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WebUI unreachable for 10 Minutes after Reboot

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Hi all,


I'm currently testing Unraid and ran into a weird issue:


Whenever I'm rebooting my machine, it takes around 10 minutes until the Web UI is reachable.


I'm monitoring the bootup process via console/ipmi and can see that the server boots up fine and arrives at the Unraid logon prompt after a short while.

The server responds to pings and all the shares are also accessible. It's only the web page that is timing out when trying to connect.

After about 10 minutes the webpage starts working without me doing anything differently.


The strange thing is, if I go to Disk Settings and deactivate the autostart of the array, the gui is reachable immediately after the console arrives at the logon prompt.


Starting and stopping the array once I'm in the gui only takes a few seconds.


I'm not sure whats going on here, any ideas?




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Sorry, i collected the logs and attached them now.

The only thing i could find is in the syslog:


Log outputs start at 20:34:49 and goes quickly till 20:35:47 then nothing happens until 20:40:54.

After that, php and nginx start and I can connect.


Thanks for looking into this.


Edited by shadeless
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Thank you Squid!


Uninstalling Unassigned Devices fixed it!


Reboot in safe mode resulted in the webgui coming up quickly again. But the array was stopped so i guess this was the same as setting autostart to no for me.

I then uninstalled Preclear which didn't help. Uninstalling Unassigned Devices finally solved it.


I think this was the issue (from syslog): Nov 15 20:40:57 unraid unassigned.devices: Cannot 'Auto Mount' Remote Shares.  Network not available!


Thanks again :)

Edited by shadeless
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