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Two drives failing

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Posted (edited)

Hi folks, 


I had one drive fail (disk4) - while I was waiting for a replacement drive to ship from Amazon I started copying the content to some empty space I had (disk1) - unraid suddenly reports disk1 has failed also. 
I am running a two parity drive setup. 

Seems unusual to have 2 drives fail could you please look at the attached log and help me unerstand what is going on. 

Thank you in advance. Log file attached. 



Edited by daytona235
Posted (edited)

Sorry - find attached the full diagnostics. 
Do you mean the power supply is failing? 
The server has not been moved - so not sure how anything would come loose. 
The two drives are in two different drive cages. 


Edited by daytona235

Disks look fine, it can be power or cable related, cables can go bad even without touching them, both disks have several UDMA CRC errors, so unless those errors are old bad SATA cables would be the prime suspect.


i had a rough month with my unraid box ,about dying disk and CRC/clicking noises  ... and i discovered that my shitty power supply was the culprit. if sata cables and molex cables seem ok (i replaced them first 2 times different brands) ,try to use other PSU just to avoid more problems . i trashed a HGST disk cause it had clicking noise ,then other HGST stated the same problems ,then a toshiba drive .

In the end it was the psu v_V


the toshiba and HGST drives run fine since i bought a seasonic psu and my unraid box has 0 issues since then :)



I dont know if there is much differentiation among SATA cables but I use monoprice cables.


Seasonic is the gold standard for power supplies.  I think you want at least a 850W PS, though, with that many drives.

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