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Unraid Configuration from scratch: opinions

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hi all,

I'm brand new in this world and I would like to start my journey in Unraid's world.  I'm planning to build up a new server and I would like the advanced users'opinion on some doubts.

First the needs I have got :

- A media Server as Plex

- A Vm machine ( Windows 10 )

- A own Clound able to reach from anywhere.


I'm already watched many tutorials and I start to have some ideas, but always better to share doubts and question with the community in order to avoid mistakes.


To make my needs available I was thinking to assemble this server :

- MB Asrock B365M Pro4

- CPU  Intel Core i3-9100F

- RAM HyperX Fury HX426C16FB3A/16 Memoria DIMM DDR4, 16 GB, 2666 MHz, CL16 RGB   ( x2  Tot 32GB )

- Parity Disk Seagate IronWolf - SATA da 6 Gbit/s, CMR 3.5" 7.200 giri/min, Cache da 256 MB for NAS,  4TB

- Array : 3/4 HDD 3,5"  ( different size from 2TB to 3TB )

- Cache drives : Kingston A400 SSD SA400S37/120G  ( x 2 )

- Sabrent SSD dissk 1TB Rocket NVMe PCIe M.2 2280 


Here my doubts/questions according to what I know / understood :

- Do you think is a must double the parity disk ? I mean two disks instead of one ?

- Is the cache size enough or is too small ? Can I add more than two disks in the cache ( In case I should need ? )

- I would keep apart the NVE ssd disk only for VM machine/s  ( Or should I add to the cache ) ?

- Do I need a GPU ( I guess only if I create a VM Win 10 macine ) ? Or is better to have it in any case ?  Do I need a GPU for PLEX server ?

- Still for VM : the CPU is ok, or should I escalate to i5 ?   my i3 has got 4 cores / 4 threads.  

- Do I really need a 10 Giga connections ?  All my house is connected with CAt 5 Lan cables. I would rather not upset my home to replace the cables, if possible.   Perhaps I could think to a Smart switch to improve / master the priorities connections ?


Hoping I didn't bomb you of bother too much with all my questions, I will really appreciate if you guys could help me with your comments / suggestions in order to avoid mistakes done by a beginner as I am.


Thank a lot for your support


Take care

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1 hour ago, cristiano1492 said:

Do you think is a must double the parity disk ? I mean two disks instead of one ?

More important than parity is a backup plan. You must always have another copy of everything important and irreplaceable. You get to decide what qualifies. Parity helps recover from disk failure. Many much more common ways to lose data including user error.


Dual parity makes more sense the more data disks you have.


1 hour ago, cristiano1492 said:

Is the cache size enough or is too small ? Can I add more than two disks in the cache ( In case I should need ? )

Depends on how you will use cache. The default configuration for cache pool is btrfs raid1 which gives a mirror so the total capacity of those 2 would be 120G. That is enough for dockers and VMs but may not be enough if you plan to cache a lot of user share writes. Adding more is possible but gets more complicated depending on the configuration, and of course more drives takes more ports and power connections, so simpler to just go with larger if you need capacity.


1 hour ago, cristiano1492 said:

Do I need a GPU ( I guess only if I create a VM Win 10 macine ) ? Or is better to have it in any case ?  Do I need a GPU for PLEX server ?

Since your chosen CPU does not have graphics you will need GPU. A different CPU with iGPU would work for plex. If you want VM with its own GPU you would need a separate one for that. I would probably go with more CPU anyway if you expect to run multiple VMs.


1 hour ago, cristiano1492 said:

Do I really need a 10 Giga connections ?

If you don't know you need it then you probably don't.


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Hi  Constructor,

first of all, thank for your prompt answers.


Ok, than..this is what I understood: ( sorry, but my kowledge is barely enough, but not so good )


- backup of data... I guess is better think to an external disk, right ? Or can I add a disk not in the array and keep it as a backup for the data ? My question/ concern: if I'll be able to keep all within...one case... not adding other disks ( if possible )

- better two disks for parity.. I will take a note.  I guess I can also add the second disk..in a second step. Right ?

