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[SOLVED] Update issues 6.9.2 - unable to boot

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Hey folks:


I tried to do a manual update to 6.9.2, and am now having boot issues.  I have worked through the troubleshooting page on the wiki but am stuck.


Here is the process I followed -

    connect the flash drive to a PC/Mac
    make a backup of the flash drive in case you want to be able later revert
    download the zip of the release you want to use from the unRaid download page
    extract all the bz* type files overwriting the ones on the flash drive


After attempting to boot - it first seemed that SysLinux became corrupted and was kicking out a no config file error.  (Opening the folder in windows showed gibberish, and odd file names, so I am assuming the config file error relates to SysLinux anyway.)  So I also copied a new version SysLinux directory on the flash drive. 


Now boot appears normal, but stops at a system login (both in the headless, GUI boot, and safe options).  It does not connect to the local network and I am unable to ping the device or reach the GUI.  (I entered root as the user name, and it shows a root linux prompt). 


What are my next steps?  The good news (I think) is that I have a good copy of the config directory that was working this afternoon.  I was going to try a new flash drive - and copy over the existing config file, but wanted to ask the pros first.



Edited by Chester
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4 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Try recreating the flash drive, then restore only the config folder from the backup.


Ok - I may have used the wrong process. 


I restored the files to the drive and ran the make bootable application as admin (Windows).  I then replaced the config file.  No joy.


Should I format the drive and start fresh? Or try the flash drive making tool?

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Ok - I reformatted the drive.  Ran the make bootable file, and then replaced the config file.


Still no change.  I'll have more time tonight to mess with it.


I did notice that 6.9.2 appears to have a plugin folder, while my config folder has a file.

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all right.  it looks like I need to try a clean flash install.


the troubleshooter says copy the key file.  what is this filed named?


if I can boot it with a clean flash install - I will not lose data provided I do not assign drives right?


assuming I can get that far - how do I recover the arrays?  The troubleshooting docs seem to be a work in process there.  I am assuming that I will need to assign drives at some point, but want to tread lightly.

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1 hour ago, Chester said:

the troubleshooter says copy the key file.  what is this filed named?

It normally resides in the config folder on the flash and has a .key extension.


1 hour ago, Chester said:

assuming I can get that far - how do I recover the arrays?  The troubleshooting docs seem to be a work in process there.  I am assuming that I will need to assign drives at some point, but want to tread lightly.

Do you know which drives are parity drives?     The key thing is not to assign any data drives to parity as this would destroy the contents.   If you are not sure then this section of documentation gives a procedure you can use.

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work in progress.


Good news is that I was able to recover the drives after some trial and error in the config file.  (I thought I had it running, but the array would not start).  Ultimately I did a clean flash install with the existing flash drive.  Appreciate the help.


Remaining issues:


1.  For some reason, the license is MIA.  I thought I copied it to the config file.  (Same flash drive as before).  This could be user error.


2.  A lot of weird docker / plug in errors, and Community Applications cannot be loaded even with the fresh install.  (The only plug-in I had loaded was Pihole).


3.  Is there an easy way to assign a new fixed IP?  The box grabbed a random IP when it finally booted - so now I have to remap all my other computers.  The IP info is grayed out in settings.


If someone can help, it would be appreciated, but I can start another thread if needed. 


These appear to be docker errors. 



Warning: parse_ini_file(/boot/config/docker.cfg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 50

Warning: array_replace_recursive(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, bool given in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 50

Warning: parse_ini_file(/boot/config/domain.cfg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.vm.manager/include/libvirt_helpers.php on line 478





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  • Chester changed the title to [SOLVED] Update issues 6.9.2 - unable to boot

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