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UnRaid OS Installation Error


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Greetings Fellow Forum Members,

The error shown below appeared at the very end of my new UnRaid OS initial bootup.  I installed the UnRaid OS using the UnRaid USB Creator tool and chose the STABLE option to install the UnRaid OS in the form of a download onto my Lexar thumbdrive.  What does the error below mean?  And is it a serious error I need to address or will it just fix itself?

Warning: file_put_contents(/boot/config/plugins/dynamix/monitor.cron): failed to open stream local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/Include/Wrappers/php on line 20


I can confirm that when I click on the PLUGINS tab in the UnRaid GUI the status message I see is, " No Plugins Installed".  Which is correct because I have not yet installed any plugins.


I have about 13 hours left in the Parity setup process left to go.  Does this error I got require I shutdown this Parity Process and start all over again?  I'm thinking for the second time I will install the UnRaid OS from the EXE file and not as an online download.  If it not necessary I start all over again, what is the fix to error shown above? Thank you for any advice.



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Probably just because nothing has been set yet for any scheduled jobs etc.  Initially, safe to ignore.

5 minutes ago, binar said:

I will install the UnRaid OS from the EXE file

There is no such thing.  You can either use the USB Creator Tool (as you did) or download the zip file, extract the files, rename the flash drive to UNRAID, run make_bootable (as administrator)

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Thank you Squid for the advice.  Good to know I can ignore this error.  It's a big relief for now. Nevertheless, after the parity setup process is done in another 10 hours I am going to see about scheduling a job. My hope is this will make this error no longer appear at the end of my UnRaid OS bootup process.

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I have a follow-up question regarding the error I got shown in my top opening post.  After 15 hours of waiting my Parity setup process is now complete. However, after looking at the attached JPG file of my UnRAID GUI Dashboard I was left wondering if a PLUGINS folder needs to be showing where I have indicated in the attached JPG with the word "PLUGINS" shown in RED?  (Right below the System folder in the SHARES section).


The error mentions "failed to open stream local/emhttp/plugins" so this makes me wonder if in the SHARES section of the dashboard there should be a Security Stream called "PLUGINS"?  I am suspecting this because the error mentions the words "STREAM" and "PLUGINS" and the Dashboard GUI mentions "Security Stream" but no "PLUGINS".  In short, I would appreciate it a lot if anyone out there can take a look at their Dashboard and let me know if a "Plugins" folder appears anywhere in the SHARES section of your Dashboard.  Thank you.





Edited by binar
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Not on either of my two Unraid servers.  What browser are you using?   (The reason that I am asking is that the red PLUGINS in the Shares box appears to be some sort of an anomaly as it does not possess any of the format attributes of the other entries in that box-- or the entire Dashboard page for that matter.) 


Furthermore, I have numerous plugins installed and there is absolutely no mention/box  about 'Plugins' on the Dashboard. 

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