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Everything posted by GoChris

  1. Good info, so in theory if I run docker stop -t 120 <containerid> for rutorrent when I know I need to shut it down for whatever reason, that might be more graceful. Trying it now as I need to add another drive to my array.
  2. Well I never had this issue before this update. I could start and stop it and it would never have to recheck the torrents. Any ideas for a fix? I can't really have it recheck 1TB+ of torrents each time it restarts.
  3. So I upgraded, copied over my session folder and despite having to check a handful of torrents, all seemed to be good. However my settings don't seem to be saving, and I restarted it and it had to check a (large) handful or torrents again. So, again, it seems something is not saving with some files, like the state of a bunch of torrents. Are there some permissions that need to be fixed? Here is my run command: docker run -d --name="rutorrent" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/Denver" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8085:80/tcp -p 51413:51413/tcp -p 6881:6881/udp -v "/mnt/user/downloads/":"/downloads":rw -v "/mnt/user/":"/unraid":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/rutorrent":"/config":rw linuxserver/rutorrent
  4. Is there anyway to restore just a single appdata folder from the backup? I don't want to restore them all. Can I just move all the other folders out of the backup folder and leave just the one I want and then restore?
  5. Thanks for the scripts. FYI there is no option to disable the mover, at least not on 6.1. Is there on 6.2?
  6. From a few posts back in this thread http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47299.msg475461#msg475461
  7. I had this problem. Here is my config, I remember manually editing the config.php in appdata, but I don't think that is required. Change your default folder to use /unraid/downloads (for eg) instead of /downloads. So now /unraid for me is the root of everything and I have no issues.
  8. I would tend to agree with that rational. Anyway, I was able to fix the issue. Through some painful trial and error and stumbled upon an rtorrent.lock file in /mnt/user/appdata/rutorrent/rtorrent/rtorrent_sess After removing this file --> works like a charm Thanks for the help CHBMB! Can confirm that anytime you edit the config to an existing rutorrent, that it won't restart properly without removing this lock file. Would be nice if this can be automated. Cheers
  9. FYI I migrated from sparklyballs' ZNC docker to this one by using the existing appdata folder and there have been no issues. Sure was nice not having to set it up again.
  10. I'm sure this has been answered, but it's not the first post and I don't have time to read 30 more pages. When it tells me there are 3 files with hash key corruption, where does it list the files? Seems a bit odd that I only started using this a few days ago, and now there are corrupted files. But I want to investigate.
  11. I am finding this is causing an issue also. I'm moving another disk and after it's done there are still some folders and files left over. I'll run it again and it will show the command with an exit status 11. If I paste that command into the terminal it will run. It fits the pattern of a sub folder with a space in it. Edit: Only once in a while, most of my folders have spaces in them.
  12. Yes that is correct, the same top level folders that I selected on the settings page to include in the calculate/move. Actually, I need to put a caveat on this. It only worked to move the files for the folder I created. Do you have to create the top level folders onto each destination drive? I'd prefer it to move everything from the source disk to the target disk, regardless of what folders may or may not exist on target. In my case as stated, the target was a new empty drive. I'll now go create the rest of the top level folders and I expect the rest of the source disk files to move. Not ideal though. Edit: Awesome plugin by the way, very polished, works and looks great. Just the one small issue with it not creating the top level folders. Thanks for the comments GoChris ! rsync _should_ recreate the structure on the destination disk. The folders you created, were the top-level shares from your source disk ? Weird, looks like my reply got lost, I'll edit it in here. Yes it was the top level share folders, the same folders I selected to move from the settings page.
  13. Actually, I need to put a caveat on this. It only worked to move the files for the folder I created. Do you have to create the top level folders onto each destination drive? I'd prefer it to move everything from the source disk to the target disk, regardless of what folders may or may not exist on target. In my case as stated, the target was a new empty drive. I'll now go create the rest of the top level folders and I expect the rest of the source disk files to move. Not ideal though. Edit: Awesome plugin by the way, very polished, works and looks great. Just the one small issue with it not creating the top level folders.
  14. Just trying out this plugin (tired the docker a while back). Working good now. However when I tried it I originally had the "exit status 11". This was moving files to a brand new empty drive I had just added to the array. I fixed it by manually creating a folder on the new drive via telnet/ssh. It took several seconds to create the new folder, which was one of the folders that will be moved from the old drive. Anyway, after I created the folder, I then tried the Move command again, and it's going just fine.
  15. I re-installed CA and the problem has gone away. Something on the last upgrade must have not upgraded properly. Who knows.
  16. No change, back to the original number of error messages actually.
  17. Did that. Now I get this just on the Apps page, no search at all. Warning: Illegal offset type in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 351 Warning: Illegal offset type in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 351 Warning: Illegal offset type in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 351 Warning: Illegal offset type in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 351
  18. Updated this morning to latest CA. Running on 6.1.9. Did a search for an app, this was the result.
  19. Is there anyway to have a direct url to the resource monitor that we could embed it into a landing page, such as muximux or similar one that others might use?
  20. Never mind, my log partition was full. I've fixed that and this message has gone away.
  21. I'm seeing this on the main page. Did a search, didn't see anything for it. Warning: file_put_contents(): Only 0 of 210 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 66 I am out of disk space on no devices in the system at all.
  22. Getting undesired layout results after the update as well. I agree that if we can get LT to move users to settings that would help, it's more of a setup/settings thing.
  23. have you tried Deluge? It's just like utorrent only better and without the cruft. Even comes with a WebGUI to use. I used to use utorrent and 100% switched to Deluge. Plus there's both a plugin AND a docker container for deluge. Pick your poison as both are heavily updated/kept current. Sorry, thought I mentioned it but obviously not. I am using deluge right now, but it has a quirk/bug in that the incoming port keeps getting "blocked". If I do the active port test, I get a warning. If I change the port, it then works, or if I restart the docker then the original port works again (so it's not my router, and I've done other testing to make sure it's not my router). I can't have a torrent docker where the port stops working often and I can't seed. I might however try the plugin, thanks.
  24. I would appreciate a docker container, such as utorrent, or even rutorrent (the current one is unsupported and does a chown of mapped folders which is bad).
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