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self-hosted photo video storage


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There doesn't seem to be a lot of movement in the open-source community on this front. I think, I would assume, that the apps and GUI and algorithms (?) developed at Apple and Google: why bother with self-hosted? I did a couple of searches and came up with a few things, and looks like I'm going to give PhotoPrism* a go. I like the idea of having my OWN pictures on my OWN server at my OWN house. Seems to make sense ya? Here are some links to get you started. I'll update this original post from time to time.




reddit Photo Management


no action unRaid post


https://cloudcone.com/moving-away-from-google-photos-take-a-look-at-these-self-hosted-alternatives/ Suggests:


Libre photos, looks slick 



Piwigo, has apps!, but no docker? Linixserver.io has a docker for us












Network appliance Monument https://getmonument.com/, and the soon to be released (May 2021) Monument 2 on Indiegogo $179 diskless

I have used the Monument 1 a few years ago, and it was pretty darn good! But sold my soul to Google since then, and now looking to revisit my life decisions.



I'll tell ya one thing I can't abide: the old "I put my JPGs into folders" method. Maybe if you have an actual camera that would work for you. But in this day and age, if you have kid/s and a smartphone? Fegettaboutit. I hit snap on my phone a dozen times hoping I can get a smile, open eyes, and the attention of all the people, and I barely have the bandwidth to share just the good ones with the kids' parents instead of doing a photo-dump of: here ya go, you sort through 'em.





Photo Prism setup on unRaid

download docker photoprism/photoprism

use MariaDB docker and mysql for backend. Followed this piece of Spaceinvader howto youtube. For even more posterity, here are the console commands for mysql:

mysql -uroot -p<enter>
<password for root mysql access, see MariaDB docker settings>
CREATE USER 'photoprism' IDENTIFIED by 'somerandopassword';<enter>
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON photoprism.* TO 'photoprism' IDENTIFIED BY 'somerandopassword';<enter>

Then back in photoprism docker settings:

change Photoprism database type to: mysql

change Mysql database connection to: photoprism:somerandompassword@tcp(192.168.xxx.xxx:3306)/photoprism?parseTime=true

      where 192.168.xxx.xxx is the IP of your unRaid box, and 3306 is the port for Host Port 1 of MariaDB Docker setting.



ICH777 docker support


Also default doesn't work on SSL https. I should get that fixed up too.


*Got it setup and running. Single user only. No iPhone app. This is pretty much a nail in the coffin here. I am familiar with their suggestion of using PhotoSync, but that's exactly one of the things I don't want to mess with. <meh> I'll let it index, mess around with it for a bit with my photo library, and see if it's worth continuing using w/out that app.



Edited by dkerlee
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  • 10 months later...

I ended up reviving my Synology NAS with an 18TB HD.
Installing Synology Moments.
My plan is to back up the Moments pictures to Unraid.

I think I tried 5 Unraid solutions.
Either my skill level is not high enough or the unraid solutions had different drawbacks or where not mature enough.

Maybe someone has better luck than me?
Hope it helps.

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I ended up bailing on the project! I did manage to switch my email over to fastmail from gmail, so I got a little something to thumb at big-tech. I needed an iPhone app, decent sharing capabilities, and sync. I vaguely recall there was only two solutions that had those items, and both were a no go for me. 

I have used that getmonument product before. I’d be way more keen on it if it could use a network share on my unRaid server. Years ago, when I was using their v1.0 box it did not have that capability. I’ve emailed them before to see about releasing a dockerized version of their hardware - I’d subscribe for it too. Radio silence. But, they might be worth another look at. 

app is updated a week ago (3/14/22)


Monument 2, $180


It will do additional mirrored backup to external NAS


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Got a bit of a surprise here, I reached out to getmonument.com and they got back to me saying they were interested in getting their software dockerized and probably monitized. Anyone know a reputable unRaid Docker author that might run point on this? I've had great luck with @binhex with their stuff. I'll shoot them a message now.


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I've almost gone the complete opposite way... after decades in the Apple ecosystem, I have so many partially-overlapping photo libraries from iPhotos and the new Photos apps that it's almost impossible to get them merged and de-duped. I'm still working toward that using some 3rd party utilities, but after recently buying a new DSLR and having to research a few things, discovered the amazing exiftool command.


After a few hours of reading and experimentation, I was able to dump a bunch of random photos into a folder, send that folder through exiftool, and get a lovely, organized, nested directory structure, with each photo renamed with the date, camera model, dimensions, etc. This is all super-customizable and it was a lot more resilient than I expected. Really old digital photos didn't have as much info, obviously, and physical scans also provided some problems, but in general, nearly all of the original data was still in the files, even after they'd been moved, copied, exported, imported, and otherwise over-handled for years.


So my new approach (I think) is going to be exporting or otherwise siphoning the original files out of the various photo libraries, running them through exiftool to get a new Master Library Directory that will live on my forthcoming Unraid box. I will then copy the photos I want available via Apple Photos / iCloud to one of the Macs and let it be an "end point" for all of the goodies like facial recognition, etc., but without compromising or otherwise losing control of / easy access to the originals.


If you've never used exiftool, definitely give it a look. It works on other meta tag types (XMP, ICC, ID3) to some degree as well, which was a pleasant surprise - still looking at how it might help me process some of my old "shove it in this folder" archives. 😭



Edited by Ray T
Removed redundant redundancy
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This blog entry I wrote is a little dated at this point, but I detail the setup process for another photo stream management technique using Photosync, https://www.photosync-app.com/home.html



Long and short is you can specify "get home" location trigger, or wifi name trigger, folders and more to just copy pics and videos across your wifi when you're home. I use 2022-03/all pics in here sort of scheme and it works swimmingly. PhotoSync can also do the sync over cell data if you don't visit home often enough and still want redundant photo storage from your regular smart phone cloud storage option.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I use dropbox (free) to copy photos off our phones and every few weeks drag/drop copy photos from dropbox folder to an unraid folder.   I have an old version of google Picasa 3 (last windows / non-cloud) version of google photos.  I saw dkerlee's other post referencing PhotoPrism.  That windows machine is about to go away so I'm looking for a new option. 

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