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Everything posted by FlamongOle

  1. Might work fine with one GPU, i didn't get any luck by trying to pass through more than one to a VM. Dunno why, but docker worked for me 😛
  2. It should not matter, I have 3 GPU's running without display, the 4th GPU is running VM with mining inside it as I use it for multiple things. The configuration should ignore connected screens and create fake screens. But you can try with one connected, maybe a HDMI-dummy will fix the problem in that case.
  3. Does the GPU run other tasks? Might be that plex blocks it or a VM obviously.
  4. Just try to restart the container. I have it autostarted with some wait time at 10 seconds. Maybe the drivers didn't get loaded or something. Right now your card is likely running without overclocking. If a restart doesn't help, try to reinstall it/force update. Then check in the docker log after startup if the correct nvidia drivers are downloaded and installed (must match the drivers installed in unraid)
  5. Ye, fan IDs increases by number of total fans, not limited per GPU. I did upgrade to 6.9.2 as well. Don't remember if i got the fatal error, but GPU ID might change maybe. Dunno.
  6. You should mainly not get incorrect at all. I think expected hashrates for 3060Ti is the same as 3070, so ~60-61. You rather have a bit lower hashrates and power consumption than incorrect results. Fa controllers might vary, often 3 fan cards still uses only 2 controllers. There's commands to figure out that, but you might write them under "Console" in the docker container. nvidia-settings -q fans
  7. Hard to say, I think I am running HW transcoding with my P2000 5GB MEM in Emby. So maybe memory just have to be just enough above the DAG size and transcoding requirements (which might vary from file to file). Mining is a heavy workload, so it won't surprise me that transcoding might not work properly or at all. But at least you can turn off one single docker/mining when not transcoding, instead of all of them
  8. You install the container multiple times (one per card), and keep them card specific. After first install, you can click "Add container", then select the "NsfminerOC" template and adjust values accordingly. "nvidia-smi" in terminal will show you the GPU ID for the specific card.
  9. The docker just runs nsfminer and sets up the overclocking etc. No other ways it is controlled. Source code is out there.
  10. No relevant questions for this docker container, all infomation about mining and wallets you will find at ethermine.org or other mining sites. Google is your friend here. This is more than I am willing to support.
  11. 1) yes 2) any name (it appears as a name for the worker, so you can separate multiple GPUs) 3) Probably, google it 4) Perfectly normal for Quadro cards as they can't be overclocked/they are locked.
  12. Google it, and you will find the answer. Everybody has asked that before, so do some effort yourself, thanks
  13. This is beyond of what I am going to support here, it's strictly the docker container. However, for others and your reference, enter your address at https://ethermine.org/ to check your current hashrate etc. The website has a lot of information about payouts and you can google different ethereum mining calculators out there for expected income. You will find all your information there, and it's more accurate than the info I can give you. Happy mining
  14. Then you have too less GPU memory, as you see, it requires minimum 4.23 GB and your GPU has 2 GB (1.95 GB) total.
  15. Not sure what you mean about the app? It shouldn't take too long before you get DAG and hashrates available.. 5 minutes tops I expect. Also check that it did detect CUDA at the start of the worker process, without it, it will always generate 0. Some older cards might not be supported by newer CUDA versions, I have no overview of this.
  16. Yes it works container and application wise. Now you should detect hashrates like the ones in green after the DAG file has been created, it might take some time depending on your GPU:
  17. Sadly yes, the memory requirements has surpassed 4GB memory. I will add that as a note at frontpage
  18. @RazorX @Natebur Check for docker updates and install the new ones. Please report back if success or not, and which driver you are using. It is supposed to accept whatever driver you choose. I currently made it running again with 460.67 with GTX 1070 + P2000.
  19. There's no need to do anything just yet, lots of BS going on in the docker now for troubleshooting
  20. currently working on it with a glass of rum&coke
  21. It's a fault happening currently, I am not sure what it is as I have rolled back the docker version I had before I made some changes. It happened to me after a reboot.. not sure if something underlying happened with the nvidia drivers, or if it's something else.
  22. Plugin updates, then refresh the nvidia plugin page?
  23. Should be 460.67 or else it won't work at all. Make sure you have the latest nvidia package, and maybe it require Unraid 6.9.1.
  24. It means I have currently messed it up. Hopefully should be working soon again, and make sure the Nvidia versions matches as stated on the front page.