhancement at another time?


    Any suggestions to speed up manually doing this?


    Not the best way... but could you move it all to the cache disk and then let the mover "rebalance" it with the share set to the correct setting (I forget which one it is..)?


  14. 7 minutes ago, jbrodriguez said:

    Ok, you're not running the latest unBALANCE version (which is 3.2.0, it would have logged which transfer operation you ran: move/copy).


    Yeah, rsync's error 23 (Partial transfer due to error) is almost like a catch-all :o


    But it's generally associated with permission errors or date-time issues with some of your files/folders.


    Did you get any permission issues during the calculate phase ?



    I don't recall if I had any permission issues.  I think I might have.


    And I just installed unbalance several days ago!  I didn't think to check for an update so soon! :-)

  15. Here is the relevant stuff from the log file..

    I: 2017/07/10 20:54:50 core.go:596: _calc:End:srcDisk(/mnt/disk4)
    I: 2017/07/10 20:55:06 core.go:782: Running transfer operation ...
    I: 2017/07/10 20:55:06 core.go:814: Command Started: rsync -avPRX "HTPC_Stuff/edrive" "/mnt/disk10/"
    I: 2017/07/10 23:22:17 core.go:143: Sending config
    W: 2017/07/11 04:58:25 core.go:886: Command Interrupted: rsync -avPRX "HTPC_Stuff/edrive" "/mnt/disk10/" (exit status 23 : Partial transfer
    due to error)
    I: 2017/07/11 04:58:25 core.go:991:
    Started: Jul 10, 2017 20:55:06
    Ended: Jul 11, 2017 04:58:25
    Elapsed: 8h3m18.906s
    Command Interrupted: rsync -avPRX "HTPC_Stuff/edrive" "/mnt/disk10/" (exit status 23 : Partial transfer due to error)
    Transferred 962.2G at ~ 33.98 MB/s

    And I don't see anything in the syslog around 4:58...   What error?



  16. Great tool!


    I tried to do a move yesterday from one data disk to another and it seemed to work (a part from seeming very slow...)

    However when I looked today, it never deleted the source files.  They all got copied, but never deleted...


    I basically used all the stock settings..



  17. I ran the latest version of Memtest86 (from passmark) in uefi mode multi core..  With the memory OC to 2666 and it ran overnight with no errors.


    So I don't trust the stock memtest86+ 5.01 in parallel CPU mode...


    All my frustration was for nothing! :-(


    Now I can transfer the hardware tonight!



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