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Everything posted by Stupifier

  1. This! It would be excellent to have the Docker Compose Interface be more easily accessible. I hate going to the docker page only to wait forever for all my various non-compose dockers to load on the page...then scroll all the way down to the bottom to do compose stuff. Something/Anything more streamlined would be appreciated. Good work on this plugin overall though, I love it.
  2. Config will survive reboot
  3. How do I run any CA Userscript Script from within a Terminal Session? I know copies of scripts are held and ran from " /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts"....but when I go there via Terminal...I don't see ALL of my scripts listed (only a subset). It appears the only scripts listed here are ones which have been previously executed through Userscripts GUI. I know scripts are also located in "/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts" but those are all buttoned up with permissions restricting run (probably for good reason too since its the flash drive).
  4. Ok.....not sure how that helps me install rdiff-backup on unraid though???? Are you suggesting a different command?
  5. Unraid GUI --> Docker Tab --> Uncheck Autostart next to Sonarr/Radarr....now they do not run automatically......
  6. @learningunraid Dude, the answer is simple. Stop trying to run Sonarr/Radarr before rclone mount..... Only start sonarr/Radarr AFTER rclone mount.
  7. FWIW, I'm running version 2020.09.29 of the rclone plugin with absolutely no issues on 6.9 RC2. Been running for months. I don't know if this is the most recent version of the plugin or not but it kinda doesn't matter. You can update rclone from within the plugin so.....ya, this is great! Also worth mentioning, I don't recall exactly if this is what I did...but I believe I had this version of the rclone plugin installed prior to updating to any 6.9 release. Then upgraded to 6.9. Again, no issues.
  8. At least now you'll have MORE time to develop....right? 🙃 Sorry, had to throw in that joke/jab. Divorces suck!
  9. No idea how to do that but seriously.....upload the files to Google Drive without the VPN. Google truly does NOT care. This isn't like you are seeding torrents, you don't need a VPN in this instance.
  10. Type "rclone config" in a terminal session and follow along with all the prompts. When you reach a prompt which asks if you are Headless, say YES. And just follow the prompt. It'll ask you to go to a link, auth your account, and paste some code back in the terminal. That's all. And for FWIW, this is the exact same procedure for any headless device. Unraid is not special. So you can Google any setup tutorial for help on this. I'm not exactly sure why SpaceInvaderOne had all the GUI mode discussion stuff in his video...but his video there is very old.
  11. No idea what you are trying to do.
  12. Google "plex unraid rclone". First result.
  13. 50TB of total data. I'd do your transfer in chunks...I'd also do it in a tmux/screen terminal session to avoid disconnects
  14. 750 GB/Day is for UPLOADS to Google. It's about 10 TB/Day for DOWNLOADS from Google. You can workaround these limits with the use of Google Service Accounts (no I won't explain how you set that up) There are scripts on github such as sasync to help you download to local. These scripts are capable of performing service account cycling so you can download/upload a lot per day. Google to find this in github.
  15. Thought there was more to it than that......isn't there? I mean...shit....there is even an additional container (varken). I'm sure its more complicated than simply dumping a json.
  16. I'm excited to get the v1.5 but I use @testdasi grafana stack...hopefully he gets some time to update it to the latest UUD version. I might get impatient though and just dump it and try to setup all three containers separately though. Dunno.
  17. @testdasi Any chance you could incorporate UUD version 1.5 into your all-in-one Stack? It looks incredible!
  18. Any help at all regarding this.....Sometimes its just plain easier for me to run stuff from a terminal instead of the unraid GUI....and I'd rather not clone all of my userscripts to another location just so I can run them via terminal. But if that's how its gotta be....ok....
  19. Research a github project called cloudplow. It does exactly what you want. I will NOT walk you through setup for it. Review the readme carefully. You MAY have to use a docker version of cloudplow if Unraid has issues installing it the standard way.
  20. And you were experiencing this organizr-related crash? Sorry, I only ask because I didn't see you post in here explicitly saying you had experienced this crash.....just wanted to be clear
  21. Maybe the latest beta (now in RC phase) that was JUST today released solves this issue......dunno. Anyone care to test and report back? Kernel jumps from 5.8.18 ---> 5.9.13 here php jumps from 7.4.11 ---> 7.4.13
  22. Ok. I did not know you are using unionfs. Provide your unionfs mount command. This matters in solving your issue. use this command to copy stuff from rclone remote to your local array storage. rclone copy "remote:some_directory" "/mnt/user/some_share/" --bwlimit 10M -v -P That will limit the download speed to 10 MB/second. You can download about 10 Terabytes per day I think. The download limit is higher than the upload limit. You should also use the --dry-run and -v flag. The dry run flag is used for testing your command (nothing actually transfers) and the -v flag is to output more information in the terminal window so you can see what is happening. And the -P flag is to see progress live as things are happening. Again, I HIGHLY recommend you look over all the rclone flags available in https://rclone.org/flags/ I found the --bwlimit flag from that webiste. Trying to help you learn instead of just asking questions over and over.
  23. Thank you so much causefx. I know you always help as best you are able. Really appreciative. Please let me know if I can provide ANYTHING to help you at all.
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