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Unable to access unraid WEBUI on network - ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

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So everything was fine.


Now I am unable to access the webUI.  Ive checked all the usual, on the same network etc.


I can SSH into the unraid machine, I can ip route table and it shows the correct static IP thats been set


however when I try to use the browser it reports back that the site cant be reached.




I am unable to see the static IP that I set the unraid machine in the reserved address table in pfsense.  Yet I can still SSH into the machine.


Ive tried rebooting my router PFSENSE

different machines and different browsers.

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12 hours ago, JonathanM said:

Try if you enabled ssl or if you have not.




I have tried another unraid USB stick i have that also has (FULL LICENSE).  It boots into the unraid web UI no issue


So im wondering if the other (original) USB stick has failed



Can i use the spare licensed unraid USB stick and simply copy over the config folder from the old unraid usb stick and thats it?

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6 minutes ago, Greygoose said:

Can i use the spare licensed unraid USB stick and simply copy over the config folder from the old unraid usb stick and thats it?


That will transfer all settings.  Just make sure you keep the correct .key file for that stick in the config folder as the .key files are tied to a particular USB stick.

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56 minutes ago, Greygoose said:

The original USB stick would not boot into the GUI even with a monitor connected to the main machine.  It would just hang...


So i have copied over the config folder to the new machine and now thats doing something similar.    

That at least suggests that the original USB stick is fine and it is something specific to your setup that is causing the problem.


Have you tried booting in Safe Mode?  If that works then you know that a plugin is probably the problem.

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finally working. been a long day...


So i put the original usb stick into another usb port on the motherboard and it booted into the unraid GUI.


I was still unable to access the webUI from another machine.  So i changed the SSL setting to NO in management, now the machine can be accessed from another local machine.



Any ideas?


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