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(SOLVED) Strange UPS Behavior

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I have 2 identical Unraid servers with identical UPS's configured exactly the same.  Last night I had a power outage and one Unraid managed to stay online and run off the UPS.  The other one went down hard and I found the UPS off this morning.  When I turn on the UPS the Unraid started automatically so it looks that it was not a graceful shutdown as the "parity check" just kicked in.

I am really puzzled why this second UPS/Unraid behaved differently.  Again config is the same, UPS battery health is 100%, can't think of anything else?  Is there a way I can do UPS test from the Unraid.


UPDATE:  As sugested to do a test.  I put a big fan on the UPS and did a test. The battery lasted few seconds and the UPS went dead.  Moral of the story, bad batteries. I purchased this after market Apex brand which is CRAP.  They didn't last 12 months,.  Note to self, no more Chinese batteries from https://www.apexbattery.com


Edited by johnwhicker
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I have 2 unraid with separate UPS as well. The UPS on one of my unraid servers was constantly showing 100% but during power outages I would find the server and UPS turned off. Turned server back on and parity check would start. I tried new batteries. Then I pulled batteries and it still showed 100%. So something was wrong with the UPS and I replaced it and new one no issues.

Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk

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3 hours ago, johnwhicker said:

I will do a dry run test as suggested with the power breaker. I will unplug the Unraid so if it goes down during the test I don't have to do the parity check again.  I need to plug in something to simulate a similar load. 

I recommend moving the power for the server to another circuit so you can leave it running and communicating with the UPS. For a dummy load, a portable heater on low or medium, or a hair dryer on low heat works well. WAG from the screenshot, looks like you want somewhere around 500W to simulate max possible draw, assuming the screenshot was showing typical load. If you set it up this way, you can monitor the server's reaction to the power loss, and make sure it shuts down properly without further input from you.


BTW, testing like this is recommended for any UPS setup, especially if it's new. That way you have confidence that A. it works at all B. the server shuts down properly before the UPS runs out of steam and quits powering the dummy load.

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