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[SOLVED] Unraid splitting data across cache drives.


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I have a share called media, it is set to use a cache drive named cache_ssd_media.  I also have an array of hdd's, it is set to use only disk1 in that array when the mover is called.

My issue is that I have another cache ssd named cache_ssd_data and for whatever reason unraid is splitting the movies, tv shows etc between the two cache drives.

I understood that all the settings under a share such as allocation method, split level etc handle how the data is handled once on the hdd array and has nothing to do with the cache drives, or, am I understanding that incorrectly?

I attached pictures to show the setup, you can see that the files in the media share are occupying two cache drives and disk1, I am not sure why it is using cache_ssd_data at all which I do not want.

My desired setup is media files on cache_ssd_media and when that is over 75% full and the mover is called they are then transferred to the disk1 hdd.






Edited by Reytak
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49 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Do you have a Docker container (or something similar) downloading files to the extra cache drive?   If so it may be by-passing the user Share system.


There are no programs that auto download to the media share, I manually move files into their respective sub-folders such as TV, Movies etc.


The only thing that does access it is a plex docker but I do not see how that could be responsible for reading from one cache drive and distributing to another.


Either that or the unraid filesystem is immediately dispersing the files I move into that share across several drives but based on my understanding of the settings and how I have it configured I do not understand why or how it would be doing that.

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33 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

Which share do they download to, and which pool is it assigned to?

a jdownloader docker downloads to a "downloads" share which itself is located on "cache_ssd_data" which is setup to when full move to array disk2.

Edited by Reytak
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33 minutes ago, Reytak said:

a jdownloader docker downloads to a "downloads" share which itself is located on "cache_ssd_data" which is setup to when full move to array disk2.


1 hour ago, Reytak said:

I manually move files into their respective sub-folders such as TV, Movies etc.

How do you do the manual move? Try copying then deleting the source and see if the results change.

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26 minutes ago, JonathanM said:


How do you do the manual move? Try copying then deleting the source and see if the results change.


I use Krusader which is running in a docker to move files from the downloads share to the media share, I sometimes also do this from a windows computers accessing the shares via smb in file explorer.

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16 minutes ago, trurl said:


I read the part which states:


"2. The Linux command for Move and Rename are the same, mv. So when you try to move files from one user share to another, Linux will often simply rename the files so they have a different path on the same disk, in violation of any user share settings such as included disks. The workaround for this is to copy from source to destination, so that new files get created following the user share settings, then deleting from the source."


In my scenario I am moving from share "downloads" on "cache_ssd_data" to "media" on "cache_ssd_media", I would hope linux/unraid realizes the source and destination are in fact two different drives.  However it seems to be in some cases simple creating the same media folder hierarchy on "cache_ssd_data", strange.

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10 minutes ago, Reytak said:

I would hope linux/unraid realizes the source and destination are in fact two different drives. 

It doesn't / can't.


If you use SMB shares, Unraid can intercept the action and move the files correctly. Since you are using Krusader (a container) to directly access the /mnt/user tree, it can't intervene, and since a rename works correctly as far as Krusader can see, it doesn't do the copy / delete.

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17 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

It doesn't / can't.


If you use SMB shares, Unraid can intercept the action and move the files correctly. Since you are using Krusader (a container) to directly access the /mnt/user tree, it can't intervene, and since a rename works correctly as far as Krusader can see, it doesn't do the copy / delete.


Very interesting and thanks for pointing that out, I probably would not have arrived at that conclusion myself any time soon.

I will perform a few tests, just to see this behavior myself and in a controlled manner.

Thanks very much for your help thus far!


Update: Yup, I can confirm this behavior, I created two folders in the cache_ssd_data/downloads share, one named "moved with krusader" and one "moved with smb" and then moved them accordingly to the movies subfolder within the media share.

Using the shell to access each cache disk directly sure enough the krusader one ended up in cache_ssd_data/media/movies and the smb one ended up in cache_ssd_media/media/movies.

Well, at least I know why now, just have to move them all with SMB from now on I guess.



Edited by Reytak
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  • Reytak changed the title to [SOLVED] Unraid splitting data across cache drives.

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