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Docker Containers Not Working After Installing MyServers


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Good evening, 


Last night I decided to give Limetech's MyServers a go.

I used the guide here: https://wiki.unraid.net/My_Servers to install it and everything was working fine.

I noticed that I was no longer able to log into my unraid server locally (by simply typing 192.168.x.x). It would just redirect to a long unraid.net web address. I already have wireguard vpn enabled so I decided to just uninstall MyServers.


I signed out of unraid.net and deleted the MyServers plugin. 

I rebooted the server and none of my docker containers would start. When manually trying to start a container I was given the error message:


Execution Error

Server Error 


Very similar to this users post:


I scoured the internet and forums for answers and all I could come up with was the suggestion to delete the docker.img file, recreate it and then reinstall each docker container. I used this reference: 


After deleting and recreating a new docker virtual disk image, I still cannot install a docker container. Any time I try to install anything I'm presented with the following error:


docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: unable to retrieve OCI runtime error (open /var/run/docker/containerd/daemon/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/moby/17fd5103fa719c336a9b657b38b6c1763ab9854afe772793f63562568c02e263/log.json: no such file or directory): fork/exec /usr/bin/runc: exec format error: unknown.
The command failed.


I'm hoping a magical Unraid expert can help me get back up and running and I'd greatly appreciate any support.




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/config/go on the flash drive
At some point, you did add it for one reason or another.  
@binhex what is this?
That was a temporary workaround for issues with runc, if the user is running the latest version of unraid then that hack is no longer required

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

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Squid, you're a GENIUS.

I have no idea why or how your suggestion helped but everything is back to normal.

I don't even have the words to express my appreciation!

All of my docker containers are reinstalled and running perfectly.

Thanks again, so much.


best regards,


Edited by Daxton
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