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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. Try that. If that does not work there is an utility that you can run on your Windows computer that will provide with information about your current networking configuration from that computer's viewpoint. It is called LANscan and you can find it by googling 'Scottie's LANscanner v1.6'. Many folks are reluctant to download programs from the Internet and you may want to do a bit of resource first. (I would definitely get it directly from Scottie's website...) OH, one more thing! I would suggest that you name your workgroup and computers using all Capital letters. Windows tends to treat all names was if they were All capitals even while it stores things are entered. In Windows, create a file named new.txt, then try to create one named New.txt and Windows will complain! Linux will happily create both files without any issues. How SMB resolves this issue is confusing and it can lead to some really perplexing problems. EDIT (2020-01-20): Current version of Scottie's LANscanner is 2.02 and works with Windows 10.
  2. You also need to reboot the server to actually include these as a part of your SMB configuration. (There is a way to do this from the command line but the series of commands required probably takes longer than rebooting.)
  3. Did you install the Local Master Plugin? Did you include the addition to the Samba Extras in the first post of this thread. Did you setup your server to allow it become the Local Master? SMB is a very finicky and often seems more like witchcraft is needed to getting it to work. I would suggest that AFTER you have done all of the above, you shutdown (power down) every computer and media device (that will be accessing any local computer via SMB) on your system. Turn your unRAID server on. Let it run for twenty minutes after you have it established that it is the Local Master. Then turn back on all of the other devices that you have shut down at five minutes intervals. This interval allows each computer on the network to get properly logged into the SMB network and to end up with a list of every computer connected to the workgroup. (The polling time for SMB is usually minutes as it was first introduced when the 80386 was the fast CPU on the planet! The objective was not to allow SMB to slow down the responsiveness of the other programs that would be running. I understand that you could still connect one of those Windows for Workgroup computers to a current SMB network and it would work!)
  4. You WILL need more memory to run 6.3.0!!! 1GB is absolute minimum and even then you will probably have problems. (As you have found.) I consider 2GB the absolute minimum for most NAS only servers and would personally recommend 4GB of RAM for any serious installation. Each preclear operation on a disk requires a sizeable block of memory and 5 of them requires 5 times that amount. (Discussing memory usage, the various stats reports and their significance with Linux users is akin to the medieval discussion about the number of angels that can sit on the head of a needle.)
  5. OK, so that's normal. Any advise on the "missing csrf_token"? Apparently, it is caused by ANY browser window that was opened (and is still open) before your last reboot. And, apparently, it can be on any computer or device and not necessarily the computer that is displaying the error. There is a difference between missing csrf_token and wrong csrf_token. The missing csrf_token means the post does not have the csrf_token defined. This is a coding issue in the plugin. A wrong csrf_token means the csrf_token passed in is the wrong value. The wrong csrf_token is generally from a stale token from a webgui being open during a reboot. It would pass the old value because the csrf_token is re-genereated on each boot. - Missing csrf_token is a programming problem. - Wrong csrf_token is from a stale value being used and can be fixed by refreshing the page in the open browser. Thank you for the clarification! Hopefully, the number of Missing csrf_token issues will decline rapidly as the programmers 'fix' the last of them and folks get all of their plugins updated. But I would hazard that we will always that the Wrong csrf_token issue with us...
  6. OK, so that's normal. Any advise on the "missing csrf_token"? Apparently, it is caused by ANY browser window that was opened (and is still open) before your last reboot. And, apparently, it can be on any computer or device and not necessarily the computer that is displaying the error.
