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Everything posted by SpencerJ

  1. Hey there, thanks for posting. We are aware of this vulnerability and are working on releasing a patch as soon as possible. We vet all of our community apps images, but we cannot guarantee the security of third-party docker images. more to come…
  2. Thanks to all for your patience. This episode is out now! See the first post or head to https://uncast.buzzsprout.com/1746902/14384967-nextcloud-a-self-hosting-alternative-for-all https://unraid.net/uncast
  3. We've been around since 2005 and are not going anywhere. Even if something catastrophic happened, we would not just leave users high and dry. We hope you try us out and give us a shot. thanks for the feedback.
  4. thank you! No, the codes do not expire.
  5. Edit: 2024-01-11 After receiving some constructive feedback, we've decided to change a few things with the new Update OS tool and we're currently working on these changes. Our team highly values our user's feedback, which is why we launched the new Update OS tool with the Connect plugin (versus shipping with the OS). Unraid Connect allows us to ship code to you without reboots or other annoyances, so this release method allows us to quickly gather feedback and address concerns in a more iterative fashion. Thanks for your feedback and keep it coming!
  6. We are excited to announce a new and improved Update OS flow for Unraid OS. With this latest update, we have made significant improvements to make the Update OS process more user-friendly and efficient and it is available today via the Unraid Connect plugin v2024.01.09.1413 - head to the Plugins page on your server to update your plugin. This is also coming soon for all users in an upcoming Unraid OS stable release. Please see our blog for full details: https://unraid.net/blog/new-update-os-tool Or, follow along with @zspearmintas he walks you through the new Update OS flow: Changes to Downgrade OS We’ve also improved the downgrade feature and moved it to its own page at Tools → Downgrade OS. This new page allows for easier rollbacks to your previous release and has a much better interface to walk through the process. Be sure to read the release notes both current and previous versions before rolling back, as incompatibilities or manual changes could be needed before downgrading.
  7. I'll speak to the team but I believe we like to hear from the community in these threads. Otherwise, we would only see problems in Gen Support/Bug Reports🤪 Think of it as a sentiment check....
  8. FYI: We've added a bunch to the Unraid 6.12.6 Known Issues section to hopefully pre-emptively avoid issues for users upgrading: https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/release-notes/6.12.6/#known-issues
  9. Hello, did you contact support to open a support ticket? I don't see any open tickets for transfers but we are ready to assist.
  10. check filesystem link has been updated.
  11. Update here: due to some colds/illnesses, we had to reschedule this a couple of times but, the good news is, Ed was invited out to Nextcloud HQ in Berlin and they recorded the pod in person! Updates here: https://x.com/spaceinvader__1/status/1731792849467810206?s=20 https://x.com/SpencerJUnraid/status/1731809090668498951?s=20
  12. Have you tried utilizing the Activity Streams? https://forums.unraid.net/discover/unread/ You can filter by Unread and set up other streams
  13. welp… https://unraid.net/blog/6-12-6
  14. PSA: this is NOT a general support thread. If you’re experiencing an issue that involves a back and forth, please download your diagnostics and create a new thread here: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/
  15. Whoops- yea that doesn't seem intuitive. I would think merging to another URL would retain the topic's info being merged into....
  16. Yes, I just tested both Move and Merge as a Mod
  17. Should be good now but please let me know if other permissions need to be adjusted.
  18. Will do. I’m traveling today but will adjust tomorrow am.
  19. Good idea, thanks. Here you go! https://forums.unraid.net/forum/109-completed/
  20. Great news. For others that end up here in the future, please contact support! A support ticket will be created and the issue will be promptly addressed.
  21. We now offer Apple and Google Pay 🤘
  22. You appear to be using a pirated version of Unraid. These cracked versions often have hidden boot loaders and other nefarious things. I would recommend buying a legitimate copy of unraid first and foremost.
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