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Posts posted by Bolagnaise

  1. 18 minutes ago, orbtwin said:




    i'm stuck in the same error
    ...the problem is that i don't know how to edit de /config path



    Edit your docker template so that the container path says /config for your config path


  2. EDIT: Seems the latest build changed the config file path from /frontend to /config, update your docker container path and it will work.




    This error has popped up. I changed my appdata path from /mnt/user/appdata to /mnt/cache/appdata to bring it line with my other containers and this error appeared. I switched the config path back to the original but the error persists. I also deleted the container and xml from CA and reset up the container from scratch but the same error persists.



  3. Just a quick update for anyone looking to implement autoheal in docker, i have found that adding -i to the curl command correctly return the 2OO OK http status for the /identify page, the http return is much shorter so i recommend it. 


    Heres my advanced docker config for my plex server to add the health cmd too. Many thanks again to @Meles Meles


    --health-cmd 'curl -i --connect-timeout 15 --silent --show-error --fail'


  4. 8 hours ago, Meles Meles said:




    sorry, just noticed this!


    No idea really... I just did, and it worked! My theory was that the /identify page returned less data so was less "work" for the server to do (for when 16 cores/32 threads isn't enough?)

     No problems, i found that that didnt work for me, and i ended up using IPADDRESS:32400/web/index.html as the /identify page returns a blank page for me. I searched for this and found several other people saying the same thing that this page is meant to return some form of information but instead just shows a blank page, either way its been running perfect for a few weeks now thanks to you.

  5. Yeah my friend tried to download around 5 movies all around 10GB each at 1080p 8mbps quality and it caused my plex instance to crash multiple times using the new downloads feature, as already mentioned it seems to store the entire transcoded file in the /transcode mapping folder in its entirety until it’s been downloaded by the client, if the ram becomes full the plex instance will lockup and crash. I’ve switched backed to NVME for my transcode and had him run the same test and the plex server has no issues. Hopefully plex allows us to map a separate downloads folder to store transcoded content that requires downloading in the future.  

  6. So even with my plex ram cache set to 32G using @mgutt advanced config, im still seeing plex crash when a user tries to download multiple movies. My friend tried to download multiple movies in anticipation for an overseas trip and it was causing the plex instance to crash and the downlaods to fail completly. Looks like im going back to my NVME drive for plex transcodes.

  7. On 2/1/2022 at 10:22 AM, Meles Meles said:




    I run a docker container called "autoheal" (willfarrell/autoheal:1.2.0 is the version you want to use as the "latest" one is regenerated daily which is a PITA)


    just give each container you want it to monitor a label of "autoheal=true"



    it also needs some sort of healthcheck command (if there's not one included in the image itself) - here's my plex one (goes in "extra parameters" on the advanced view


     --health-cmd 'curl --connect-timeout 15 --silent --show-error --fail http://localhost:32400/identity'


    *Remember - the port in this URL is the one from INSIDE the container, not where it's mapped to on the server *



    you can do similar for most containers, although a trap for young players is that some of the images don't have curl, so you need to use wget (and alter parameters to suit)



    I've attached my template for autoheal (from /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user)




    my-autoheal.xml 2.55 kB · 4 downloads



    Can i ask why your using localhost:32400/identity and not localhost:32400/web/index.html as the website check. I get no response from that webpage when checking it using the curl command. 

  8. On 2/1/2022 at 10:22 AM, Meles Meles said:




    I run a docker container called "autoheal" (willfarrell/autoheal:1.2.0 is the version you want to use as the "latest" one is regenerated daily which is a PITA)


    just give each container you want it to monitor a label of "autoheal=true"



    it also needs some sort of healthcheck command (if there's not one included in the image itself) - here's my plex one (goes in "extra parameters" on the advanced view


     --health-cmd 'curl --connect-timeout 15 --silent --show-error --fail http://localhost:32400/identity'


    *Remember - the port in this URL is the one from INSIDE the container, not where it's mapped to on the server *



    you can do similar for most containers, although a trap for young players is that some of the images don't have curl, so you need to use wget (and alter parameters to suit)



    I've attached my template for autoheal (from /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user)




    my-autoheal.xml 2.55 kB · 0 downloads


    Thank you!

  9. I’m looking for a script that will restart my plex container using curl for those instances where it rarely goes down. 


    I’ve found this script online but I’m not the best at debugging this and cant see to get it to work.


    name=Plex Media Server check and restart
    description=This script will restart PLEX if it does not respond after two attempts.
    dockerid=$(docker ps -aqf “name=plex”) if [ “$dockerid” == “” ]; then echo “ERR $(date -Is) - Could not get a docker id for docker name \”plex\”.” exit 1; fi
    Do not check between 1:55am to 2:30am
    currentTime=date +”%H%M%S” if [[ ! ( “$currentTime” < “015500” || “$currentTime” > “023000” ) ]]; then exit 0; fi
    firstcheck=$((curl -sSf -m30 https://myserver:32400/web/index.html) 2>&1) if [ “$firstcheck” != “” ]; then echo “WRN $(date -Is) - Plex did not respond in first check, waiting 15 seconds..” sleep 15 secondcheck=$((curl -sSf -m30 https://myserver:32400/web/index.html) 2>&1) if [ “$secondcheck” != “” ]; then echo “WRN $(date -Is) - Plex did not respond in second check either, restarting docker container.” echo “INF $(date -Is) - Stopping docker $dockerid.” docker stop $dockerid echo “INF $(date -Is) - Waiting 15 seconds..” sleep 15 echo “INF $(date -Is) - Starting docker $dockerid.” docker start $dockerid else echo “INF $(date -Is) - Plex docker container responded on second attempt.” fi else echo “INF $(date -Is) - Plex docker container responded on first attempt.” fi`



  10. Installed and running, however my square plugin is deleted nightly and i have to reinstall it daily. Anyway to stop this minor inconvienece?



    Also, for anyone looking to use reverse proxy, use this subdomain template.



    server {
        listen 443 ssl http2;
        listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

        server_name akaunting.*;

        include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;

        client_max_body_size 0;

        location / {

            include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
            resolver valid=30s;
            set $upstream_app akaunting;
            set $upstream_port 80;
            set $upstream_proto http;
            proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;





  11. On 6/21/2021 at 6:18 AM, CriticalMach said:

    Server Version#:
    Player Version#: 4.57.4

    Plex Media Server 5

    Plex Media Server 4

    Plex Media Server 3

    Plex Media Server 2

    Plex Media Server 1

    Plex Media Server


    LSIO Plex Docker Log


    Starting with the last attachment, the plex docker log, I started getting "decoder information: 249" messages repeating several hundred times, followed by "unsupported format change", and finally "udc input failed with 1001" with a few of the unsupported format and no data written messages sprinkled in.


    I've attached the unraid plex docker log as well as all of my plex media server logs going back to about 1am eastern time.

    I do not have automatic library updates turned on.


    My OS is unraid 6.9.2 with the linuxserver plex docker container set to latest and I am a plexpass subscriber. I am also using an nvidia GTX 1660 with the container for hardware transcoding. My transcode directory is /tmp.


    I'll appreciate any help that I can get!

    Plex Media Server.log 6.52 MB · 0 downloads plex docker log.log 2.93 MB · 0 downloads Plex Media Server.1.log 10 MB · 0 downloads Plex Media Server.2.log 10 MB · 0 downloads Plex Media Server.3.log 10 MB · 0 downloads Plex Media Server.4.log 10 MB · 0 downloads Plex Media Server.5.log 10 MB · 0 downloads


    i’m having the exact same issue.

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