- Not so many users, just my family, and they won't use massively the resource, therefore, as first step, I think I will stay with these two SSD disks, and I will replace them as soon as I will understand how massive is the usage

- about CPU, if I understood, better ones with an own GPU.  Ok, Got it... i will replace the i3 with ones with GPU and I will add a GPU on the mother board.   However intel i3 is enough as power...or i5 is better ?  I7 is still to expensive for my budget.  I have to stay with Intel due to my MB.

- Last ,but not the least...what about the NVE memory...?  Should I keep it for running the VMs ? 


THX a lot 

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48 minutes ago, cristiano1492 said:

Hi  Constructor

Hi Newbie😁


51 minutes ago, cristiano1492 said:

better think to an external disk

Best if backup is on another system or at least external. Even better if offsite.


52 minutes ago, cristiano1492 said:

two disks for parity

My point about dual parity is it makes more sense if you have a lot of data disks, so it makes less sense if you don't have many data disks. You seemed to be saying you wouldn't be starting with many so no need for another parity. It can be added later.


52 minutes ago, cristiano1492 said:

i3 is enough as power

If you don't expect to have multiple plex streams or multiple VMs it might be OK. Unraid will be fine if you change hardware later but of course not all CPU changes will be compatible with all motherboards.


54 minutes ago, cristiano1492 said:

NVE memory

Unraid 6.9 (release candidate) allows multiple pools so you could make another pool. That is what I have and keep my dockers / VMs on nvme for performance and use my regular SSD cache mirror for caching.


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Hi  Constructor,


ok, great !  Now i feel more comfortable with my startup, but still a copule of questions:

- As I understood it could be useful with Plex or Vm, adding a GPU to the system , ok..Got it.  At this point, if I add a graphic card, is still necessary having a Gpu even included in the processor ?  Two gpu ? Or I can put a good graphic card and keeping my i3 with no iGPU ?

- I read many comments on the fact that Unraid does't " like " external hdds connected.  is still true ?  If that, what is the best suggestions for the backup ?  Moving the data through the home network and copying on a HDD ? I saw that there are some plugins in the community that are made for the backup purpose, can I think to use one of those plugins ? Suggestion ?


thx a lot for all your comments that helps me a lot making more creal my next Unraid server.

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Hi Newbie, (hope you don't mind if I keep calling you that since you keep calling me Constructor)  😉


It is recommended to not use USB connections for disks in the array or pools. Connecting external disks for other purposes is a good way to make backups and what I do all the time.

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ahahah...yes..yes..I like Newbie as a nickname.


But I'm a foolish.. I didn't realize that I should use TRURL ..and not constructor....   ohh..my God..I'm really living on the clouds...  😀 pls forgive my ignorance. 😨


ok..but perhaps I express myself wrongly.. I understood and knew that UNRAID didn't like to put USB disks in array or pools....that's clear to me, but here my mistake, I thought you couldn't either connect any external drives to USB as you do in a normal computer.  So..according to your words..I realize that connecting any external hdd is allowed and then, you could copy the data from unraid to these external hard drives.  Is that correct ?  

Because if it is, I'm ok..: I have two external hdd of 4TB  each that I could connect to server and backup data on those.  That should be great for me.  Is this what you meant, right ?


What about the question on CPU / GPU ? Can I stay with I3 ? Or should I buy a CPU with graphic + a graphic card ?

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Hi trurl,


Sorry to bother you with so basic questions. 


Iif I'll install my Vms Win 10 mahine and I want to passthroug a physical Video card and or any other hardaware ( mouse, keyboad, sound card ann so on... ), I was asking myself... the server machine does need to be directly connected with HDMII  to the monitor / tv ?  As well for mouse and keyboard ?  



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9 minutes ago, cristiano1492 said:

Hi trurl,


Sorry to bother you with so basic questions. 


Iif I'll install my Vms Win 10 mahine and I want to passthroug a physical Video card and or any other hardaware ( mouse, keyboad, sound card ann so on... ), I was asking myself... the server machine does need to be directly connected with HDMII  to the monitor / tv ?  As well for mouse and keyboard ?  



Yes - any passed through device needs to be directly connected to be used as a passed-through device.


perhaps giving some more context on exactly what you are thinking of doing might help with getting more/better advice?

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well, I'm actually following a lot of tutorial, especially made by Spece Invaders on Unraid,   He did a very good job and I'm learing a lot.  But is more focused on software stuff and don't mention too much to the basic, that obviously he assumes to be clear.  And...is not...  🙂 At least for me.

