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Chia farming, plotting; array and unassigned devices


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not gonna disagree there.

if I had a container for each, and I could double network said containers so that the plot storage machines were segregated from main network traffic, I'd be on that idea.  best I can do right now though is the setup I have.

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I saw some random chatter about, setting up the forks to send rewards, not to the explicit wallet address, but a puzzle hash that somehow equates to the wallet, but without exposing the address so it's more secure.  I guess I should look into that.

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7 hours ago, TexasUnraid said:

This is a perfect case for dockers, I wish each blockchain had it's own docker.

Do the chia forks not have a docker image?


Should be able to build yourself based on dockerfile for chia (maybe an older one)

Edited by tjb_altf4
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6 hours ago, tjb_altf4 said:

Do the chia forks not have a docker image?


Should be able to build yourself based on dockerfile for chia (maybe an older one)


Not that I have seen, a lot of them barely work with the regular program lol.


I am running windows right now and don't have the time to build dockers for each of them. If they all had dockers ready to go I would consider the time to swap to linux but as it is, it would take too much time.

  • Haha 1
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10 hours ago, sota said:

I saw some random chatter about, setting up the forks to send rewards, not to the explicit wallet address, but a puzzle hash that somehow equates to the wallet, but without exposing the address so it's more secure.  I guess I should look into that.


Interesting, although the forks already have your key when you set them up, so seems like a waste of time to me?


I consider all the coins I am mining now compermised but since I don't really value them I am not that worried.


When I quit mining I plan to create clean wallets and transfer all the funds to the clean ones.

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Off topic but thinking about making my first "crypto investment". So far I just mine on nicehash with my gaming PC's at night and an old vega 56 in my farming machine that I am debating mining vs selling. I have built up a few hundred worth of bitcoin doing that which is nice.


Thinking about converting ~$100 worth of it to ravencoin since it has a halving coming up at the end of the year and that generally leads to price spikes. Some are saying it could go as high as $1 but even if it went to 0.25 cents that is a 5x return at the current price. Figure it is worth risking $100 on it.


Do ya'll do any other crypto mining/trading?

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54 minutes ago, TexasUnraid said:

Ok, got









running stable it appears.


You have done a lot more research then me, what order would you recommend adding new blockchains in from most stable / best possibility of being worth mining down the road.

honestly, I've just haphazardly started mine from the beginning.

Everything seems to be working, and my coin counts climb occasionally.

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1 minute ago, sota said:

honestly, I've just haphazardly started mine from the beginning.

Everything seems to be working, and my coin counts climb occasionally.


lol, I came to realize I have not won anything in like a week or 2 when checking yesterday.


Guess I will just start randomly adding new ones and see how it goes.

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1 minute ago, sota said:

i'm assuming you're checking the logs for PPF activity?


Nope, never bothered to even learn where the logs are in windows. I check the GUI sometimes but as you can tell I don't exactly make it a habit lol.


For the last 2 weeks I have just been focused on getting it stable, should of done what I am doing now then.

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Thu 07/29/2021 21:42:11.49
   -Total Balance: 32.0 cac (32000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 5500.0 cgn (5500000000000000 mio)
   -Total Balance: 2.000001600351 xch (2000001600351 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 0.0 cov (0 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 20.0 xfx (20000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 72.0 xfl (72000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 56.0 xgj (56000000000000 moji)
   -Total Balance: 74.4 hdd (74400000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 84.0 xka (84000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 60.0 xse (60000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 76.0 spare (76000000000000 graviton)
   -Total Balance: 62.0 xtx (62000000000000 mojo)

Thu 07/29/2021 21:42:35.51
   -Total Balance: 46.0 apple (46000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 56.0 avo (56000000000000 slice)
   -Total Balance: 530002.0 xcd (530002000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 68.0 xdg (68000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 136.0 xeq (136000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 3000.0 gdog (3000000000000000 dog)
   -Total Balance: 0.0 xmz (0 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 48.0 xmx (48000000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 170.0 xsc (170000000000000 octet)
   -Total Balance: 38.139 tsit (38139000000000 mojo)
   -Total Balance: 68.0 sock (68000000000000 msock)
   -Total Balance: 28.0 tad (28000000000000 mtad)
   -Total Balance: 92.0 wheat (92000000000000 mojo)


reeeeeeally wanting chiadoge to go to $1USD/1XCD :D


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2 minutes ago, TexasUnraid said:

No idea how you are getting them all to play nice together. Are you adjusting any settings?


not really.

only universal change I'm making is..

        log_level: INFO
        log_maxfilesrotation: 1000
        enable_upnp: false

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lol, you are more dedicated to me. I am debating quitting farming so that I can use the PCIE slot for another GPU. Just got myself a 6700xt yesterday and can't decide if I should sell my old card or use it for mining. I am out of slots on this machine though.


Interestingly, I uses about ~200W to run my drives for farming and is making ~$1-2/day or so.


GPU mining uses around ~125w and makes ~$1-2 a day.

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