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Everything posted by Helmonder

  1. Trim added is actually a good thought.. I will add that.. My whole array is setup of btrfs drives so scheduled scrub would be nice, I will check out your suggestion !
  2. I've got parity, mover and fixed schedules in there.. Where should I find the btrfs scrub ?
  3. Same here (though with spotify). Itunes music librarys and syncing was a major pain.. Love apple.. hate itunes..
  4. The parity drive needs to be at least as large as your largest data drive. Your data drives are 3TB so your parity should be at least 3 TB. Know that when you add a new drive in the future you cannot use a drive larger then your parity drive. So lets say you want to expand your array in the future and you want to add a 6TB data drive, then you would need to add 2 6TB drives, one for parity and one for data. Your current parity drive you can then reuse as a data drive. As far as 1 or 2 parity drives is concerned, that is up to you. With one parity drive one disk can fail and you loose nothing. With two parity drives you can loose two.
  5. It would be nice if there were a plugin of some sort that would give an insight in storage growth. It could take a sample on a daily basis of: - Used storage per disk - Used storage per share - Used storage in total This could then be reported in a graph and preferably extrapolated based on the trend seen, therefor telling us when a system needs expansion..
  6. For the benefit of the rest: 1) log into your unraid server 2) log into the crashplan docker: docker exec -it CrashPlan bash 3) go to /etc/my_init.d 4) vi 01_config.sh ${TCP_PORT_4242} on line 46 needs to be replaced with ${SERVICE_PORT} ${TCP_PORT_4243} on line 47 needs to be replaced with ${BACKUP_PORT} And indeed, then it works ! Just restart the docker
  7. On the unraid server that its crashplan is now reporting a address as local address (see above) I also have a win10 vm running with crashplan installed, it also shows a address for the local IP... This crashplan version is ofcourse not a docker version but a windows version.. I therefor think that it is -not- the docker itself causing the issue.. That would mean it is either crashplan itself (but we should expect a lot to be google-able on that if crashplan itself would be borked, so i do not think that is it). Or there is some relation with the docker engine running on unraid. I have been having backup troubles for approx. 2 days which is about the same time unraid 6.2.1 is out..
  8. I also notice that one of my two crashplans reports no internal ip address.. Weird thing is that they are both running the same unraid and same crashplan version.. Ofcourse both unraid webgui's are perfectly reachable on their respective internal addresses.. Hope this gets fixed soon.. I am missing my backups..
  9. do you not get in a fight with apple over this ?
  10. Its also not working for me anymore... crashplan clients cannot connect anymore.. not only windows.. my main crashplan server can also not connect to the backupserver.. both running crashplan, on 6.2, same docker version..
  11. I understand the point, but there are a couple of reasons why I'm holding back on this. - It wouldn't be any easier to set up than it is to set up OpenVPN and peter_sm has two OpenVPN plugins to make it as easy as possible. - I don't consider myself a security expert. Even OpenVPN (which is made by people definitely more knowledgeable than me in these matters) has security advisories as recent as Sep 12th. Which leads me to the last reason I'd like to bring up and it's a matter of liability. - Let's say this gets done and users can access their server over the internet, but then someone exploits a bug/flaw in the plugin (which would be required to make this work), a server is compromised and maybe there's data loss. I really don't want to be involved in such a scenario. To be honest, security is not an easy matter Personally I use pushbullet for push notifications towards my smartphone, that way if anything bad happens pushbullet notifies me, I then log in to the system using vpn... Works fine..
  12. I am amazed by this tool.. It is extremely usefull.and seems to incorporate everything I need on the go.. Really nice !
  13. That probably explains my problems too. Confirmed.. also my issue... I also found a workaround: start a parity check and then add the server... Worked on first try !
  14. ok, so wait for a new version ? Will take apple some time I guess ?
  15. Helmonder, try one thing .. set manual timeout to 0, then add it manually. If that doesn't work, I'll pm to go a bit deeper into the issue. Thanks for your response ! I just tried this and the behaviour is the same, the wheel keeps on running and nothing happens.. Been looking at it for a minute now..
  16. jbrodriguez, I still cannot add my main unraid server... Not automatic and not manual... What should I do ?
  17. Nice! Really good looking app. For some reason however it refuses to add my main unraid server. My backup server is on the same network and gets found easily. I also cannot add the main server manually.. Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
  18. Having the same issue, was this ever addressed? I have v.1.2 reinstalling allows me to enter new credentials, but it won't take them and open the app. Same issue here... its a but.. remove the app and reinstall it, that will work.. Also.. This app preferably needs an overhaul.. It would be great if it would support the new unraid functionalities but unfortuantely it does not.. It also only supports one unraid server.. I would pay again for a new app.. Really loved that it came out, but it seems like its not developped anymore..
  19. Just found two used supermicro 5in3'a on Amazon, bought those... I allready have one in my current system and its really a good quality product.. Now I only have to find a way of modding my current 4in1 2,5" supermicro into the system without taking up an slot.. Then I can add the final 5in3 case... That way I will have 20 regular drives and 4 SSD's.. That will simply need to suffice... Otherwise I wil expand to another server.. My current case I will reuse for my backup system.. My backup system will be reused for my new to be build desktop setup :-) I just ordered myself the Antec Lansin 1200 V3... I found that case earlier, it is a bit expensive but I have not found anything else cheaper and capable of holding 12 5 1/4" drives (meaning 4 bays that do 5in3). I allready have one Supermicro 5in3 and will try to find two more.. That will keep me going for while longer.. Drives are indeed getting larger and larger but unfortunately so are video files... When I started out collecting a movie was a couple of 100megs, now 7 gig is regular...
  20. I just ordered myself the Antec Lansin 1200 V3... I found that case earlier, it is a bit expensive but I have not found anything else cheaper and capable of holding 12 5 1/4" drives (meaning 4 bays that do 5in3). I allready have one Supermicro 5in3 and will try to find two more.. That will keep me going for while longer.. Drives are indeed getting larger and larger but unfortunately so are video files... When I started out collecting a movie was a couple of 100megs, now 7 gig is regular...
  21. case wise go as big as you can physically handle... I am looking for myself for an expansion at the moment.. I really want 15 hotswap bays externally reachable... Preferably even more...
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