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Everything posted by Dazog

  1. Works . I had to specify my GPU. I wonder if i can ask the person making this to add the nvidia_smi to his docker, so we don't have to do this every update Still working on Telegraf then I am gonna post the dashboard for people.
  2. Yea, now i cannot get nvidia-smi to work in telegraf I do have everything set properly. Ignore me. can't use alpine linux version :0
  3. ok i edited the Telegraf.conf and no more errors. Now time to code a dashboard and see if it works...
  4. Telegraf doesn't find the dir. Netdata's matches in docker what unraid reports. Argh. frustrating.
  5. I did and it doesn't. I will manually change the config files for both. I can see the SMI working in the netdata docker, so it is being passed through properly. It just isn't providing stats in netdata itself.
  6. I found someone who complies netdata with nvidia-smi enabled and it doesn't work. I presume because the nvidia-smi isn't installed in the default location. I will have to look to where it's installed. My telegraf says the same thing: 2019-03-10T04:12:10Z E! [inputs.nvidia_smi]: Error in plugin: nvidia-smi binary not at path /usr/bin/nvidia-smi, cannot gather GPU data
  7. Can the next beta include the latest Linux firmware from Feb 21st? https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/commit/?id=9ee52be785cf91fc6a3c6aa27d484873f8270b72 AMD now includes bits for SEV firmware in firmware blobs now. Be handy for all AMD users to make the 6.7 series. @limetech
  8. Has anyone figured out how to monitor the gpu usage through netdata docker or telegraf- Grafana?
  9. 5.10.20 https://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Beta-Blog/UniFi-Network-Controller-5-10-20-Stable-Candidate-has-been/ba-p/2707978
  10. Ok. just thought I would report what I found. If there is anything we can do to help and what to look for please let us know.
  11. maybe we got our wish from nvidia 😜 https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-container-runtime/commit/4214e71c318688c2dfae8190c7c5883e4a9c0170 Hopefully 6.7 will ship with 18.09.3 docker @limetech
  12. https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Intel-DRM-Linux-4.19-Final Says it landed in 4.19. Your saying it doesn't work? If so Intel may have pushed more bits in 4.20.
  13. 418.43 is up on slackbuilds https://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.2/system/nvidia-driver/ Full support for Turing Gpu's and NVIDIA Video Codec SDK 9.0! and GeForce GTX 1660 Ti support!
  14. I agree. By the time 6.8 is out 5.1 should be close to finishing with better support for EPYC 2/Ryzen 2/Threadripper refresh and Navi support. AMD is merging code now to bake for 5.1
  15. You talking emby or plex? Latest emby beta now does a movie at 500 fps on my p400. From original bitrate 1080p to 3 Mbps 1080p Paired with a 1920x I only see a 2-4 percent cpu usage.
  16. Next month cheapest turing 1650 comes out. Best to wait for that. Even with it's "2" streams
  17. Hopefully slackbuilds releases 418.43 soon to patch the CVE: https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4772
  18. I wonder if this can be included some how to control fan speeds: https://github.com/nan0s7/nfancurve
  19. Has anyone figured out how to monitor this in Netdata or through telegraf to Grafana? Instead of having the smi window open? I found this docker: https://github.com/D34DC3N73R/netdata-glibc Cannot get it to display any of the gpu stats
  20. Ok, not complaining I doubt many people are using expensive Turing cards for this yet
  21. Thanks for the info. Slackbuilds shows 418.30 posted. I would wait until next month when Geforce 1660Ti cards come out. Because 418.30 and above supports Turing Streaming for new cards with New Nvidia Video Codec SDK 9 https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-video-codec-sdk
  22. CVE's oustanding as of RC4: Curl has a few CVE's again. Latest is at 7.64. Oniguruma is at version 6.9.1 (5.9.6_p1) has multiple CVE's
  23. 5.10.19 is out https://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Beta-Blog/UniFi-Network-Controller-5-10-19-Stable-Candidate-has-been/ba-p/2680361
  24. I love the new design. HATE the old win95 icons and colors. I think what we need to do is create a thread in the requests section asking nicely for support for people to theme the system themselves.
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