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Everything posted by SpencerJ

  1. Another option is: https://forums.unraid.net/uncookie.php It'll only remove old IPS cookies that were using '.unraid.net' instead of the more secure 'forums.unraid.net'
  2. Per @Squid, @luxinliang was lucky visitor # 1 MILLION to the Community Apps Plug-in thread! Wow!
  3. The "Unread" button is back! https://forums.unraid.net/discover/unread/ Happy Friday
  4. Strange. Please let us know if anything returns to situation FUBAR. Glad it's working! Cheers
  5. I'm fairly certain that only Admins (and possibly Moderators) can see your email address. Let me do some testing to confirm.
  6. Looks like we might have found a fix for the "Unread" button disappearing. Hoping to deploy ASAP.
  7. Thanks for confirming. Please let us know if the issue pops up again. ✌️
  8. All set @BigFam! Sorry I missed this initially.
  9. One user cleared their browser cache/cookies and the issue was fixed (for them). Awaiting results if it persists but this is one option to try. @jonp is also in a back and forth with Invision support on this. Thank you all for your patience in this annoyance.
  10. https://docs.ibracorp.io/all-guides-in-order/documentation/virtual-unraid If you would like to try out the Unraid 6.10 RC but don't want to update your production servers just yet, this guide is for you! Very nice write up from @UnraidDuck
  11. Ok will keep digging. ➡️ ➡️ ↘️ ↗️ ↘️ ↗️ ↘️ 🚀 💥🦑
  12. This is still being looked into and likely has to do with our custom forum theme. We're contacting our theme author to get this fixed. Cc: @jonp
  13. I think I re-enabled what you are wanting based on: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/462409-46-how-to-restore-custom-member-titles/ Please let me know if this is/isn't it.
  14. @trurl- I see your attachment. Do you have a link(s) for others having issues? TIA
  15. @bonienl- any idea about issues #1 and for the Azure theme?
  16. This appears to distinguish between reactions, posts, new members, etc. I don't see a way to disable.
  17. Here you are @glennv: https://unraid.net/blog/how-to-beta-test-smb-multi-channel-support
  18. Back from vacay- I will look in the back end to see if any of these suggestions are able to be reverted.
  19. 下面是使用rsync和wireguard一个方法:(英文) https://unraid.net/blog/unraid-server-to-server-backups-with-rsync-and-wireguard
  20. Ok, the Search index has been rebuilt. Please let me know if any issues persist
  21. Thanks all. Will look into it. Cc: @eschultz
  22. Thanks @Squid-PR merged. https://github.com/unraid/lang-pl_PL/pull/17 Please let me know if there are still issues @VRx.
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