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First manual docker container setup help

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I'm trying to self-host a discord bot. I am using the instructions on their Dockerhub page. I am able to map the correct paths and have the config.yml file updated with my variables. However, I don't seem to have the port/address mapping correct, as it will not connect. In the container log it just keeps repeating an error like "bind: cannot assign requested address". Is this a simple misconfiguration that I can correct? Or have I bit off more than I can chew in terms of setting this up with my lack of Docker knowledge?


Attached are the unRaid container log, the HTTP snippet of my config.yml, and the status from the unRaid Docker tab

config http.png

docker log.png

unraid docker status.png

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Will it work if you have it listen at  The 172 address can and do change based upon startup order etc.
After a reboot it was indeed assigned another 172. I changed the bind to as suggested and it's working great! thanks again!

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

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