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Posts posted by MowMdown

  1. 33 minutes ago, ufish235 said:

    Really - what is the best way to investigate this on disk? I am comfortable with Linux command line but I actually don't know where my disk1 gets mounted.


    Or maybe there is a web GUI to explore the data?

    Click the little icon to the left of “Disk1” it will let you browse the contents on that disk.


    alternativly, if you ssh into your machine or click on the webgui terminal, you can navigate through /mnt/user or /mnt/disk1


    (never copy data from/to /mnt/user to another disk)

  2. Use the array as unraid intends but you can have as many “cache pools” as you want. Cache pools can be just about any configuration you want them to be in.


    Just Disks, RAID0, RAID1, RAIDZ, ZFS MIRROR, etc


    each cache pool can be its own setup too. 

    Pool1 can be 4 SSDs that aren’t in any kind of RAID. Pool2 can be a RAID1 pool.

  3. I think I found the culprit maybe?


    nobody   19635  0.8  2.3 1609296 388820 ?      Ssl  10:06   5:39 python3 -m homeassistant -c /config




    Before and After stopping HA docker and restarting unraid mDNS:




    After, clearly homeassinstant is what I think is the source for the mDNS conflicting issue


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  4. @JorgeB I went ahead and disabled IPv6 and that seemed to have worked however, It's not the most ideal solution as it doesn't fix the underlying cause.


    Here's some more log from yesterday before I shut IPv6 off. I'm thinking whatever is causing the WARNING is the cause for the log spam. The only docker I can think of that would maybe cause this is pi-hole?


    Do you see anything else in my diags pointing to a culprit?


    Mar  9 22:11:34 Tower emhttpd: Starting services...
    Mar  9 22:11:34 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (265570): chmod 0777 '/mnt/user/docker'
    Mar  9 22:11:34 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (265571): chown 'nobody':'users' '/mnt/user/docker'
    Mar  9 22:11:34 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (265574): /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidaemon restart
    Mar  9 22:11:34 Tower root: Stopping Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: stopped
    Mar  9 22:11:34 Tower avahi-daemon[17101]: Got SIGTERM, quitting.
    Mar  9 22:11:34 Tower avahi-daemon[17101]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface br0.IPv6 with address fdf0:6a76:b27e:1:ec4:7aff:fe64:9e01.
    Mar  9 22:11:34 Tower avahi-daemon[17101]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface br0.IPv4 with address
    Mar  9 22:11:34 Tower avahi-dnsconfd[17111]: read(): EOF
    Mar  9 22:11:34 Tower avahi-daemon[17101]: avahi-daemon 0.8 exiting.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower root: Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: /usr/sbin/avahi-daemon -D
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Found user 'avahi' (UID 61) and group 'avahi' (GID 214).
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Successfully dropped root privileges.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: avahi-daemon 0.8 starting up.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Successfully called chroot().
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Successfully dropped remaining capabilities.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Loading service file /services/sftp-ssh.service.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Loading service file /services/ssh.service.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: *** WARNING: Detected another IPv4 mDNS stack running on this host. This makes mDNS unreliable and is thus not recommended. ***
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: *** WARNING: Detected another IPv6 mDNS stack running on this host. This makes mDNS unreliable and is thus not recommended. ***
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface br0.IPv6 with address fdf0:6a76:b27e:1:ec4:7aff:fe64:9e01.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: New relevant interface br0.IPv6 for mDNS.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface br0.IPv4 with address
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: New relevant interface br0.IPv4 for mDNS.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Network interface enumeration completed.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Registering new address record for fdf0:6a76:b27e:1:ec4:7aff:fe64:9e01 on br0.*.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Registering new address record for 2604:2d80:968e:b300:ec4:7aff:fe64:9e01 on br0.*.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Registering new address record for on br0.IPv4.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (265575): /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidnsconfd restart
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower root: Stopping Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD DNS Server Configuration Daemon: stopped
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower root: Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD DNS Server Configuration Daemon:  /usr/sbin/avahi-dnsconfd -D
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-dnsconfd[26572]: Successfully connected to Avahi daemon.
    Mar  9 22:11:35 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Server startup complete. Host name is Tower.local. Local service cookie is 2084411687.
    Mar  9 22:11:36 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Registering new address record for fd91:1ac0:7f43:c44:ec4:7aff:fe64:9e01 on br0.*.
    Mar  9 22:11:36 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Service "Tower" (/services/ssh.service) successfully established.
    Mar  9 22:11:36 Tower avahi-daemon[26563]: Service "Tower" (/services/sftp-ssh.service) successfully established.


