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[SUPPORT] Photoview - CorneliousJD Repo

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31 minutes ago, CorneliousJD said:


That's odd, I double checked my instance and it's indeed still working and generating thumbs properly.

Is your periodic scanner still setup to scan for new photos? If so and nothing else seems off, I'd suggest taking this to the github issues page since it isn't unraid-specific it seems. they would be the ones better equipped to help.

Of course feel free to post solutions here if you find them for others to see!

I have it configured to scan every hour, but I can't tell if it's working or not.  Do you know how I can verify?

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1 minute ago, Coolsaber57 said:

I have it configured to scan every hour, but I can't tell if it's working or not.  Do you know how I can verify?


I suppose if the new PHOTOS show up, but the thumbnails dont, at least the scanning is working, but thumbnail generation is not.


if the photos don't show up at all then something is off that's a deeper problem than just the thumbnails. 

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On 5/19/2022 at 2:03 AM, Coolsaber57 said:

I have it configured to scan every hour, but I can't tell if it's working or not.  Do you know how I can verify?


During my scanning, there's a bunch of popup messages on the lower right listing things like "Processing media for album...." or the occasional "Scanner error" when there's a problem (for me, usually a weird video file).

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  • 1 month later...
Just now, Coolsaber57 said:

Looks like the issue has somehow fixed itself, so all my photos are now appearing, but for some reason, I can't get the app to play any videos.  I can play them just fine in Emby, but it seems to just show a single frame and play the sound in the background.  Any tips on this issue?


IIRC there was an open issue on their github and it has to do w/ the format the videos are in, the browsers cannot play them (major licensing issue) and photoview doesn't do trascoding like emby/plex would, so it just can't play them.


I fixed my videos working by disabling HEVC format on my phone, so they record in regular mp4's instead of the hevc-codec and they all work since then - just takes up a bit more storage space per video.

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  • 5 months later...

when I view the person in People Page, it will crash the docker and I try several times getting same result. I can see all CPUs and RAM load at 100% right before crashing., there are >100 image recongizned for a person. Here is the log file extracted. I am running Unraid 6.11.5 and latest PhotoView docker downloaded from App page.


Jan 11 20:47:14 Tower kernel: oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/docker/e8e0afb4ce7145fee5a6869d40680e1e8466cd4806289204ee5cca9373c836c6,task=photoview,pid=16373,uid=0
Jan 11 20:47:14 Tower kernel: Out of memory: Killed process 16373 (photoview) total-vm:7579940kB, anon-rss:6138264kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:0 pgtables:12400kB oom_score_adj:0

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57 minutes ago, TEKI said:

when I view the person in People Page, it will crash the docker and I try several times getting same result. I can see all CPUs and RAM load at 100% right before crashing., there are >100 image recongizned for a person. Here is the log file extracted. I am running Unraid 6.11.5 and latest PhotoView docker downloaded from App page.


Jan 11 20:47:14 Tower kernel: oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/docker/e8e0afb4ce7145fee5a6869d40680e1e8466cd4806289204ee5cca9373c836c6,task=photoview,pid=16373,uid=0
Jan 11 20:47:14 Tower kernel: Out of memory: Killed process 16373 (photoview) total-vm:7579940kB, anon-rss:6138264kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:0 pgtables:12400kB oom_score_adj:0


This isn't an unRAID specific issue. 

You'll want to file an issue on developer's github

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  • 4 months later...

I've been having an issue where I can no longer view any photos in Photoview.  The scanner looks like it's working - meaning there are grey blocks with dates as recent as this week, but no Thumbnails are shown and I can't view the photo when I click on it. 


Any ideas on what I could check? 

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  • 2 months later...

Okay gang, I could use someone to point me in the right direction.


I am running MariahDB. It supports several applications and appears to be running without issue. I created a database named "photoview' db and a user "photouser" with full rights to the database.  I log into MariahDB with HeidiDB and everything looks good.


Next, I configured the docker.  After compiling successfully, I checked the PHOTO_VIEW_MYSQL_URL. It has the correct IP address/port configuration as shown in the illustrated in the example.

-e 'PHOTOVIEW_MYSQL_URL'='photouser:photopass@tcp('


When I start the container and look at the logs, I see the following message:

2023/07/24 15:55:53 /app/database/database.go:101
[error] failed to initialize database, got error Error 1045: Access denied for user 'photouser'@'' (using password: YES)


My question is where does come from?  I can't use the docker console for the image, so Im kinda stuck.  Any words of wisdom?



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  • 3 months later...

Ive recently deployed the docker for for this and it has worked with scanning of maybe 40% of the files in the share, but it has reached a point where the docker keeps crashing. 

On a restart, it will run and perform another scan rechecking all previous scanned folders (although not adding as it sees the folders have been indexed within the DB) but when it starts looking to add in new paths/files into the index, after some new files being indexed and added, it crashes shortly there after. (error below) 