The idea is now focused to create an array with the disks I mentioned you earlier, but I'm very intersting not only on PLEX, but also on VMs..at the moment...that should be Win 10.

So, here is coming the first doubts, because I saw that there are different approaches:

               - keeping the VM directly on the cache

               - keeping the VM on another disk among the unassigned disk' s list


That's the first point... I have three disks to manage  for cache and/or VM management : 2 SSD 120Gb each  and a NVMe disk 1TB.  The original project was to assign the 2 SSD as cache and keep the NVMe in the unassigned gruop and use it for VM/VMs

Then now, I'm a little bit confused and uncertain if keep this configuration or use the NVMe for cache and perhaps also for VM ( considering that probably I could run 1 or, maximun 2, VM Win 10, and use the two SSD for other purposed.


In the Spece Invaders tutorials, he showed up how to configure a " Basic " Win 10 WM ( no passthroug ) and one, more advanced, with hardware, especially Videocard.  Since I have a video card, and the performing seem to be much better passing through a physical video card, I was thinking to move toward this direction.

Also considering that Space Invaders was mentioning to keep in the same place also a bare metal version on Win 10.   

This could be really useful, because, in one case, I could have : Server, VM, PLEX and a baremetal version of win 10. 


That's why I was asking : if I proceed toward this direction, the server, I guessed, should have been connected directly to the monitors in order to have this result.    Am I correct ?  Your comments and suggestions are more than welcome. 🙂



Edited by cristiano1492
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3 hours ago, cristiano1492 said:

one parity drive, some hdd as store and ssd for cache....all together is a pool,  correct ?

Parity (and Parity2 if exists) plus Disk1, Disk2, ... are the Array.


Cache is a pool, and other pools can be created. Each pool can have multiple disks when configured for btrfs raid. My Cache pool is 2x500GB btrfs raid1 mirror, and my "Fast" pool is a single nvme formatted as XFS.


All pools are included in User Shares and all array disks are included in User Shares (unless explicitly excluded in Global Share Settings).

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Hi Trurl,


ok, I think I understood.  


I'm still waiting some spare parts in order to assemble the server.  As soon As I'll do it, I'll try to follow your indications. 


Hopefully I'll com back with the god news of a brand new server....  🙂


THx a lot for your kind support.. really appreciate.



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Hi, here we go again,


questions are coming out, meanwhile I'm thinking to the project.


- In case of mutiple VMs of Win 10, ( maybe running contemporary, maybe only one for time )  is it requested to have a ISO image for every single Win 10 session ?  

- supposing the needs to have Win 10 configured in different way ( different settings, but especially different software installed ), what about the ISO image ? different ?

- Which is the best location to keep the ISO file : into the Array disks or directly in the same disk ( NVMe ) where I'l be running the VMs ?

- Every single VM Win 10 needs to passthrough a different video card or can use the same ?


PS : I don't care so much about gaming, but I care about video editing or photoshop, then probably I should need a powerful videocard ? 

The doubt is if is enough one video card to manage all the Win 10 VM or is better to think to two video cards : one powerful for video editing and one more basic ( perhaps the  processor's GPU ) for WIN 10 as office activities.




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1 hour ago, cristiano1492 said:

In case of mutiple VMs of Win 10, ( maybe running contemporary, maybe only one for time )  is it requested to have a ISO image for every single Win 10 session ?  

- supposing the needs to have Win 10 configured in different way ( different settings, but especially different software installed ), what about the ISO image ? different ?

The ISO is typically only required to install Windows (or drivers).   No reason not to use the same ISO file in multiple VMs if they are the same version of Windows/Drivers.  Since an ISO is lust an image of a DVD the ISO only needs to be a different one if you would need a different DVD on a physical machine.


1 hour ago, cristiano1492 said:

- Which is the best location to keep the ISO file : into the Array disks or directly in the same disk ( NVMe ) where I'l be running the VMs ?

Up to you.  In most cases the ISO is not accessed after initial install so from a performance perspective it does not make much difference.  Put it wherever is most convenient.  Performance might be more of a concern if you are running a game that continually accesses the ISO.


1 hour ago, cristiano1492 said:

- Every single VM Win 10 needs to passthrough a different video card or can use the same ?