  5. I’ve searched the forums, Reddit, Google, etc. I’m struggling what’s causing avahi daemon to spam my logs with “withdrawing/registering” over and over.


    there are no host-name conflicts that I am aware of on my network.

    nothing else is using .local TLD either.


    there are no static IPv6 addresses assigned to any of my devices. It’s even set to automatic/dhcp in my network settings on unraid.


    attached are the diagnostics.


  6. On 2/28/2024 at 2:28 PM, Renegade605 said:

    Also note, I discovered recently that the mover (with CA Mover Tuning installed, not sure if it's part of the default mover) as part of it's operation destroys empty datasets when it's finished. If this isn't desirable to you for the obvious reasons, my current workaround is to snapshot datasets when they're empty and the destroy operation will fail.




    Well that's to be expected. You've set your share to be moved off of your pool onto the array. No idea why you'd want to snapshot an empty dataset that's never going to have data in it?






    I have a QOL suggest for the snapshot admin pop-up window. Instead of the pop-up window, can the snapshots just expand below the selected dataset? I have issues with the pop-up window on small screens where the width is very narrow requiring horizontal scrolling even when using landscape orientation.



  7. On 11/17/2020 at 9:10 AM, axeman said:

    This might be a me thing - since I need the rclone mounts available to my Windows machines, I have it in /mnt/user . 

    If I try to copy a file into unioned mount from inside of UnRaid via MC, it works exactly as you'd want... the file goes right to the local share. 

    However, if I do the same from a windows machine - it fails. 

    Interestingly this doesn't seem to be problem on an Android device (using SolidExplorer). Nor does it happen with the @DZMM mergerfs based scripts. 

    That is strange, Im not sure why it would write to the _vfs upstream if you have your local path listed first in the union when writing to the union... for the record you can export /mnt/disks/some_dir as a share through SMB example:


    #Unassigned devices share includes
       include = /tmp/unassigned.devices/smb-settings.conf
       path = /mnt/disks/some_dir
       comment =
       browsable = yes
       # Public
       public = yes
       writeable = yes
       vfs object =

    You simply add this to the SMB extras under Settings > SMB

  8. @axeman, no, if you pay close attention to the path for that move command, im using "/mnt/user/media" not "/mnt/disks/media" (I don't mount to /user/)


    My rclone mount is under "/mnt/disks/media" so it does not interfere with the move. I'm essentiall moving the files from /mnt/user/media to the "crypt:media" mount but as far as the unraid is concerned the file isn't actually moving since no matter where I put the file it always shows up in /mnt/disks/media.

  9. 6 minutes ago, axeman said:

    Do you have a different/modified upload script, or use the one from this thread?


    I just run this nightly at 3am using user scripts, super simple. (obviously I don't have a folder named "files" but you can use your imagination)

    rclone move /mnt/user/media/files crypt:files -v --delete-empty-src-dirs --fast-list --drive-stop-on-upload-limit --order-by size,desc

    I have a single 500GB drive that I fill up with whatever I want to be moved to the cloud and that small script does it.

  10. Might be related to your mount command you're using. 


    the ":nc" suffix is simply "No Create" and shouldn't really affect the reading of files so I assume the mount you're using to mount to "media_vfs" directory is possibly the culprit.


    Edit: No Plex/Emby would not be able to write unencrypted data to the mount since rclone is the one encrypting anything that gets written to it. I simply want to avoid writing NEW files to it to avoid corruption because writing to a mount is not best practice. you can also use the :ro suffix to essentially mount it "read only" however thats also not what I want because with :nc I am able to upgrade media using sonarr/radarr which requires those programs to be able to delete files. can't do that when it's read only. (Im not actually sure :nc or :ro is neccessay since we are using the "ff" policy which essentially only deals with the first listed upstream which is our local array drives)


    When those programs do upgrade the media, they actually delete them off the cloud mount, and then write the new file/data to the local array drives where my upload script will essentially write it back to the cloud. It's actually kinda clever the way I set it up.

  11. Quote

    I don't have any unassigned disks, so I put mine in /mnt/user/media_vfs and /mnt/user/media. I can't seem to see it as a "share" in unraid. Is that why? If i go into MC, I see everything like I'd want to see it. And MC even recognizes the cloud file (it's in green).


    You don't need any physical unassigned devices, I don't have any. It's just where I mounted my cloud mounts.


