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Everything posted by Iceman24

  1. Thanks, JorgeB. I will try that now. I did notice the CompreFace container giving me issues again, this time not stopping. It was holding up almost everything else. I had to stop all other containers individually. I can't even kill the process. I had to hard reboot it again. Ugh. I've had this container for months, no recent update and like I said before, problem happens without it running. Edit: I have had the option "-i br0" on WSD this whole time. I don't recall why, read about it years ago.
  2. Diagnostics and syslog that I mirrored to flash so that I had more data when/if it happened again. The lockup (as I'll call it) occurred between 18:14:30-18:16:50. I know as I have a monitor checking for a Docker app that runs that goes down just like everything else when it happens. I cannot even ping the server itself whatsoever once it happens, yet it was still logging for the 15 minutes or so until I hard rebooted it. It has happened about 5 times now over 2 weeks. It has been a few days, thought it may have been resolved. I reseated the memory and ran MemTest 9 until it said PASS after the 4 passes it does. Originally, unless unrelated, this problem started with something happening overnight, couldn't access anything, after reboot I couldn't see files on cache drive. After xfs repair, I could, everything okay. Then 2 days or so later the regular lockups occurred, maybe 2 days, 24 hours, 5 hours in between, very random, wasn't usually using server firsthand when it happens except once. Nothing stood out in syslog to me around lockup time, but it wasn't a log I am used to reading. I did see once I think that memory log showed 100% full on dashboard while it still kind of worked. I tried to reboot, wouldn't do it, had to hard reboot. I didn't see it seem to fill up quickly when monitoring it. At that time, CompreFace was pegging CPU, but even after keeping off, it still locked up once. I'd appreciate any help, please. This is driving me mad. I rely on this server so much. Thanks. just over 2.5 years old. No issues up until this.
  3. I didn't recreate it since it seemed to have done that. I just started reinstall Dockers. Thanks for your help.
  4. I meant in the future. I have some screenshots of some parts of it, but now I'll need to screenshot all of it. I have so many apps I can't remember it all.
  5. I am figuring at the very least I'll need to reconfigure the order in which the apps are listed/startup, possibly wait delays, and whether to autostart? Is there anything else? I'd like to know what I need to make a note of that wouldn't be restored.
  6. Hi, I had issue where everything on my SSD cache drive vanished. I ended it fixing it by running xfs_repair on the drive, but even though everything is back, including Docker image file which shows modification once things were back, I get no Dockers showing up, even after reboot. I am figuring the image file is still corrupted or something and that I have to rebuild, but want to inquire first, as if I had to reinstall every Docker, not sure if every bit of config is there or not. I have a lot. Thanks.
  7. I was testing an app that reads logs from another app. I uninstalled it, but it thinks the logs from the other app are leftover files in the Cleanup Appdata plugin. How can I tell it they're not so it doesn't permanently stay in that list?
  8. I know you can with the Supermicro X11SCH-(LN4)F models. I don't recall how they compared, but I use this one (LN4) with IPMI and the iGPU. It has your listed requirements as well.
  9. How do you use this with the new GUI config Cloudflare came out with? They make it sound so easy, but it didn't have the option to choose unRAID using Docker, so I can't just copy and paste what it told me. I haven't set up any tunnels before. https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-apps/install-and-setup/tunnel-guide/ https://lzomedia.com/blog/how-to-setup-a-cloudflare-tunnel-new-using-gui-method/
  10. I'd let this go for a bit waiting for whatever bugs to get ironed out. Is this now working properly and is there a tutorial of getting it set up the right way, whether that's using the external database or not? Thanks.
  11. Was there anything else that needed to be done to CompreFace for it to all work correctly? I know there were some issues that were going to be taken to the unRAID devs.
  12. If only having an Intel Integrated Graphics CPU/GPU, would I be able to utilize the GPU build of CompreFace? I already use the Intel onboard GPU for Frigate if that makes a difference.
  13. https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/issues/651 This was the link I was given that he said he would post in when he finished the work. I didn't reach out through GitHub though. I emailed them.
  14. I reached out to the developer of CompreFace and I was told that they're working on getting it to work properly with unraid. They noticed the demand for it.
  15. I would think whatever dependencies were needed for the whole thing to work, that they could be integrated into one app. I have a lot of apps installed and the only time I ever needed to install more than one thing was if it needed to use a separate database like mariadb. I think it would just be a matter of somebody packaging all of that together oh, so hopefully that can be done, as this seems like the best overall option with facial recognition apps from my understanding so far.
  16. I would love for this to be added to the Community Appos or at least some kind of template to make it much easier to install. I've shied away from trying this app out because of the complexity of setup.
  17. I seem to have this working correctly, but I didn't see "Primary Display" setting anywhere. I saw "VGA Priority". Otherwise, settings are the same. Is this just due to different BIOS version? I have 1.1 on a X11-SCH-LN4F. IPMI is blank after unRAID boots, so it seems I don't have it configured correctly all the way.
  18. Requesting this Docker app, invoice system called Crater. https://github.com/bytefury/crater
  19. Thanks. Working now. I actually figured it out around the same time you said this while I was walking around brainstorming, so perhaps my phone sent me the info without me knowing it. 😃 I kinda knew that, but not entirely and it finally clicked when I was thinking about it. I don't think I meant to not set things in a way that didn't work, but I didn't realize exactly how they were "needed" to be, so I ended up a little off.
  20. I'm having a helluva time switching from the standard multiple /tv and /downloads mount points to one. I was tired of all the additional copying of data due to multiple mount points, so I'm switching, but I cannot get it going no matter what I do. I have to add back the /downloads mount point in Sonarr for it to find the completely downloaded file. Is there something different about this version of Sonarr that doesn't handle this right? I don't quite understand how Sonarr finds the files without the container path to the downloads folder. There is nowhere to enter besides when setting up the Docker. I've read that the Sabnzbd API tells it, but with container paths, I'm not sure exactly how that works and simply cannot get it working with just one.
  21. I'm getting this warning from Fix Common Problems and the fix doesn't stop the scan from still reporting the warning. Fix appears to have been applied okay. Template URL for docker application AdGuard-Home is not the as what the template author specified.The template URL the author specified is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sgraaf/Unraid-Docker-Templates/main/adguardhome/template.xml. The template can be updated automatically with the correct URL.
  22. I'm strategizing for the DNS servers I may use in future, was wondering if it was possibly to specify a different DNS port for unRAID's settings? Looking at the settings, it just asks for DNS server like most devices would, no port section. I know from other devices some don't allow simply adding a colon and the port, that they just want the DNS server and they use the default port 53 or whatever other one they may use.
  23. Nice. What is not working on it?
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