  7. Thanks Frank. I appreciate your response and you have answered my question. I didn't necessarily want to go that route and will copy the files, but for the sake of educating myself to understand how unRAID works, assume my flash stick is dead or lost. What kind of issues would I expect to run into? Network settings and a server name seems easy enough, so I'm more curious about recreating disk.cfg and sharename.cfg's. If I was forced to do that, is it mission critical that the share settings be exactly as they were before? Or would I be free to change things like highwater vs fillup, or even the share name? Does a share name change require renaming the folders on each disk? These questions might be getting off topic, but thank you for your input. The way to prevent any problem in this type of situation is simple. Make a backup of your Flash Drive. You can easily do this by stopping the array and copying the entire contents of your Flash Drive to a location on another computer. Then restart the array. (Stopping the array will set a flag that the array was properly shutdown and, thus, a parity check will not be required on restart.) When (when NOT if) that Flash Drive fails, you copy the contents of that folder to a new Flash Drive, run make_bootable.bat, insert the Flash Drive, boot the computer, get a New key file using the automated process and you are back running. (I actually have the contents of my unRAID Flash Drives stored in a off-site environment as a part of my backup strategy!) The issues, you run into will depend on how much you have configured your shares. If you have restricted access to shares, configured users with user logins, use Dockers with extensive setup settings, have a special network configurations (or even simple ones if you have something out of the ordinary in your network), etc, you are going to have a longer recovery process.
  8. Yes. And your new server should be up and running and it will appear to all of the world to be identical to your old one. Not really. It will take a bit longer and you might have issues if you don't get get all of the settings right on the first go-around. But I fail to understand why you want to go this route. Because there are a lot more settings that copying over these files provide besides the Share settings. Things like your password, server name, DNS settings network configuration. A lot of folks put in a lot of time to develop those procedures to do so the upgrade would go smoothly. (Most people can follow my simple version and will only have to refer the the long version if they encounter an issue-- and the issue will probably be covered in the long version by this point!) Disk 2 will be unaffected by the change. If it didn't have a red-X in front with the old version, it should start OK. In Version 6, you can left-click on 'Disk2' on the 'Main' page and you will go directly to a properties page for that disk. There you can easily see the SMART attributes, and run SMART tests on that drive. Should there be an issue with that drive (or you have a question about what you are seeing), please start an new thread in this sub-forum.
  9. If you are setting it in the BIOS and you don't have a Time Zone option, try setting the time to the correct UTC time. (which is 5 hours ahead of EST and be careful how you set the date if is in the evening when you do this.)
  10. I have SSL/TLS enabled but I went to the "Sing-in and Security" page on G-mail and set "Allow less secure apps:" to 'On'. That made it work for me.
  11. Try looking here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=46682.msg446221#msg446221
  12. Look at 'Setting" >>> 'Display' and then the "Page update frequency:" setting. Use 'Help' to determine which one is set and which one you want to use.
  13. You should really think about your power outages. Where I live, if the the power is out for more than thirty seconds, it is going to be out for a extended period of time well beyond the capacity of any reasonably priced UPS. I initiate shutdown thirty seconds after the power goes out. Using this short period on battery operation also allows for the deterioration of the battery as it ages. You say that most of outages are less than thirty minutes. If you intend to run to 10% of battery charge, you may be in for a surprise. Most unRAID servers have most (or all) drives spun down. When the server shuts down, it spins up all of the drives and your 10% remaining charge suddenly drops precipitously! I have heard of folks who have rigged up a UPS to a car battery for extended runtime but there are some serious safety issues that have to be addressed.
  14. And you will have to have all of the switches and routers on the UPS also as they have to stay up until everything has been setup to shutdown!!!!
  15. Here is an introduction to preclearing: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=Configuration_Tutorial#Preclear_Hard_Drives and http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=2817.0 Between the two of these, I think you should have everything you need.
  16. Tried with ie edge, ie 11, firefox and chrome. None works. Any ideas? i have same problem and the plugin is up to date 2016.12.24 up-to-date any ideas or help i have waited for a hour and still just stays at starting... thanks ps. i uninstalled the plugin and then download directly from github in case i was missing any dependencies and same story just sits starting I too am experiencing this issue. Unfortunately, I cannot provide any meaningful logs, as there isn't anything about it in them that I have found. Have four drives to pre-clear. Are there any recommendations on how I can get this done outside of the plugin (it was recommended awhile ago in a thread that anyone on v6 should use the plugin vice the script)? Or a possible roll-back or such (I suspect the preferred resolution is to whack the bug, but figured I'd ask never-the-less). Thank you. You can use JoeL's original preclear script but if you are using it with recent versions of unRAID, you have to modify the script. Directions to do that are here: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=13054.msg464653#msg464653 Have fun if you are not a command line person... It is not that difficult but it is a learning curve. Be sure you read JoeL's instructions on how to use the script from the command line! One word of caution, if you are going to use a Terminal emulator (i.e., PuTTY) rather than the console, you need to be running screen. It is a part of the the Nerd Pack plugin.
