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when moving files using windows on unraid shares and get an unexpected file error is there any tweaks i can do?


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so i not sure  is it unraid   or is it windows..   or is there tweaks


i find if i try moving several files  from 1 unraid share to another using windows move.. and i have like 4 or so different instances of move happening  i get the error  an unepected error is keeping  you from moving the file.....  and so on


is that a windows problem..  that i cant transfer lots of files.. is it an unraid thing so i can tweak a setting ...  or would this error happen  on say a Freenas.. where its built for more speed...  i not sure 100% how to prevent it etc..


and would this happen if mulitiple computers were moving back and forth on the network  to the unraid server


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and i find it happens all the time if u moving a group of files.     if i moving music.  pictures, videos, documents   


and not only if its just 1 move command    or if its 4 or so  they give me that unexpected error.. been dealing with that a long time but i figured id ask  if maybe its my unraid not tunned just right


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