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  1. You will need to aim a little higher than the GT1030 for hw encoding - it physically doesn't have NVEC encoders - it does have decoders for hardware accelerated decoding - aka video playback - but thats it.
  2. Simple spelling mistakes always concern me....
  3. So i noticed this in my logs after the script that executes "nvidia-smi -pm 1" to enable Persistence mode to force the P8 power state. "kernel: NVRM: Persistence mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use nvidia-persistenced instead." So looked into it, so instead of using the nvidia-smi command to perform the job - now use the command nvidia-persistenced. Docs for it can be found here: https://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/396.51/README/nvidia-persistenced.html Using just the nvidia-persistenced command by itself with no argument should be enough for most setups.
  4. Upgraded one server from 6.8 to 6.9 without issue - and am happy to upgrade as my second server has been running 6.9 betas/RC's with very few issues and is happy to say that 6.9 has been well tested :)
  5. Go Beta 6.9 (have personally been using for beta 29 and beta 30 and its been stable for MY usage) or not run the unraid nvidia build and use this to build a kernel with the current drivers and a bunch of other stuff if you require it..
  6. The drivers in 6.8.3 will work fine with the 1050ti (i use one myself) - the drivers in 6.9.0 beta30 are better for current builds of Plex (if that is the use case) from terminal run lspci -k this will show the devices found - for example a 1050ti might come up like this in the list: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti] (rev a1) Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti] Kernel driver in use: nvidia Kernel modules: nvidia_drm, nvidia If its not showing - either the card itself could be busted - the card might need a monitor or dummy hdmi installed - or the other I have seen that its not actually a 1050ti - but some wish/aliexpress/dodgy ebay special thats not actually a 1050ti oh and make sure you are not booting into GUI mode either
  7. Check the nvidia support site https://developer.nvidia.com/video-encode-decode-gpu-support-matrix Chances are - the card is quite old - and does not provide very good video encoding and decoding support.
  8. Within the settings of the PMS, there is a Scheduled Task "Backup database every three days". This by default just makes a copy of the database and adds a date to the end of the name. So if you need to restore the database due - you delete the broken one and rename the backup (or copy with the correct name).
  9. Check the Plex docker logs - if its stopped at "Starting Plex Media Server" and goes no further.. The Plex database is broken - restore from a backup (if you run the standard plex backup tasks its just a simple rename of files) - restart the docker. The database is stored within appdata - so even if you did a docker file rebuild the database is still as it was.
  10. Fixed Since I had rolled back to 6.6.7 - I made the change to the network.cfg file via MC - and performed the upgrade to 6.8.0-rc4. BR0 and Docker0 are back, dockers can see the gateway and outside world again Simple fix Thanks!
  11. Performing an upgrade from 6.6.7 to nasv4-diagnostics-20191029-2322.zip6.8.0-rc4 (and rc3) - dockers and plugins and unable to access gateway. Looking at the network setup, BR0 is not available neither is docker0. Network config files are pointing to an eth2 also - which no longer exists.
  12. I to would love some sort of official acknowledgment of the issue. While its an inexpensive product, its still good to hear that an issue is being worked on. Customers complained about Flexraid and its lack of responsiveness to issues - and look at where that product ended up... and in all fairness I would still be running it if the company hadn't died (some of my machines is still running it, but in the process of being decommissioned now) Was about to dive into a few more licenses for Unraid but holding off for now due to this issue and mainly - lack of acknowledgement.
  13. If your are running 6.7.x you could be hitting an issue a number of us have experienced. When writing to the array, performance of docker, VMs, other writes goes down to the point they stop responding.. Rolling back to 6.6.7 gets everything working again..
  14. Add me to the list as well - 6.6.7 and all is well - 6.7.x and it all turns to custard - there are a number of threads on this now.. copying a single file between disks or writing to the array via SMB should not slow the disk access down to the point where docker and VM's die and stop responding - this is not heavy IO - its a single file. I personally have not purchased unraid yet - and maybe not looking at the current state and lack of interest from the devs around this - but i've given it a lot of time for something that really shouldn't require messing around this much, Freenas - I can hammer the array while running on a low end CPU in a first gen HP microserver - and dockers dont stop responding - unraid 6.7 with a way more powerful CPU, more RAM, tried different controllers (SAS and SATA) complete with SAS and SATA disks thus different cables etc - just doesn't perform.. so do i buy into unraid but run 6.6.x and hope that what ever is busted in 6.7.x is fixed.. this is a paid product - not a freebie which you can sorta give a little slack too.. I dont even have this sort of issue with the now dead FlexRAID (in which the array works is very similar to unraid with all parity to a single disk)
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