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Everything posted by racingsquirrel

  1. Hi @Goobaroo Any chance of getting a container for FTB Inferno? Thanks.
  2. Thanks @goobaroo. I'll check Docker Hub in future. Also thanks for these containers, I was previously using MineOS which is great but I looked for a different solution after an issue that I was having there. I'm enjoying the simplicity of this single app docker.
  3. Hi, Could you add the pack version to the first post for ftb_presents_direwolf20_1_18 please. It is currently stated as 1.18 which is the MC version not the pack version. Also if it has not been could you update to the latest version which I believe is 1.4.1. I see you made some updates for bugfixes and I'm not sure if you updated the pack at the same time. Thanks.
  4. I'm getting a template URL warning about my zigbee2mqtt docker. It seems that it is checking the opposite templates for the 2 available zigbee2mqtt images. As per the image below, the original one I was using is named zigbee2mqtt and was the image on selfhosters' repository. It is checking against digiblur's repository. This seems to be confirmed by reinstalling the selfhoster image as zigbee2mqtt_test and then the digiblur image as zigbee2mqtt_digiblur.
  5. Since the update I am unable to move files. On hitting Rename, I am seeing error message "MOVE: ClassNotFoundException: javafx.concurrent.Task" Edit: The issue has already been raised on the Docker github
  6. My RSS feeds seem to be very unreliable without the WEBUI open. I am missing downloads or they are only starting once the WEBUI has been opened(although they do seem to be working correctly occasionally). As far as I can see the RSS plugin should be loading with rtorrent due to this line in rtorrent.rc: execute = {sh,-c,/usr/bin/php7 /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent/php/initplugins.php abc &} Is there anything that I am missing or that I can do to improve this?