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Disabled disk


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So, i just started my server and one of my hdds is showing as "disabled - contents emulated"

No id wth is going on...No weird noises from the HDD, replaced cables, changed sata ports on mobo..power supply is brand new!..


Attached diagnostic and smart results...appreciate  if anyone can take a look.

ST33000651AS_Z290KWCT-20210907-2229.txt ST33000651AS_Z290KWCT-20210907-2228 disk2 (sdf) - DISK_DSBL.txt

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Yeah its very old haha.

I dont have any cold spares atm no..

I replaced the cables and ports from the drive..


Anything i can do or is it toast?

Edit: so i tried the disk in question on another pc, ran smart tests..all seems normal, despite its age..at a loss now..

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5 hours ago, igk said:

Cant atm..bought a new drive and im zeroing it atm, gonna switch it as my new parity when its done..Removed the disabled drive for the time being..

You can't replace single parity when you already have another disk disabled. Probably no good reason to remove disabled drive unless you are going to replace it.

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16 minutes ago, trurl said:

You can't replace single parity when you already have another disk disabled. Probably no good reason to remove disabled drive unless you are going to replace it.

Khm..im ashamed to day, but i cant find my spare sata cables🤣

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A lot of stuff going on in syslog, including at some point unassigning parity, so I was worried about that.


But if I am reading it right, it looks like you built parity2 in maintenance mode without rebuilding parity.


Is that correct?


We really need you to spell these things out in greater detail. Why did you unassign parity at some point?


I'm still a little worried, but the simplest way to see what you have now is to start the array in normal mode and see if disk2 is emulated.


Start array in normal mode and post new diagnostics.

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