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Moving existing Basic installation to a new Plus license


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I have a fully operational UnRAID installation running on a Basic license with several dockers and VMs as well as an unassigned drive, cache drive and 4 disk array.  This means I have reached the maximum 6 devices for a Basic license.


I would like to move this existing system to a Plus license so I can add a second cache drive - however I would also like to build a second UnRAID server.  I could upgrade the existing license and buy a new Basic license for the new server, but it would be cheaper if I bought a new Plus license, moved my existing server to this new license, and then used the old Basic license to build the new server.


Can anyone advise how to do this?


Many thanks,

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All the settings for an Unraid server are stored in the 'config' folder on the flash drive.  You could therefore set up a new flash drive with the Plus licence on it and then copy across the 'config' folder from the Basic licence flash (omitting the .key file which is tied to that particular drive) to the new Plus licenced flash drive.   If you now boot the existing server off this drive it will come up with all settings intact, and the old Basic licenced flash drive is now free for use in the extra server.

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Hi, I have a similar situation in that I've been running a plus server for just under a year with no issues or complaints (it's been great) but I now want to migrate to a bigger machine with more capacity. I appreciate that I'll need to upgrade to the Pro license but I'm not sure how to go about it without trashing my current server or losing everything in the process.


Is it just a case of

  • Purchase upgrade from Plus to Pro on existing machine
  • Register new machine with a trial key and once built and configured, transfer all data across
  • Replace trial USB key with (now pro) licensed key? 


I won't be using any of the hardware between these machines, other than the licensed USB key.



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14 minutes ago, maric said:

True, I did think about that as well, I was just trying to save the expense of a full Pro key on top of the Plus I already have is all.

I'd think the cost difference between upgrading your existing Plus vs a full Pro would be well worth it, since you could keep both machines ready to use. The old machine could stay off most of the time, just boot it up to update your backups. Also, no fooling around with transferring configs, just keep running.



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I've been pondering this and decided that I don't really need to run two machines, there's no real benefit for me at the moment, especially considering the giant leap in performance from my current machine to the new one.


I already have a working backup solution to Google Drive using Duplicati (thanks SpaceinvaderOne) so I'm only really looking to port my current subscription which I would upgrade to Pro, to a totally new machine without transferring any hardware, is that possible?



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2 hours ago, maric said:

I'm only really looking to port my current subscription which I would upgrade to Pro, to a totally new machine without transferring any hardware, is that possible?

The licence is tied to the USB drive, not the server hardware, so you can simply boot the new server off your existing USB drive and then go through the standard process for upgrading the licence.


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