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Completely dead


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Last night I was having issues on my server and decided to do a restore. I started the restore and went to bed, when I got up this morning the system is completely dead, I can't access the drives on the network and I can't access the server through the web interface. I'm temped to reboot but I thought I should ask first. The version I have been running is: Version 6.9.2 2021-04-07. I am unable to attach any kind of log since I have no access to the system.



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Sorry, I missed the ping question. Yes, it does respond to a ping.




I really need to try to get this server running again. I am very grateful for any support, but it is difficult to wait when the server is completely dead. Short of pulling the usb stick I can't think of anything that could be done other than a reboot to see if it will come back up. Short of that it looks like a complete re-build from scratch. I will try and wait a bit longer before rebooting or shutting down and powering up again.


Again, I really appreciate your support



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Sorry, I missed the ping question. Yes, it does respond to a ping.




I really need to try to get this server running again. I am very grateful for any support, but it is difficult to wait when the server is completely dead. Short of pulling the usb stick I can't think of anything that could be done other than a reboot to see if it will come back up. Short of that it looks like a complete re-build from scratch. I will try and wait a bit longer before rebooting or shutting down and powering up again.


Again, I really appreciate your support



Another update:


I installed putty on my pc and used ssh to try and connect to the server. I got a response for username and password. I entered the correct information, after putting in the password the cursor is hung, I get no response back.



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Sorry, I missed the ping question. Yes, it does respond to a ping.




I really need to try to get this server running again. I am very grateful for any support, but it is difficult to wait when the server is completely dead. Short of pulling the usb stick I can't think of anything that could be done other than a reboot to see if it will come back up. Short of that it looks like a complete re-build from scratch. I will try and wait a bit longer before rebooting or shutting down and powering up again.


Again, I really appreciate your support



Another update:


I installed putty on my pc and used ssh to try and connect to the server. I got a response for username and password. I entered the correct information, after putting in the password the cursor is hung, I get no response back.




Are you saying there is no backup and restore function in unraid?




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I'm sorry I don't really understand some of your questions. Here is what happened:

I was trying to get binhex-delugevpn to work with my sab and nzbget dockers, I followed space invader's tutorial and everything seemed to work as I did a curl command from the docker console of each and it was in fact giving me the ip address of where I wanted to use the vpn. I then went and added the port for each docker as per his instruction but in every case I could not get the webui to work. So decided I would remove the port from binhexdeluge and put everything back. When I made the change and clicked apply binhex-delugevpn had dissapeared. So I re-installed it again, then when I removed the changes in sab and clicked apply I lost that docker. Then if I made any change to binhex-delugevpn to try again I had the same problem where the docker would just dissapear and I had to re-install it again. So at that point I though I would just give up trying to get the vpn to work and decided to just do a restore (which I thought would put everthing back the way it was before) and I could try and get some help. So obviously I should not have done the restore, I thought that the restore would put everything back to where it was before I started trying to get the vpn to work. I was wrong, and now this is where I am.


I hope that helps, I can't tell without seeing the severver as to exactly what  app I chose because I can't visualize in my head and I have rarely looked at that screen. I can tell you that while watching the restore function I did see it putting in my plex data but I went to bed after that as it was very late.




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