2023/10/31 07:08:22 Scanning media: /photos/media-various/Video Rip/rhrn sewquence/IMG_0315.JPG
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Job finished
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Queue waiting for lock
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Queue running: in_progress: 39, max_tasks: 40, queue_len: 2651
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Queue starting job
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Queue waiting
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Starting job
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Job finished
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Queue waiting for lock
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Queue running: in_progress: 39, max_tasks: 40, queue_len: 2650
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Queue starting job
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Queue waiting
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Starting job
2023/10/31 07:08:22 Scanning media: /photos/2022/Photos/holiday/IMG_3222.JPG
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x1c8 pc=0xb63950]

goroutine 11530 [running]:
github.com/photoview/photoview/api/scanner/scanner_tasks/processing_tasks.ProcessVideoTask.ProcessMedia({{}}, {{0xf68cf8?, 0xc001843b00?}}, 0xc00188e8d0, {0xc000124a68, 0x12})
        /app/scanner/scanner_tasks/processing_tasks/process_video_task.go:115 +0x16d0
github.com/photoview/photoview/api/scanner/scanner_tasks.scannerTasks.ProcessMedia({{}}, {{0xf68cf8?, 0xc001843b00?}}, 0xe3f640?, {0xc000124a68, 0x12})
        /app/scanner/scanner_tasks/scanner_tasks.go:128 +0x15d
github.com/photoview/photoview/api/scanner.processMedia({{0xf68cf8?, 0xc001843b00?}}, 0xc00188e8d0)
        /app/scanner/scanner_album.go:204 +0x9b
github.com/photoview/photoview/api/scanner.ScanAlbum.func1({{0xf68cf8?, 0xc001843b00?}})
        /app/scanner/scanner_album.go:115 +0x55
        /app/scanner/scanner_task/scanner_task.go:73 +0x3a
gorm.io/gorm.(*DB).Transaction(0xc000444f60, 0xc000118760, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        /go/pkg/mod/gorm.io/[email protected]/finisher_api.go:606 +0x29e
github.com/photoview/photoview/api/scanner/scanner_task.TaskContext.DatabaseTransaction({{0xf68cf8?, 0xc000ea3710?}}, 0xc00188e900, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        /app/scanner/scanner_task/scanner_task.go:72 +0xed
github.com/photoview/photoview/api/scanner.ScanAlbum({{0xf68cf8?, 0xc000444ff0?}})
        /app/scanner/scanner_album.go:114 +0x477
        /app/scanner/scanner_queue/queue.go:144 +0x72
created by github.com/photoview/photoview/api/scanner/scanner_queue.(*ScannerQueue).processQueue
        /app/scanner/scanner_queue/queue.go:142 +0x16a


Any pointers as to why this would be or how to resolve/troubleshoot further. 

I've tried this with a range of scanners from 3,2 to 10 to now 40. Regardless of number used, it is at a point where it will continually fail.  

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  • 3 months later...
On 7/24/2023 at 4:06 PM, DivideByZerro said:

Okay gang, I could use someone to point me in the right direction.


I am running MariahDB. It supports several applications and appears to be running without issue. I created a database named "photoview' db and a user "photouser" with full rights to the database.  I log into MariahDB with HeidiDB and everything looks good.


Next, I configured the docker.  After compiling successfully, I checked the PHOTO_VIEW_MYSQL_URL. It has the correct IP address/port configuration as shown in the illustrated in the example.

-e 'PHOTOVIEW_MYSQL_URL'='photouser:photopass@tcp('


When I start the container and look at the logs, I see the following message:

2023/07/24 15:55:53 /app/database/database.go:101
[error] failed to initialize database, got error Error 1045: Access denied for user 'photouser'@'' (using password: YES)


My question is where does come from?  I can't use the docker console for the image, so Im kinda stuck.  Any words of wisdom?



I have a similar issue. It looks like the docker is caching the old value for the env vars somewhere and not honoring changes. Even changing the env var via Console doesn't work.

To reproduce the issue:

- Set up Photoview

- Change SQL machine IP (I changed network range with a new router 192.168.0.x -> 192.168.1.x)

- Update in UnRAID to the new IP

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  • 1 month later...

Trying to get setup. Running, mariedb.

my db server is reachable and pingable from unraid, everything same subnet, but in the photoview logs I see the below. that is the correct IP and port. I made virgin db called phtoview on maria for it to use... Not sure what I'm missing?

2024/04/10 11:44:41 Starting Photoview...
2024/04/10 11:44:41 No .env file found
2024/04/10 11:44:41 WARN: Could not ping database: Could not parse mysql url: default addr for network '' unknown. Will retry after 5 seconds
2024/04/10 11:44:46 WARN: Could not ping database: Could not parse mysql url: default addr for network '' unknown. Will retry after 5 seconds
2024/04/10 11:44:51 WARN: Could not ping database: Could not parse mysql url: default addr for network '' unknown. Will retry after 5 seconds
2024/04/10 11:44:56 WARN: Could not ping database: Could not parse mysql url: default addr for network '' unknown. Will retry after 5 seconds
2024/04/10 11:45:01 WARN: Could not ping database: Could not parse mysql url: default addr for network '' unknown. Will retry after 5 seconds
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x7d8678]

goroutine 1 [running]:
        /go/pkg/mod/gorm.io/[email protected]/gorm.go:363 +0x18
gorm.io/gorm.(*DB).SetupJoinTable(0x3?, {0xdb2940, 0xc000250620}, {0xe473c3, 0x6}, {0xd40d40, 0xc000222af0})
        /go/pkg/mod/gorm.io/[email protected]/gorm.go:395 +0x5e
        /app/database/database.go:177 +0x66
        /app/server.go:45 +0x128
2024/04/10 11:46:11 Starting Photoview...
2024/04/10 11:46:11 No .env file found
2024/04/10 11:46:11 WARN: Could not ping database: Could not parse mysql url: default addr for network '' unknown. Will retry after 5 seconds
2024/04/10 11:46:16 WARN: Could not ping database: Could not parse mysql url: default addr for network '' unknown. Will retry after 5 seconds
2024/04/10 11:46:21 WARN: Could not ping database: Could not parse mysql url: default addr for network '' unknown. Will retry after 5 seconds
2024/04/10 11:46:26 WARN: Could not ping database: Could not parse mysql url: default addr for network '' unknown. Will retry after 5 seconds
2024/04/10 11:46:31 WARN: Could not ping database: Could not parse mysql url: default addr for network '' unknown. Will retry after 5 seconds
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x7d8678]


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