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Solved: How do I replace 2 failed parity drives?

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi - I performed a clean shutdown of my unRaid media server yesterday so my sparky could install a dedicated circuit for my home theatre/listening room. When the new circuit was in place and everything else had been powered on, I attempted to boot the unRaid server but it was dead as a dodo. Initial troubleshooting finds no problem with the psu (the same psu and cables booted another pc, and multimeter readings are good). When I first tried to boot it, I thought the power switch felt different, so I decided to do a long overdue case upgrade - hoping to kill 2 birds with one stone. I hoped that the power switch in the old case was faulty, but no.


I have reseated all cables, RAM and CPU. I have done a hard reset, and replaced the CMOS battery. I have tried removing the GPU and NIC, but it is looking like I am up for a new cpu and motherboard. What is the procedure for introducing new hardware into my unRaid server?



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After removing the CMOS battery for about 15 minutes I was, much to my surprise, able to boot to unRaid - but both parity drives were missing. They appear to have both died at the same time. I have tried them on different data and power cables, and in a Windows PC, but they do not spin up and appear to be dead. As I outlined in my previous post, all this happened after a clean shutdown. I have included my diagnostics files although I don't know if they will be any use. I would greatly appreciate any advice regarding what might have happened, as I am worried that the same thing might happen after replacing the parity drives.




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  • Steviewunda changed the title to How do I replace 2 failed parity drives?
  • Steviewunda changed the title to Solved: How do I replace 2 failed parity drives?

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