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"Transport endpoint is not connected"

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Plex is down.  At least, its not finding content.  I ssh into unraid and my SSD with the dockers is fine.  I try to cd into /mnt/user and get "-bash: cd: user: Transport endpoint is not connected"


Cannot cd into this folder.


Also now have a directory called "remotes".


And the directory names are different colors now.  My disk are all blue text on green background (putty) as usual.  /user is blue text on black background, /disks is black text on green background (never seen that before). 




I can access data via cd /mnt/user/disk* just fine.


Edited by tucansam
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2 hours ago, tucansam said:

I can access data via cd /mnt/user/disk* just fine.

I suspect you mean you can access data via /mnt/disk*.


/mnt/user/disk* would be user shares named "disk*".


2 hours ago, tucansam said:

Now I have /mnt/user and /mnt/user0 which appear to be the same thing

/mnt/user is the user shares. /mnt/user0 is the user shares excluding any files still on cache. Since you have no cache then these would be expected to be the same.


Why are you installing so many packages from Nerd Pack? Do you really use all those?


I see you are using Unassigned Devices for your docker configuration. 6.9+ allows multiple pools so that isn't really necessary anymore.



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28 minutes ago, trurl said:

I suspect you mean you can access data via /mnt/disk*.


Yes, sorry.  My mistake.


28 minutes ago, trurl said:


/mnt/user is the user shares. /mnt/user0 is the user shares excluding any files still on cache. Since you have no cache then these would be expected to be the same.


I don't ever remember seeing that before.


28 minutes ago, trurl said:

Why are you installing so many packages from Nerd Pack? Do you really use all those?


I don't know, I installed Nerd Pack, I'm pretty sure it came with everything.  I don't recall choosing.


28 minutes ago, trurl said:

I see you are using Unassigned Devices for your docker configuration. 6.9+ allows multiple pools so that isn't really necessary anymore.




I appreciate the help but I have no idea what this means.



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11 minutes ago, tucansam said:

I installed Nerd Pack, I'm pretty sure it came with everything.  I don't recall choosing.

No, Nerd Pack allows you to choose which to install. I recommend uninstalling anything you don't use regularly.




in 6.9+, you can have multiple pools. Previously only one pool was supported, cache. Now you can have multiple pools as fast storage and use them for different purposes. I have nvme as a pool named "fast" which is used by my docker and VM shares, including appdata, domains, system. And I have a pool named "cache" which is used for caching user shares.



Did you only recently upgrade to 6.9+? Have you read the release threads?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just had this issue, too. My unraid box did a parity check overnight, and when I got up this morning the user folder couldn't be accessed. First time this has happened. I am on 6.9.1 and haven't yet upgraded to 6.9.2. Rebooting fixed it, but it'd be nice to know what happened in the first place or if there were something I could do by ssh-ing into the box to fix it.

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