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Everything posted by realies

  1. @ridge, I can't replicate. Sharing a Tiësto song indexes it, although it shows up as Ti?sto in the browse list. How do you get the errors from the first screenshot?
  2. Noticed the ping fluctuation here as well. Other devices on the network don't seem to experience the same, could it be a bug with speedtest-cli?
  3. Perhaps if you change `location /` to `location /subdir/` and leave the websockets to be at `location /websockify` it might work.
  4. @ridge, feel free to modify this, ssl.conf and proxy.conf are part of linuxserver.io's letsencrypt nginx server, but it should run fine without them, the key thing is the /websockify connection upgrade. upstream soulseek { server; } server { server_name _; listen 80; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } server { server_name _; listen 443 ssl; access_log /config/log/nginx/soulseek_access.log; error_log /config/log/nginx/soulseek_error.log; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; client_max_body_size 0; location / { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass http://soulseek/; } location /websockify { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_pass http://soulseek/; } }
  5. Just pushed the latest version of Soulseek (2018.01) that works through a browser here.
  6. @roland, can we have the `/var/run/docker.sock` read-only mapping in the XML template please? @SirBindy, your folder mapping is bad. Make it
  7. You should be able to see the name of the containers.
  8. Not true. @L0rdRaiden, map the container `/var/run/docker.sock` file to the host. Read-only would suffice.
  9. As previously stated, this currently only works with Corsair RMi and HXi. The i stands for "intelligent" which is their digital control and monitoring feature over USB.
  10. Prolly not. Assuming there isn't much Corsair RMi/HXi unRAID users out there, but who knows...
  11. In the spirit of badly written things, here is a plugin that reads Corsair power supply statistics and displays them in the dashboard. GPU load is the value from the output0 PSU lane. It is a wrapper for the corsairmi binary which reads out monitoring information for Corsair RMi and HXi power supplies. Works cool in conjunction with an UPS plugin. To install, go to Plugins > Install Plugin and paste https://raw.githubusercontent.com/realies/corsairpsu-unraid/master/corsairpsu.plg
  12. Upon a graphics card crash, the system halted and had to be physically rebooted. After the reboot, the webGui is showing "Array Stopped - stale configuration" and the array devices are all unassigned with the cache drive the only populated device in the Main page. It seems that this is a bug, considering other people have faced it, although not sure how to reproduce without risking the data. Speaking of which, what is the recommended way of reassigning all devices and starting the array in this situation? Contents of disk.cfg here. Update: The super.dat file is NOT zero bytes, there's also a super.dat.CA_BACKUP. A filename called DISK_ASSIGNMENTS.txt contains the device order in details. One of the previously unassigned drives is missing from the system. Update2: Missing drive became available on next power cycle. Checking "parity is valid" and re-assigning disks according to old records seems to have brought the array online without losing data.
  13. Why is `/var/run/docker.sock` suggested to be mounted with write access?
  14. Updated to the latest. Nominal Power is empty and UPS Load is `-` with an Eaton 5E 650i.
  15. Changing the switch structure for a key-value array pair wouldn't be increasing processing speed but allowing for further and easier progression of the plugin. Future functionality might allow the user to specify UPS information that they would want to be displayed. This would be easy if the front-end (html and javascript) is isolated from the back-end (php) if both communicate via a REST interface. In practice, nut_status.php would be replying with a json array containing the information and the front-end would be drawing it. Another reason to have the key-value array pair would be if there is more UPS specific rules such as the Eaton one. Another case would be falling back to VA instead of W for the load section of UPS units without real power and a specific estimation rule. All of those would be easier to write and manage outside a switch statement. Happy to prepare a refactor for the aforementioned.
  16. Nice finding, @pwm. I wonder if the value in watts can be estimated for other types of UPS units. There should probably be a fallback to displaying volt-amperes instead of watts if it cannot be estimated.
  17. Since it's not possible to create an issue in the repository, I'm writing one here. Consider parsing the whole output of `upsc ups` to a key-value pair array instead of iterating through the keys and making use-cases for individual keys. This way the output from the ups service would be more easily accessible which eases refactoring and introducing new functionality. Would be exciting to see a separation between the front and back end too. In regards to the above, this should be sufficient to generate the array: exec("/usr/bin/upsc ups 2>/dev/null", $stdout); print_r(array_reduce($stdout, function($carry, $line) { list($key, $value) = explode(":", $line, 2); $carry[trim($key)] = trim($value); return $carry; }, [])); A demo can be seen here.
  18. It seems nut package has been updated to 2.7.5-pre. Is this replacing the old binary and can the update be reflected in the changelog? Update: usbhid-ups stayed 2.7.4, great to see Nominal Power and UPS Load (W) working on Eaton! Update: As discussed in the package repository, ups.power.nominal/100*battery.charge does not produce the expected results. When using Eaton 5E 650i with the NUT v2 plugin, it reports: Nominal Power: 650 UPS Load: 253 UPS Load %: 39 Eaton UPS Companion (attached to a Win10 VM) reports: Output Load: 203W Usage: 39% Looking into the changes made to estimate Eaton's realpower when it is not available, I am proposing a similar change to the NUT v2 plugin until 2.7.5 or newer are deployed without any issues.
  19. Thanks for testing. Could this be reported to the repo? I am currently unable to reproduce, but remember that when the UPS was passed through to a Win10 VM it did reconnect every now and again.
  20. Have the USB resets been addressed? There's some functionality in master that I am hoping to see in unRAID.
  21. This message seems to be constatnly repeating in the logs: ==> /var/log/gitlab/node-exporter/current <== 2017-12-02_11:13:22.15422 time="2017-12-02T11:13:22Z" level=error msg="ERROR: mdadm collector failed after 0.000246s: error parsing mdstatus: error parsing mdline: sbName=/boot/config/super.dat" source="node_exporter.go:95"
  22. With the latest update docker fails with: /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: endpoint with name Netdata already exists in network host. Removing the container and image and re-adding the app does not fix it.
  23. Nextcloud says it's version 12.0.2 and that there is a new version available even after a forced update of the container. Thoughts?
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