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About Alphacosmos

  • Birthday 04/14/1986


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  1. Been on Windows insider builds for some time. Recently on the canary build 25915 something changed to the way windows sees SMB. Is anyone using the new windows insider builds with unraid that can share there setting
  2. Morning all, Woke up to a failed disk this morning. Opened a case and had a drive clicking horribly and then went to check a connector and snapped the sata connector on another drive. So 2x stuffed HDD.... Is there anyway to recover some data from the array..... I still have the parity and 5 good disks. One of the drives only had 1tb of data so im happy to write that off. CAN PARITY REBUILD IF I DO A NEW CONFIG EXCLUDING ONE OF THE DRIVES.
  3. Overview: Support for Officelife Application: Officelife GitHub: httphttps://github.com/officelifehq/officelife/blob/main/docs/img/company.png Documentation: https://docs.officelife.io/documentation/introduction.html#what-is-officelife If a company wants to have a complete 360 view of what’s happening inside its walls, it needs to buy and configure a lot of tools. There is a tool for every specific aspect of a company: HR, project management, time tracking, holidays and time offs, team management, One on Ones,... There isn't a software available today, that combine all of them together in a simple way. Not only buying and configuring all those software is a time-consuming process, but it also costs a lot of money - especially for smaller companies with a limited budget. Moreover, most of the SAAS out there have a let's-call-us-and-talk-for-an-hour-before-you-can-see-what-the-pricing-will-look-like-for-you policy, which most people hate and that we refuse to follow. We've created OfficeLife to provide a single source of truth for everything an employee does. OfficeLife has the following features, in 5 major domains: 👋 Recruit Applicant tracking system Onboarding / offboarding (coming soon) 🥸 Manage Employee management Team management Company management 👷‍♀️ Operate Time tracking PTOs (ie holidays and time offs) (coming soon) Expenses management Hardware and software licenses Project management ☎️ Communicate Work logs Recent ships Team and company news Get to know your colleagues Wikis 🥳 Grow Employee and team morale One on Ones Rate your manager Skills Objectives Key Results (OKR) (coming soon) e-Coffees Discipline cases
  4. @Froodle Yeah no dramas I can do that now.. Cheers
  5. I didnt make the application, the Github Developer should take all the credit. I just made the template for the CA store.
  6. Overview: Support for Plex Library Cleaner. Application: Plex Library Cleaner Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/selexin/plex-library-cleaner GitHub: https://github.com/se1exin/Plex-Library-Cleaner Documentation: https://github.com/se1exin/Plex-Library-Cleaner
  7. Hey All, Im trying a get a custom web server running with swag and i'm having some dramas upstanding the documentation so i was wondering if i could get some help.. I have set up multiple reverse proxies but never hosted my own html. I have created a .html file id like to host with my own sub-domain. As far as i understand i should move my html files into /config/www folder and in site-confs folder i should have a config file that points to said config/www folder. Within said conf file I should have which subdomain swag should be pointing too. Im not really sure if im missing anything or if my config file is correct or not. Does anyone have any guides or documentation that could help. Regards, Justin
  8. Overview: Support for Docker image CNCJS. Application: CNCJS - https://cnc.js.org/ Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/cncjs/cncjs/ GitHub: https://github.com/cncjs/cncjs Documentation: https://cnc.js.org/docs/
  9. @b3rs3rk Thanks for the response. I have 3 gpus in my system at the moment and im happy to help and test you would like. I also have 2 older gpus if you require a card for testing yourself
  10. Hey Mex, I love what your doing here! If possible I would love a Phanteks Enthoo Elite please!
  11. Hey Guys I love the Plugin, If i may place a feature request. Can I get multi gpu support. either the option of multiple dashboards or just seeing which apps are working across multiple gpus.
  12. I got this working following the guide and using docker-folders. I cant seem to get reverse proxy to work, its making my SWAG fail. has anyone got this working
  13. Has anyone got a working SWAG conf file for reverse proxy
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