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Everything posted by jang430

  1. Wow, sounds like a daunting task:-) Never studied let's encrypt yet. Is there any setup guide that's been written before? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Another question, after installing Collabora online, I went to Nextcloud settings, and set Collabora Online serverURL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client. I went in to a folder, and started to create a document, presentation, spreadsheet, I got the following error. Internal Server Error The server was unable to complete your request. If this happens again, please send the technical details below to the server administrator. More details can be found in the server log. Technical details Remote Address: Request ID: vw9L4toRNjdFS I think this is what's on the logs: Error richdocuments GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate How do I fix this?
  3. Hi. I just recently tried Nextcloud. I'm so impressed, never thought it will give such functionality to my NAS. I have a concern. Mostly my files are not very important, and I use drives pulled from enterprise servers before. I created a Nextcloud share, just a single drive. Assuming Parity drive, nor Cache drive doesn't fail, is this drive (where Nextcloud share exist) still considered safe, since I am also using the parity? So If the drive fails, it can still be recovered? If for whatever reason, the Nextcloud docker app goes crazy, can all files uploaded to it still be seen directly via disk share? I've actually confirmed this already, just want to know whether there's something I'm missing.
  4. Hi. Don't know where exactly to post, so I'll ask here. I'm using CP/ Deluge. I have CP searching for movies via magnetdl, and rarbg. When it finds one, it sends it to Deluge for download. In my Deluge, I have files downloading at /downloads/deluge/temp, and CP label of movies get moved to /downloads/couchpotato/complete upon completion. I have in my CP renamer settings to rename movies from /downloads/couchpotato/complete/ to /movies (a share on my array). The movie gets downloaded, and Movie appears in /downloads/couchpotato/complete/, CP sees it, ang moves it to /movies (share), but on an occasion or two, the main movie isn't there. All the other nfo files, that come with the folder is there, but the main movie is neither in /movies (share) nor /downloads/couchpotato/complete/. But I did see it finish download. Don't know where to start troubleshooting. Hope you can shed some light. Deluge settings: Stop seeding when ratio reaches: 0 CP Downloader settings: Deluge is checked Lablel: movies Directory: left blank Completed Directory: left blank Remove Torrent: unticked Remove Files: unticked
  5. I have my Sabnzbd download to /downloads/, which, in my case, is /mnt/user/appdata/downloads/. So when Sonarr finds NZBs, it sends to Sab, and downloads to that folder. After which, Sonarr picks it up during post process. In Deluge, I transfer completed downloads to /downloads/ as well, using the same folder. It's still being picked up by Sonarr. I read that we have to be consistent, hence, in CP, I also use /downloads/, so it can be picked up during post process. Won't there be any chance wherein Sonarr and CP both see the same files, and there might be an occassion that it's the same title? E.g. Suits TV show, and just in case, there is another Suits The Movie. What's the best practice? Will it be possible to have CP monitor /downloads/Couchpotato? And have Deluge download all shows labelled Movies to /downloads/ Couchpotato?
  6. @jonathanm, thanks, I indeed overthinked it @CHBMB, sorry, I didn't. Instead, I clicked on ? . Your instructions did the trick. Do I need to change write permissions if downloaded with the new username and password that I created? I used xxxxx:xxxxxx:10. Will I have problems moving files here and there? Permission issues? Last question, Sonarr currently connecting to Deluge with default admin as username, and password. Do I have to change it? Although I confirmed it's connecting as it is.
  7. Sorry, I'm lost with @sparklyballsinstructions as to how to add a deluge user, with the deluge app being in a docker container. Kindly point out. I'd also like to let you know that deluge with Sonarr is working fine, and can communicate, and send torrents to deluge properly. CP can't see deluge. @CHBMB, sorry I totally didn't understand what you're pointing out with the link above.
  8. hi @sparklyballs, I think this is the command I should be running? echo "alice:MyC0mpL3xPass:10" >> ~/.config/deluge/auth How do I run it inside the docker app? Edit: I found this- docker exec -it deluge echo "alice:MyC0mpL3xPass:10" >> ~/.config/deluge/auth Is this correct? Thanks
  9. Hi. I recently downloaded this. I am also using linuxserver's Deluge. linuxserver's sonarr connects to linuxserver's deluge properly. but linuxserver's couchpotato cannot "see" deluge. Deluge's network type is set to Host, is that right? My Unraid's IP is, using port 8112. Instead of using localhost:588xx, I'm using for my Deluge setting. Username I used is admin, password, I have since changed to blank. I've also added label to couchpotato movies. Same goes in Deluge. Any ideas?
