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restored USB flash drive - please set password

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Hello everyone,


I swapped my USB flash drive and restored it with the flash backup file from My Servers. I flashed the new drive with the USB Creator and selected the local ZIP file. 

After booting from the new usb drive my server login page prompt me "Please set a password for the root user account"

Did I miss something while restoring or is this the normal way it goes? I thought / read after restoring you just can boot up the server and swap the licence key after booting up. If this isn´t the case is the simplest solution just to copy the config folder from the old drive?


I just want to keep all my server, plugins and docker settings.


Thanks a lot

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad the backup helped you get back up and running!

When setting up flash backup, there is a comment on the page that says "Please note that the flash backup is not encrypted at this time" with a link to our wiki page. 


Until these backups are encrypted, we will not backup your root password, Unraid user passwords, or your WireGuard keys. Please see this for information on restoring backups:

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