    1 hour ago, axeman said:

    When I add that, I don't see the cloud files. I too want to avoid accidentally creating files there, because I'm guessing Emby/Plex would write unencrypted metadata, defeating the whole point of encrypting. Can you clarify a bit ?

    Post your "Union" rclone config like I did above.


    1 hour ago, axeman said:

    you will also need to change them from Read/Write to the R/W Slave.


    I'm not sure I understand where to do this. 

    When using the /mnt/disks/ as your path in the docker configs for each docker, unraid will throw an warning that the path is not using the Slave options. If you edit the docker container config and you go to edit one of the path variables you will see "Access Mode" that will need to be changed from Read/Write to RW Slave. Super easy to change. 



  12. I'm very time limited this week but here is a crude setup of what you need to do.


    Using rclone union instead of MergerFS setup (this setup will assume you already are familiar with rclone mounts and are using the latest version 1.53.2)


    For my mount script is pretty straight forward, I create two directories needed, the first one is needed to mount the cloud which will utilize rclone's VFS caching and the second mount will unionize the VFS mount with the local media.


    mkdir -p /mnt/disks/media_vfs
    mkdir -p /mnt/disks/media
    rclone mount --allow-other \
    --dir-cache-time 100h \
    --fast-list \
    --poll-interval 15s \
    --cache-dir=/mnt/user/system/rclone \
    --vfs-cache-mode full \
    --vfs-cache-max-size 500G \
    --vfs-cache-max-age 168h \
    --vfs-read-chunk-size 128M \
    --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off \
    --vfs-read-ahead 128M \
    crypt: /mnt/disks/media_vfs &
    rclone mount --allow-other union: /mnt/disks/media &

    In the first rclone mount command im using my "crypt:" rclone mount, you will need to replace --> crypt: <-- with your mount.

    You must edit the "--cache-dir=" variable to where you want rclone to cache your media on your local unraid machine as well as the "--vfs-cache-max-size" to the largest size you are willing to cache on your disk. All the other vfs flags should remain the same.


    Now the next step is using rclone to configure the "union" mount needed to union the VFS mount with the local media directory. 


    Enter rclone config and select "n" for a new remote and name it union, then select the union option.


    It's going to ask for the "upstreams" you're going to first type the local path to your media, put in a space, and then you're going to put in the path to the mount location we just made /mnt/disks/media_vfs and then I personally add the :nc modifier to avoid accidentally creating files to the cloud mount. 


    Next rclone will ask for the action_policy, enter ff

    Next will be the create_policy, enter ff

    Next will be the search policy, enter all

    Last will be the cache time, leave 120 default


    Once it's done it should look something like this:

    type = union
    upstreams = /mnt/user/plexmedia/ /mnt/disks/media_vfs:nc
    action_policy = ff
    create_policy = ff
    search_policy = all
    cache_time = 120

    Remember to replace /plexmedia/ with root of your media location. (your remote should follow the same directory structure or this may cause issues)


    Once you actually mount the mounts after union is created, you should be able to browse "/mnt/disks/media" (the non _vfs media) and see a compete list of all your media whether it be in the cloud or locally)


    One last thing, you will need to change your dockers paths from /mnt/user/etc/etc/etc/ to /mnt/disks/media/ so it can read from this mount. you will also need to change them from Read/Write to the R/W Slave.


    To unmount at array shutdown:


    fusermount -uz /mnt/disks/media
    fusermount -uz /mnt/disks/media_vfs


    • Thanks 3
  13. Just giving an update to one of my comments from a month or so ago:


    I just wanted to say that the built in rclone union backend/mount is quite good and much less complicated than using the mergerFS setup.

    I found a way that allows you to use the rclone VFS caching w/ the cloud mount and using the local storage in tandem. Movies play instantly and it's wonderful.


    If anybody is interested let me know and I'll share my setup.

  14. On 10/7/2020 at 6:51 AM, SelfSD said:

    Heads up to anyone running 6.8.3.


    Plex Media Server was just updated to 1.20.2 on the public side, so your GPU accelerated hardware encoding will stop working if you update.


    @linuxserver.io's beta 29 and @ich777's custom beta 30 build has a newer driver that is compatible with this latest release of Plex Media Server.

    Or you can use @ich777's Unraid-Kernel-Helper docker to build the 6.8.3 kernel with the latest NVIDIA drivers or just download the pre-compiled 6.8.3 w/ them from the docker thread located: here!

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