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Parity check consistant error count.


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Does anyone know how i can identify the drive causing the parity check errors? i get 5 every time. Is there a way to make Unraid remember the values on each disk at these error spots and then after a another parity check compare to see what drive is changing these spots? and have ability rerun at these spots to see if its fixed? i have 11 drivers many different sizes maybe i can get a notification when error happens so i can at least narrow it down if it gets passed some smaller drives without errors.


or am i limited to having to take a drive out one at a time with a new one rebuild the data and then check with a party check that takes like 20hours? each time?

Edited by EMKO
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25 minutes ago, EMKO said:

i get 5 every time.

Are you doing a correcting parity check?


But, other than that Marvel based controllers will on (depending upon the drives which are installed) consistently cause 5 errors every time a parity check is done.  Marvel is not a recommended controller for this and other reasons.

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  • 1 month later...

I used to use a SASLP-MV8 in my array, for about 7 years.  I would occasionally get 5 parity errors as you have done.  I replaced that controller with an LSI SAS2008 (PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon] (rev 03) ) and have had good service from it.  However, just yesterday I had a parity check complete, and I have 5 errors. 


Since this pattern has been related to the SAS controller, does anyone think I have something to worry about with this one?  I think I will run a second parity check.  In the past, when I did this, the same 5 errors would show up, and a third check would show no errors, as if they had been corrected.


Any ideas?

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No, Jorge, It has been fine.  The one unusual issue i have had is an st800dm drive has been throwing crc errors- enough that i am going to return it.  I dont see others, so i assumed that isnt the issue.  


How do i find where the errors are?  Maybe its time to replace my 2 year old sas to sata cables?

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Well I am running a second parity check and, as expected, I see these 5 errors again.  Hopefully this means they are corrected; but is it possible they are scrambled?  I am writing corrections to parity; I dislike doing this because eventually I need to replace a disk, and i worry about the potential for these errors to corrupt my rebuild.


Is it possible this is a memory-related error?  I will replace my sas-sata breakout cables this weekend and run a third parity check.  Any input here is welcome.

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Jorge, sorry, I wasnt clear.  That log is from right before shutting down last night to replace the breakout cables.  I restarted and began a parity check - which is not in that diagnostic.  The currently running parity check again shows 5 errors, so they are being corrected a second time.  I will upload another diagnostic tonight when the check finishes. 

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OK that answer was incomplete...Im slow.  This is a supermicro C7P67 with 6 onboard SATA controllers, and I have an LSI SAS2008 for 8 more.  All 8 of the LSI ports are used, and 5 of the onboard.  I see in the log where it says I have scsi host1 and scsi host 2 using Marvell - these must be on the motherboard, right?  how can i change that?  Why would only two have marvell controllers?

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