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Everything posted by ctrlaltd1337

  1. Yeah, following those steps worked to re-instate my Docker image, and without issue. The size on the disk continues to fluctuate, currently at 209GB. I'll see if the varying in size continues and I'll change my appdata to a proper cache pool and mirror it soon as well. Thanks for talking through this with me, I'll have to see if it happens again!
  2. The first command didn't show any results, and when I restarted my server, the unassigned disk didn't auto-mount. And when I mounted it, my Docker image failed to start again ("Docker Service failed to start." when trying to open Docker tab). 😭 But the used space has gone down to 188GB used out of 250GB again. I'm starting to wonder if it's my SSD, but it didn't throw any errors and the SMART looks to be fine?
  3. Hey, I'm looking to figure out why on the Main tab in Unraid, appdata (unassigned disk) is reporting as 240GB used (1GB more than this morning), when it was about 50GB smaller yesterday. The first thing that comes to mind is that I needed to re-create my docker.img yesterday, but I'm not seeing the old one hiding anywhere. I've attached three images - what Unraid is reporting the drive usage as, and what Krusader and qdirstat are reporting the drive usage as.
  4. I thought containers used to automatically sort alphabetically? I've noticed the last few months that new containers get put to the top of the list. Any way to change this back?
  5. Thanks for the response. I've just changed it to wait a bit longer to kill containers and did a fresh install of your plugin. I'll see how it runs tonight and check the logs of the plugin (forgot those were a thing). Thanks,
  6. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible, while also providing enough detail. OS: 6.11.5 Plex Container: linuxserver/plex Involved plugins: CA Backup / Restore Appdata (v2, 2022.12.13) and Appdata Backup/Restore v2.5 (2023.01.28) I have had my appdata backup run on Mondays at 4am for years, even with the recently deprecated plugin. It hadn't been giving me issues until recently and I had read that v2.5 was giving people errors so I stuck with the v2 until last week, but my issue still occurred with v2.5. The issue seems to only be affecting the Plex container, as all other containers backup properly and restart without issue. This obviously makes me think it's an issue with the container, but I've tried to completely re-install it and the same thing keeps happening. The issue is that after the appdata backup, Plex does not restart, and whenever I try to start it I get greeted with "Error: Server Error" with no other information. I cannot start the container, delete the container, I can hardly do anything to it. The one thing I was able to do one time was rename it (I changed it from plex to plex2). I have tried turning the Docker service off and on, but I was unable to unmount my unassigned disk (appdata), so something was stuck. I still could not update, delete, anything. My solve was to set the container to not autostart, restart the server, and then all works as expected when I start it up manually. Where it gets weirder is that while the container is quite obviously not running, htop is still showing Plex Transcoder as working for HOURS, with it still using the CPU. My question is, what can I do to try to pull logs if it happens again this Monday morning, or do you have any thoughts on how to solve this? Let me know if you need any more info or diagnostics, thanks!
  7. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible, while also providing enough detail. OS: 6.11.5 Plex Container: linuxserver/plex Involved plugins: CA Backup / Restore Appdata (v2, 2022.12.13) and Appdata Backup/Restore v2.5 (2023.01.28) I have had my appdata backup run on Mondays at 4am for years, even with the recently deprecated plugin. It hadn't been giving me issues until recently and I had read that v2.5 was giving people errors so I stuck with the v2 until last week, but my issue still occurred with v2.5. The issue seems to only be affecting the Plex container, as all other containers backup properly and restart without issue. This obviously makes me think it's an issue with the container, but I've tried to completely re-install it and the same thing keeps happening. The issue is that after the appdata backup, Plex does not restart, and whenever I try to start it I get greeted with "Error: Server Error" with no other information. I cannot start the container, delete the container, I can hardly do anything to it. The one thing I was able to do one time was rename it (I changed it from plex to plex2). I have tried turning the Docker service off and on, but I was unable to unmount my unassigned disk (appdata), so something was stuck. I still could not update, delete, anything. My solve was to set the container to not autostart, restart the server, and then all works as expected when I start it up manually. Where it gets weirder is that while the container is quite obviously not running, htop is still showing Plex Transcoder as working for HOURS, with it still using the CPU. My question is, what can I do to try to pull logs if it happens again this Monday morning, or do you have any thoughts on how to solve this? Let me know if you need any more info or diagnostics, thanks!
  8. This worked, cheers! One thing to add is that I needed to log in with [email protected] and MyPassword for the first login regardless of what I had in the container variables.
  9. Requesting this too. I see Tandoor Recipes is up, but I would love to try out Mealie as well.
  10. Confirmed for me as well. I made a backup of the current /config/qbittorrent/ and then chose "write into" and "overwrite" for all prompts in Krusader when copying over from /config/data/qbittorrent/. Cheers @Ademar!
  11. Their Discord is the best place for discussion: https://discord.gg/PkCWJSeCk7 Their GitHub Issues page allows you to make suggestions: https://github.com/sct/overseerr/issues
  12. Yes, you save it as a JSON file, create a new dashboard and then upload that JSON file. You can then use that dashboard going forward and save it whenever you make changes.
  13. Yeah, that would make the most sense. There are plenty of tutorials online that show how to get Varken up and running on a Grafana dashboard so you could just link to those, or pull from them and include a simple tutorial in the GitHub repo for GUS. Would be willing to help create a tutorial for you as well, @testdasi.
  14. For GUS, is it possible to include Varken?: https://github.com/Boerderij/Varken Worked great before I decided to nuke all of previous installed to install your version. I miss it, but don't think I miss it enough to install it again with one of my backups.
  15. Ahhh, not worth the hassle. Thanks for the prompt reply and great dashboard.
  16. Is there a way to not include my /downloads share in the array growth calculation? It will delete itself eventually so it's not a big deal, but if I could just not include that share in the calculation that would be awesome.
  17. Any way to move this UI to the top of the Dashboard again? Can't seem to move it from the bottom left of the UI now.
  18. Legend. Wasn't worried, just wanted to be sure it was known. Thanks!
  19. Same here. And the Apps option has disappeared from my header. plugin: updating: community.applications.plg Cleaning Up Old Versions plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/archive/community.applications-2020.02.06-x86_64-1.txz ... done plugin: bad file MD5: /boot/config/plugins/community.applications/community.applications-2020.02.06-x86_64-1.txz
  20. One thing you like most about Unraid The ease of use for entire operating system. One thing you'd like to see added to the OS in 2020 Backing up through rsync or something similar baked into the OS for off-site backups. Happy New Year, all!
  21. Thanks for all of the hard work and appreciate the quick updates!
  22. TheMovieDB is down, so Ombi isn't working because of it.
  23. Entering in this! I've been using Unraid for close to a year now. I built my first server after I had built up a large collection of my personal photography and wanted a better way to store them, so I decided on a small personal NAS. That led me to Unraid's forums and now I've got a huge home server (didn't expect to though!). Lots of help on here and the subreddit, cheers and I'd gladly display the badge on my case!
  24. I'm having a strange issue. If I go to the URL, I am greeted with "This site can’t be reached, ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE." If I refresh I get the same thing, but if I press enter in the address bar, it loads me to the login screen and everything works fine. Anybody else experiencing this or have an idea for a fix?
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