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Then I'll try to backup all my data. Since I am unable to mount any kind of storage device, is there a way for be to backup all the data that I couldn't normally reach from outside the server? I thought about mounting an external SMB share, but it also doesn't auto mount it.

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Sorry, as stated above: I edited my message. After restarting the server once gain, I was able to mount a disk with UD again.

I'm already copied the '/mnt/cache' folder. The backup seemed to have almost double the size of the original cache folder as per 'du -sh'.

I'm re running the rsync copy with the -l flag this time.

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I couldn't get the folder size down this way. The original cache folder is 309GB in size. The copy is 695GB in size. How is that possible?

The command I used was 'rsync -r -l --stats --progress /mnt/cache ./'


It also seems that there are file duplicate Files among the cache and the pool. (E.g. a 55GB movie with the exact same hash value)


How do I go about the backup being more than double the size and the fact that there are file duplicates? 



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To avoid the duplicates you needed the  --remove-source-files option and if any of the files are sparse files (e.g. vdisks for VMs) then you want the  --sparse option to stop them being expanded to their full size.    Note that the option to remove files on a successful copy does not remove folders so you may have to manually delete those.


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Does it matter if I copy ALL the files with the --sparse flag?

I tried creating a 1 to 1 copy for a couple of days now without success.


Using the sparse flag makes the copy folder smaller since there are files that are now falsely copied.

And without, the copy is way bigger since there are a quite many sparse files.


Is there an 'easy' way to just make a one to one copy of ALL the contents of my /mnt/cache folder?

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2 hours ago, GhostJumper said:

Using the sparse flag makes the copy folder smaller since there are files that are now falsely copied.

And without, the copy is way bigger since there are a quite many sparse files.

Sparse means a file has space allocated for possible future use, but not currently used. What do you mean by files falsely copied?

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4 hours ago, GhostJumper said:

Using the sparse flag makes the copy folder smaller since there are files that are now falsely copied.

And without, the copy is way bigger since there are a quite many sparse files.

A sparse file is one where it does not store data for empty sectors, but still the system returns the ‘empty’ data for those sectors if an attempt is made to read them, so as such it is not a ‘false’ copy.  As such there is little downside for backup purposes as they will still have all their data and the space saving is worthwhile.    

You can always copy a ‘sparse’ file to remove the sparseness so the physical space equals the logical space.   The one caution is that using ‘sparse’ files allows you to over-commit the space on the drive so that the total of all the logical size exceeds the physical size, so if you are writing to those files you have to remember this can gradually remove the ‘sparseness’ so you might run out of space unexpectedly.   

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@JonathanM my issue lies in the fact that I need to copy a folder with sparse files that also contains non sparse files.


Copying the folder WITHOUT the -S makes the copied folder more than double the size cause the actual sparse files aren't copied the way they were intended to be used.

Copying the folder WITH the -S makes the copied folder smaller than the original. I presume that rsync mistakes some files for sparse files.


My issue: making a 1:1 copy of ALL the files in a folder. So that the du command shows the exact same size.

Edited by GhostJumper
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