Depends on whether they are running at the same time.  Each running VM will require its own passed through card as while it is running it has exclusive control of any passed through hardware..  If graphics performance is not that important to a particular VM you could get away with using an emulated GPU rather than using a real one.


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Depends on whether they are running at the same time.  Each running VM will require its own passed through card as while it is running it has exclusive control of any passed through hardware..  If graphics performance is not that important to a particular VM you could get away with using an emulated GPU rather than using a real one.


- Hi, THX.  Ok...I got it.  Then, since one of the VM is a win 10 for " nornal " usage ( mails, office, web browsing ) I could use an emulate GPU.

  For doing that do I need to set VNC in the requested box for video, to emulate a VGA, right ?  But considering that my CPU has a IGPU integrated, it will be visible in the list of video card ?  In case yes, I could use this one, right ?



The ISO is typically only required to install Windows (or drivers).   No reason not to use the same ISO file in multiple VMs if they are the same version of Windows/Drivers.  Since an ISO is lust an image of a DVD the ISO only needs to be a different one if you would need a different DVD on a physical machine.


- Ah, ok..then one iso image will be ok.  But supposing that one iso is a WIN 10 first installation and the second iso is a copy of my actual PC ( with all softwares installed and so on ), in this case, can I use these two images to create two different VMs at different stage of state ? This can help me to save time to install all the software from the scratch and keeping a " virgin" WIN 10 installation for different purposes, correct ?



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9 minutes ago, cristiano1492 said:

- Hi, THX.  Ok...I got it.  Then, since one of the VM is a win 10 for " nornal " usage ( mails, office, web browsing ) I could use an emulate GPU.

  For doing that do I need to set VNC in the requested box for video, to emulate a VGA, right ?  But considering that my CPU has a IGPU integrated, it will be visible in the list of video card ?  In case yes, I could use this one, right ?

If you are using VNC to access the VM, then this is built in to the Unraid KVM support (and is the default if no GPU passed through) so no need to install anything into the VM.  

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10 minutes ago, cristiano1492 said:

- Ah, ok..then one iso image will be ok.  But supposing that one iso is a WIN 10 first installation and the second iso is a copy of my actual PC ( with all softwares installed and so on ), in this case, can I use these two images to create two different VMs at different stage of state ? This can help me to save time to install all the software from the scratch and keeping a " virgin" WIN 10 installation for different purposes, correct ?

An ISO image is the equivalent of a DVD on a physical installation.   Not sure from your comment if you are talking about this or an emulated hard disk (vdisk) stored as a file.

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6 hours ago, itimpi said:

Depends on whether they are running at the same time.

3 hours ago, cristiano1492 said:

Depends on whether they are running at the same time.

Some forum advice.


You can "quote" other users posts by clicking the Quote button below the post if you want to quote the whole post and then edit that quote so it only includes the parts you want to refer to. Or, you can select a portion of the post and it will let you quote just that selected text.


Besides making things much clearer as to who said what, the "quote" even includes a link arrow that can be clicked on to go to the original post the quote came from. See the "quotes" I made at the beginning of this post for examples.


There are also various buttons above the post you are creating that can be useful for various things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys, 

here we go...finally I got it, but still some issues with a docker: Krusader.  Perhaps you can help me to find solution.


tried to install your Krusader, and following SpaceInvader indication, but the settings pages are different and perhaps I've made some mistakes.

However the docker was installed, but in the GUI I don't see the same details Space was shown and if I go into some folder ( for instance FLASH ) it doesn't show anything.


Any suggestions on how to fix all these issues ? 


- are the settings corrects ? 

- the version showed in the Spaceinvaders is different, especially regarding the KEYS that in the video are not mentionign and not with such a numeber of them, however I left them untouched

- in the setting the line  "the Webpage title " : is as default named TOWER.  Is the name of the server ? I left it, but to be clear, my server has a different name, should I change it ?

- Why I can't see UNRAID FOLDER ? The main issue it that I would move file onto some  share folders, but since I don't see them, I can't.   Any suggestion on  it ? I saw anoher video from a french user and i realize that perhaps ina new version...UNRAID FOLDER became the " media " folder, but, even in this case..if I open the media folder I don't see anything inside


Any suggets ?


THX for your kind support


Attacched some screenshots





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