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Everything posted by Sleepyme

  1. My Gigabyte X570 Aorus Pro Wifi is dying (Known issue but Gigabyte would not acknowledge - Randomly no power unless the battery is pulled to reset CMOS) Is there a MSI or Asus motherboard out there that has a good IOMMU grouping and the ability to pass the onboard USB controller to a VM.
  2. Hi, Any luck with arma 3 exile? If its not possible. Would arma 3 epoch mod doable? Been off work for 2 weeks and counting. I have lots of time to game lol.
  3. I really like my Gigabtye x570 pro wifi. I can even passthrough a usb controller which is a HuGE plus for me!
  4. You're on the latest bios and acs override is off? What happen when you launch your vm?
  5. Copy and paste the text above and add it to your xml but add it after the last </HOSTDEV>
  6. Your board is a little different since its an itx board but i hope this still works for you.
  7. Try adding this to your xml (after the last </hostdev>). Also i assume you deleted the portion of the xml i gave you earlier. <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <driver name='vfio'/> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x06' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/> </source> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <driver name='vfio'/> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x06' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/> </source> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <driver name='vfio'/> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x06' slot='0x00' function='0x3'/> </source> </hostdev>
  8. Oh no wonder the xml method wasn't working. You have a different board.
  9. Don't passthrough your vr stuff this way. Uncheck all your vr stuff. The whole purpose of passing through a usb controller is so that you don't need to passthrough individual usb devices.
  10. Try Unplug your vr stuff then launch your vm. Once windows boots then plug them in.
  11. If your usb controller is passthrough correctly then your vr stuff should be working as long as they are plugging into the correct usb conntroller. Not sure why you need the bus numbers for your vr equipment.
  12. Make sure you update your bios to atleast f10 and make the following changes in the bios: UEFI / BIOS Settings: Tweaker -> Advanced CPU Settings -> SVM Mode -> Enable Settings -> Miscellaneous -> IOMMU -> Enable Settings -> AMD CBS -> ACS Enable -> Enable Settings -> AMD CBS -> Enable AER Cap -> Enable And in unraid turn off acs override. You will no longer need it.
  13. With tour 1060 passed through (and your vbios). When in windows. Check your cpu usuage by logging into unraid from another device. Does one of your cores pegged to 100%. It took me a good month to have mine setup.
  14. Which cores should i be assigning to my vm? Similar to the 3950x (last 6 cores)?
  15. Do we need to worry about the ccd thing for a 3900x?
  16. Thanks Skitals for bring up about this f10 bios and the amazing iommu group it comes with. I couldn't get the usb controllers (or any devices) to passthrough using the vfio-pci.cfg method. BUt i was able to do it by editing my xml file. Now i don't need to buy a usb pcie card! Yay! Now lets hope we can pass the onboard audio in the future!
  17. Hey did you eventually get this to work using vfio-pci.cfg method? I can't seem to pass anything through using this method.
  18. Yeah so it didn't work in safe mode either. I removed vfio-pci.ids from syslinux as well. Damn it! I really wanted this to work so i dont have to get a usb pcie card.
  19. Is it possible unraid is not loading my vfio-pci.cfg file? Ifnits not loading it. How do i get unraid to load it?
  20. Mine didn't work. I tried BIND=07:00.0 07:00.1 07:00.3 and BIND="07:00.0 07:00.1 07:00.3" And only the nvidia usb controllers showed up.
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