  10. Hi all, yes, my VM is windows 10 pro. And I also enabled allow remote desktop, still I cannot RDP into (my unraid ip). Does any port number have to be specified? Thanks for the tip on adding virtual sound card. As for the network, I assumed I will on bridge, since it is the default? Will double check it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Hi. I asked this before, but can't find my answer in search. But want to ask again maybe something has changed. Can we RDP into Windows 10 VM on unraid? I have got the best user experience with it. Furthermore, my X9SCM-F Supermicro motherboard doesn't have built-in audio, so I don't have audio when I remote. I believe RDP provides this? Or is it RDP supports audio over VM? By using TurboVNC, I don't get any audio. This is my primary issue. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. While you are considering Khadas, just want to point out to everyone that it supports HDMI CEC. This means using your TV remote, you can control kodi even without Infrared. Don't know if Plex supports it though. I have used Plex plugin inside Kodi, and it still works. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Hi. I use Raspberry Pi 3. It's super cheap, and best of all, it has CEC built-in. It definitely feels like an appliance. You power it via an adapter almost made for cellphone charging. Has built-in wifi and bluetooth, has HDMI input. Boot from SD card. I have Kodi installed. CEC allows me to use my tv remote and d-pad to control kodi, up down left right. Furthermore, you can choose to pause the episode when you turn off the tv, and continue playback when you turn tv back on. So seamless!
  14. follow-up question. I have a category in sabnzbd ebooks, which downloads to /downloads/complete/ebooks I have configure the 2 paths I can find inside lazylibrarian as such (seen on attachment). All downloads stay at /downloads/complete/ebooks. It doesn't go into /downloads/complete/ebooks/_Magazines. It also doesn't move to /books/ebooks (Media/ebooks). Maybe you can help me check which path am I missing? Are there any other parts worth taking care of?
  15. Oh, I see. So what steps can I do to fix this? I've already deleted the container, even deleted the previous config when adding the same container. I also made sure there are no Orphaned containers. Any ideas?
  16. Hi, all my docker containers are accessed via, 8989, etc. Is this wrong? In this case, I try to access This is what I see now that I set it to 8085. I install the app by searching through the app tab in Unraid.
  17. Hi, see attached. But before posting here, I've tried using another port already, and result is the same.
  18. Hi. I tried installing this again, deleting the old container. Can someone help troubleshoot? It says Lazylibrarian is running, but I don't see anything.
  19. Sorry, misunderstood. I'm happy to finally report that with your suggestion of getting it to Heavy IO, indeed, CPU fan stayed constant at close to 50%, and Fan A (Noctuas) stayed constant at about 750 RPM. I did have Low Noise Adapters connected though, so It's supposed to run at a lower speed. On top of that, since it's in Heavy IO mode, Fan A speed was further reduced, I think. Thanks for the suggestion. Before that, I had fans set to Standard mode, and was revving up and down. I wouldn't have guessed that heavy IO will make it stable at about 50%. at 750 RPM though, it won't be enough to cool my hard drives. In the end, what cooled my hard drives are the original fans that came with the Fractal case, all 3 of them connected to the HDD side. All those fans have 3 pins, that I connected to the fan switch that came with the case, set to High. That took care of the fans blowing the HDDs. Since I have a dedicated CPU Fan, the motherboard side of the case, with Fan A (Noctuas) blowing at low speed, it doesn't really get hot. What a journey! Thanks to all of you guys! I do hope dmacias finds a way to control fans so that I can utilize my Noctuas properly.
  20. Hi johnnie.black, How are they connected? Did you use the low noise adaptor to limit fan speed? How about the CPU fan connected to Fan1? Doesn't it rev up and down at Heavy IO?
  21. Found out that the fan that is too noisy is in fact another Supermicro provided fan from 1U rackmount case that I use as CPU Fan. The 3 of the other fans are the Noctua. I followed the steps detailed above. Connected CPU Fan (Supermicro) to Fan 1, and Noctua Fans to Fan A. Reset BMC, set threshold. Set fans to full. At Fans set to full, CPU Fan runs at 3300 RPM, and Noctuas run at 1275 (within limit of 1300 RPM). But the Fractal Design Node 804 is poised for TAKE OFF! :-) Despite 1275 RPM at full speed for Noctuas, the HDD temps seem to be at 40 to 41, older models go up to 45. Is this enough? Is there a way to just lower the speed for the CPU fan, and not affect Noctuas' maximum speed at 1275 RPM?
  22. Just want to make everything clear :-), the following commands, what I'm doing is open ssh session to my Unraid. I go to /mnt and execute the commands below. 1) download current config to a text file ipmi-sensors-config --checkout --filename=sensordata.conf 2) use an editor like nano to change the values you want nano -w sensordata.conf ctrl+o to save, ctrl+x to exit nano 3) commit the changes ipmi-sensors-config --commit --filename=sensordata.conf I hope all these time, I'm doing it in the right place.
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