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"Device is disabled, contents emulated" drive

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Unraid 6.9.2 (updated earlier today)

upon attempting to get binhex/mineos-node running again after the update, the unraid webui became somewhat unusable (only the nav bar would load). I was also unable to access the server via SSH. i held the power button to force the server off, then i rebooted it. now the Unraid webui is working fine, but i got this message on drive 4 of my array: "Device is disabled, contents emulated".


Short SMART test passes fine. here are the smart attributes of the drive:



Other than a lot of spin-up time (I've been meaning to switch my drives to not be always spun up), the drives looks like it should be OK.


What should my next course of action be? are there better tests i should run? will i be able to add this drive back into the array without too much hassle or am i going to need to wipe the drive and rebuild it from parity (assuming the drive is OK)?


Edited by CmdrKeen
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50 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Syslog doesn't cover the disk getting disable, but SMART looks fine so unlikely a disk issue, I would swap cables/controller with another disk to rule that out and rebuild on top.


Cables should be fine. I haven't touched them in a year and only had a problem when I forced it off while it was frozen.


Best thing to do would be to wipe the disk and rebuild you think?


EDIT: I'm starting a preclear on the drive now. after that is it just a matter of selecting that drive again as drive 4 or is there something else i need to do to have the array rebuild using that drive again?

Edited by CmdrKeen
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1 hour ago, CmdrKeen said:

Cables should be fine. I haven't touched them in a year and only had a problem when I forced it off while it was frozen.

Cables can go bad at any time, worth doing to rule them out, could also be a controller issue since that is the single disk on that controller, hence why I suggest swapping.


1 hour ago, CmdrKeen said:

EDIT: I'm starting a preclear on the drive now.

That is IMHO a waste of time and will put another write cycle on it, if you want to test the drive run an extended SMART test.


1 hour ago, CmdrKeen said:

after that is it just a matter of selecting that drive again as drive 4 or is there something else i need to do to have the array rebuild using that drive again?



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Ok so I've stopped the preclear and I'm just running an erase on the drive right now. after thats done i will power down and swap the sata data and power cables with another drive and start up again.

After thats done, i should be able to reselect that drive in the drive 4 slot, check the box acknowledging it will format the drive, and then it will rebuild...right?


Edit: in case anybody else comes upon this and it's not clear... the drive in question must be removed from the array (select disk position as no device), then the array started + stopped, then when you add the drive back in it's position (disk 4 in my case), it will give the option to rebuild. otherwise it just keeps saying the disk is disabled even if it's been wiped clean.

Edited by CmdrKeen
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Sorry, it's not my intent to make you feel stupid, I was genuinely wondering why you thought the current content of the drive mattered even though both itimpi and jorgeb told you that the drive would be completely overwritten with the emulated content regardless of what was already on the drive when it was reassigned to the slot.


I'm trying to improve how technical concepts are explained to people unfamiliar with them, and there was clearly a breakdown in communication somewhere. Not knowing how something technical works doesn't make you stupid. Everybody regardless of intelligence needs new concepts explained at least once, I'd like to know how to better communicate this specific concept.

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10 hours ago, jonathanm said:

Sorry, it's not my intent to make you feel stupid, I was genuinely wondering why you thought the current content of the drive mattered even though both itimpi and jorgeb told you that the drive would be completely overwritten with the emulated content regardless of what was already on the drive when it was reassigned to the slot.


I'm trying to improve how technical concepts are explained to people unfamiliar with them, and there was clearly a breakdown in communication somewhere. Not knowing how something technical works doesn't make you stupid. Everybody regardless of intelligence needs new concepts explained at least once, I'd like to know how to better communicate this specific concept.


Sorry. My thought process was being possibly overly cautious. I didn't fully understand the contents would be overwritten regardless of content.


I would have understood that better had I stopped the array, removed that drive form the array, restarted the array without that drive in it, stopped the array again, and tried to re-add it. At that point I had a clearer picture because there was the notice that it would rebuild. There was no clue in the webui of that being the case until I went through that process. (Even though I wiped the drive first, it still didn't want to rebuild until I went through that process)

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