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Virtual machines aren't working.

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Lots of varied issues after my Linux VM froze.


Now when I try to reboot it boots with the array stopped.


When I boot the Linux VM it gets to the graphical login screen but the keyboard and mouse don't respond. ( if I boot to the console the keyboard works but when I reboot it gets stuck at the tiano core screen)


Windows is even worse, it just shows the tiano core screen and freezes.


I've included a couple of diagnostics.




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Fixed everything except the booting issue, which might be fixed by a parity check.


I removed all my passed through devices from the VMs and from the bind devices dialogue, rebooted, disabled PCIe ACS override, rebooted, this time there were no conflicts so I rebound everything I needed, rebooted, reenabled everything in the VM edit screen and the VMs booted perfectly.

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