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Posts posted by bastl

  1. So your issue is, all the VMs are working fine except of a Solaris install with a NVMe + Optane + LSI controller passed through?


    Small hint, i don't have the same board as yours but my AsRock Fatality x399 also has a U.2 slot and if used, one of the 3 M.2 slots are disabled. And the way how the devices are split in it's own groups are depending on the BIOS versions as well as the settings you make in the BIOS and in Unraid itself (ACS Override). Are more detailed description on what isn't working might be good for people helping you. Errorlogs, screenshots or the diagnostics might help.


    And also noted, you have 2 NVME and 2 Optane. If you pass them through your first 2 VMs (Windows, Fedora) and the VMs are running, you can't use them in another VM.

  2. @golli53 My mistake. I thought it worked this way in the past 🤨 Tried it right now and the stopping of the array triggered a shutdown of my VMs. My libvirt.img is sitting on the array. I changed this a couple weeks ago. I will try this during this weekend with the libvirt.img on the cache device. But I'am relative sure I could stop the array without shuting down the VMs in the past.

  3. Why not running your VMs from the cache drive? In this case your independant from the activity of the array and if the cache is a ssd you will highly benefit of it's speed. Other option would be to use a extra unassigned device for your VMs. In such a configuration you don't have to shut down your VMs. You only loose the connection to the data on the array if you have to restart the array for whatever reason.


  4. Have you searched the forum for "AMD GPU passthrough issues" or "AMD GPU reset bug" or "AMD driver issues"? If not, please do so but let me tell you right now, you might not be happy with the result. AMD cards especially the Vega and the Radeon VII have an issue if you pass them to a VM. It might work, but as soon as you restart the VM or power it down and later back up without restarting the server they are "stuck" in a lower power stage. This rest issue is around for a while. I have read yesterday there might be an kernel patch people working on, but nothing thats implemented in Unraid yet.


    For your driver issue you might find a answer somewhere in the forum. At some point end of last year it started with a newer driver. From this point people started complaining about an install issue with newer drivers (black screen). Some dudes figured it out, how to configure the VM to avoiding this issue. Q35 machine type, seabios or OVMF mode some sort of combination fixed it for some people.

    • Like 1
  5. Ok guys,


    is there any pcie addin card out there with minimum 2 USB 3 type A on the back and an internal connector for 3.1 gen 2? I can't find any. The plan is to connect the front USB 3.1 Type C Gen2 connector from my case "DarkBase Pro 700" to it and pass that card to a VM. The only cards i could find only have the usual gen1 connectors. One card I could find was the following but it had no extra ports on the back.






    Am I blind? Does such a card not exist???


    Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks!



  6. First of all, welcome to Unraid.


    Short answer, current state of AMD GPU passthrough is a nightmare especially the Vega cards and the Radeon VII. To be clear, I don't have a AMD GPU to play with but from all I've read here in the forum and the levelone forum you won't find many people with a working setup. If there is a working kernel patch for that issue I bet the Unraid devs will push it to us users even if it`s a "dirty patch" like on the early days of the first gen TR4 chips. Not sure if  @limetech already heared of that "fix-vega-reset.patch" and played with it. Maybe they have time to have a look at it. 


    For the driver issue with AMD GPU's I remember end of last year at one point the AMD drivers started causing issues (Black Screen). Some people figured out how to setup their VMs to avoid that bug. Not exactly sure if machine type Q35 for the VM or booting Unraid in legacy or UEFI mode or a combination of these fixes it. If you search the forum you will find a couple people reporting a fix.

  7. You only can passthrough a USB controller not a specific port. These days almost all mainboards have at least 2 or 3 separat USB controllers. Mostly you will see a USB3.0 and an extra USB3.1 controller. Try to enable the ACS Override Patch in the VM Manager settings and check if your IOMMU groups are split even further and see if you get a controller in it's own group. If this doesn't help you have to get an extra PCIe USB controller card.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Blade said:

    I am now getting this when trying to run nexcloud


    This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.2.
    You are currently running 7.3.6 



    I have not updated PHP

    This happened before for people updating within the docker container with an older docker tag. Maybe search this thread back a bit for that error you will find some people reporting it like the following


  9. 1 hour ago, Toobie said:

    Another questions, I get this highlighted:

    The "Strict-Transport-Security" HTTP header is not set to at least "15552000" seconds. For enhanced security, it is recommended to enable HSTS as described in the security tips ↗.

    How can I adjust this? 

    You have to add-it/uncomment it in the default site-config.

    nano /config/nginx/site-confs/default

    Mine looks like the following. You should find the section if you scroll down a bit. Not sure if I added the line or if you only have to uncomment it.



    • Like 1
  10. 50 minutes ago, saarg said:


    The documentation is there in the text, so probably better to click the link.

    I got the same error after the latest 16.0.2 update. It also shows it's on 16.0.2 and an update to 16.0.2 is available. The files it complains about are the following:

    The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
    the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix
    - viewer
    		- cypress/fixtures/video.mkv
    		- cypress/fixtures/video.webm
    		- cypress/fixtures/image-small.png
    		- cypress/fixtures/image3.jpg
    		- cypress/fixtures/video.ogv
    		- cypress/fixtures/video2.mp4
    		- cypress/fixtures/image1.jpg
    		- cypress/fixtures/image2.jpg
    		- cypress/fixtures/image.png
    		- cypress/fixtures/image.bmp
    		- cypress/fixtures/video1.mp4
    		- cypress/fixtures/image.gif
    		- cypress/fixtures/image4.jpg
    		- cypress/fixtures/image.svg
    		- cypress/integration/video.mkv.spec.js
    		- cypress/integration/image.gif.spec.js
    		- cypress/integration/video.ogv.spec.js
    		- cypress/integration/videos.spec.js
    		- cypress/integration/image.svg.spec.js
    		- cypress/integration/image-small.png.spec.js
    		- cypress/integration/video.mp4.spec.js
    		- cypress/integration/images.spec.js
    		- cypress/integration/video.webm.spec.js
    		- cypress/integration/image.png.spec.js
    		- cypress/integration/files.spec.js
    		- cypress/start.sh
    		- cypress/plugins/index.js
    		- cypress/support/commands.js
    		- cypress/support/index.js
    		- cypress/utils/index.js
    		- cypress/stop.sh
    		- cypress.json
    - files_rightclick
    		- README.md

    None of the 2 addons (rightclick, pictureviewer) where marked with updates or with incompatible versions before the update. Never had an issue upgrading Nextcloud before. @bobokun What files are causing the issue for you? Any idea how to fix this?

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