  17. Well, I have a SATA2 PCI-Express x1 RAID Controller Card using a Silicon Image SIL3132 in my Test Bed Server that works. I believe that is the chip of choice for many of the PCIE X1 cards. You may have gotten a DOA one...
  18. By the Way, the "New Permissions (Docker Safe:)" tool is a part of the fix.common.problems plugin. Sorry about that...
  19. This will cause problems!!!! As I understand it, the users 'nobody and 'users' have special properties that are required for unRAID shares. If you go to 'Tools', you will see a 'New Permissions' tool. You can run that and it will fix the permissions. Howver, I understand it causes problems if you have dockers installed. So some wrote a ''New Permissions' tool which has the following help: I suspect that one of your plugins or Dockers is misconfigured...
  20. Now, you can start down the tree for both shares. I would start with a cd /mnt/user to put you in the /mnt/user directory. Note that your current directory is /mnt/user is shown in the prompt in case you get lost. (After you input a couple of commands, the up and down arrows will move up and down recent commands.) Then do cd documents and you will see the you are now in /mnt/user/documents. another ls a-l will show what the properties for each file and directory there. (A cd .. will move back a directory level.) Now navigate through both directory trees and see if you find anything unusual...
  21. Login via PuTTY or the console and type ls -al /mnt/user That will give something like this: drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 128 Dec 22 12:30 ./ drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 120 Dec 22 12:30 ../ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 472 Dec 13 15:46 Backup/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 1400 Dec 23 09:10 Media/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users--- in this section, these are the permissions for that name. the 'd' indicates that it is a directory and not a file (A file would be a - ). The first block of rwx are the permission for the owner, the second bloc are the permissions of members of user group and the third block is the Public permissions. nobody is the owner in this case and users is the user group. By the way, this is the default that you should find on all directories in this directory /mnt/users. Files will look like this: -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users 171432901 Aug 10 2013 312D_FrenchSideTable.mp4 If you are a complete Linux Newbe, look up the following Linux commands: cd and ls Remember that Linux is case sensitive!!!!
  22. OFT!!! I have done this because, unfortunately, it is one pair of DNS servers that are available almost everywhere. Do you know of another set of DNS servers which is universally available with all of the baggage?
  23. I was thinking about presenting it on first open of Preclear/Unassigned Devices, and let users change it on the Help Section of Preclear Plugin page. Why do you think it should be done after each preclear session? Why not? That way if something did not seems right or there was a problem (or even a recently introduced size or disk model), the user could decide that in this case, he might want to upload the data. If you are going to provide an check-box type option, you might provide an "Ask me each Time" as a third choice to hard 'Yes' or 'No' choice. You are providing this software free to the user base and you do (in my opinion) have the right to be insistent in requesting an upload of the results.
  24. Absolutely! I assume that this popup choice will be presented upon the completion of each preclear process.
  25. As far as I am concerned, #2 is the only one that I would consider is not an invasion of my privacy. While I realize that the other information is nice to have, it is not essential to working of this product. While LimeTech 'knows' how many time its software is download (which I assume you also know) and how many licenses it has issued, it has no real knowledge of how its product is being used, actual numbers of disks and with what plugins, Dockers, or VM's. (There are a fair number of us with Pro licenses that aren't using anywhere near the numbers of disks to require it!) I realize that I have exposed some of this data in my 'signature' line of this post. However, the collection of that data would be very difficult and expensive process and even more difficult to tie directly to me as an individual. (The upload of the data you propose to Google will have my IP address as a part of that data which would serve Google's purposes for THEIR data collection! Read their terms of use...)
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